"Wife, what do you think I can do to save face? What would it feel like if you were rejected?" Ye Chen said wrongfully.

"Hum, can she compare with me?" Su Wanyi said with a dissatisfied expression.

Ye Chen knew he was wrong again. He quickly changed the topic and said, "well, wife, there are so many delicious food here. Why use a little thing to affect his mood."

Su Wanyi is not a trouble seeker, and it's a waste not to eat so many delicious food. She wants to turn grief into appetite and eat a lot.

Seeing that the woman in front of her didn't speak again, ye Chen breathed a sigh. It seems that this matter is even in the past.

"I'll get some food. What do you want to eat?" Su Wanyi glanced at Ye Chen and asked.

"No, I'll go with you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The two walked towards the delicious food. Because there were only Ye Chen and Su Wanyi in the store, they didn't have to worry about the lack of food materials at all, so they chose it carelessly.

Suddenly, ye Chen's phone rang and looked at a strange number.

Ye Chen didn't answer, but continued to choose food.

After a while, the ring of the mobile phone rang again. Ye Chen looked at the phone number again and couldn't help frowning.

But he still didn't answer. He rang again several times, which really annoyed him.

And at the moment, Su Wanyi also said, "husband, who is this? Why have I called you so many times? Answer it quickly. Maybe there's something for you."

After hearing Su Wanyi's words, ye Chen reluctantly connected the phone and said, "who, what's the matter with me?"

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry. I called you. I'm really sorry to disturb you." A woman's voice came from the other side.

As soon as ye Chen heard it, she already knew that this woman was Shi Hui.

Of course, Su Wanyi can guess who the other party is when she sees Ye Chen's expression.

"Well, it's really disturbing our dinner." Ye Chen said impolitely.

Shi Hui certainly knows what ye Chen said. We are ye Chen and his wife.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry to trouble you. I just want to ask you when you're free. My mother wants to treat you to a light meal." Shi Hui said.

"Miss Shi, why did your mother invite me to dinner? I haven't seen her." Ye Chen said with an unhappy expression on her face.

Hearing the speech, Shi Hui was also a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Ye Chen to ask her like this. If it were someone else, she would politely agree or refuse.

But ye Chen didn't play cards according to the routine, and Shi Hui was a little depressed.

"Mr. Ye is like this. When my mother heard that you saved me and wanted to thank you, she wanted to invite you home for a casual meal." Shi Hui explained.

She just made an excuse to see ye Chen earlier.

If two people meet more times, she is sure to win Ye Chen.

"Miss Shi, thank your aunt for me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Shi Hui was very happy. She knew that her plan had succeeded.

"Mr. Ye, I will. By the way, when you have time to have dinner at my house, I'll let my mother prepare it for you." Shi Hui continued.

"No, I shouldn't have time to go, not to mention I'm not familiar with you, and if it wasn't you just now, I'd do it for anyone, so I don't think it's necessary to eat." Ye Chen refused directly.

Shi Hui has been immersed in joy, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to say so.

She didn't react for half a day and was stunned for a long time.

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean?" Shi Hui asked with a puzzled expression.

She always felt that this ye Chen was really different from other men and always exceeded her expectations.

"Miss Shi, I've just made it very clear. Well, I'll give up the phone if there's nothing to do." Ye chenmu said without expression.

The reason why he did this was to let the woman named Shi Hui completely die. He had no feeling for Shi Hui.

What's more, Su Wanyi is nearby. He doesn't want Su Wanyi to continue to misunderstand.

Although Ye Chen's doing so will hurt the heart of the woman opposite, this is the most straightforward and direct.

Shi Hui never dreamed that ye Chen would refuse her so neatly, which hit her hard.

"Wife, just heard what I said. Now you can rest assured." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and said.

At the moment, Su Wanyi had a smile on her face and was no longer as worried as before.

"What did you say? I didn't hear anything." Su Wanyi said, casually eating the food on the plate.

"Wife, you don't bully people like this." Ye Chen pretended to be wronged and said.

"Where did I bully you? Don't wrong people." Su Wanyi retorted.

Two people are joking like men and women in love.

But it's strange that when ye Chen and Su Wanyi first fell in love, they were not as sweet as this, and they wouldn't joke like this.

On the contrary, as we spend more and more time together, they have changed their appearance. Others will become colder and colder, but they become sweeter and sweeter.

Ye Chen was about to speak when the phone rang again.

After looking at another strange number, ye Chen thought it was Shi Hui again, so after connecting, he was not angry and said, "Miss Shi, I'm really busy."

"Oh, Mr. Ye, where did Miss Shi come from?" The man opposite said with a smile.

Ye Chen heard the voice of the man opposite him very familiar. He thought for a moment and said, "boss Yu, call me. What's the matter?"

"Boss ye, I really didn't expect you to do such a thing. It really opened my eyes to the world." Yu Yang said with a smile.

Ye Chen certainly understood what Yu Yang said, but he still pretended to be a fool and said, "boss Yu, why can't I understand what you said? What have I done?"

"Boss ye, you held a press conference to slander me for digging at the foot of the wall. It's really amazing to be a man." Yu Yang said with an unhappy expression on his face.

"You know whether it's slander. I don't have to say it too clearly. Moreover, I dare to hold a press conference. You don't have to doubt it. Of course, if you think it's slander, you can sue me. I'll wait." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Of course, he knew that Yu Yang was guilty of being a thief. He didn't dare to sue him at all. That would be nothing more than lifting a stone and hitting himself in the foot.

Yu Yang is not stupid. He can't do such a stupid thing.

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