In fact, ye Chen lied to Su Wanyi. He didn't find Wang XiaoCong at all, but had another purpose.

After Xiao Liu returned, he settled the injured men and walked nervously towards brother bald's room.

Along the way, he was very nervous, and even his palms were sweating.

But when he got to the door, he tidied up his clothes and took a few deep breaths. The whole person's expression naturally changed a lot.

Dangdang knocked on the door and shouted, "bald brother, I'm back."

Baldheaded heard Xiao Liu's voice and his expression became excited. Just now he dreamed of two beautiful women serving him together in the room.

Hearing that Xiao Liu came back, he knew that the beauty he was thinking about was also outside.

After all, I haven't missed a thing handed over to Xiao Liu for so many years.

What's more, Xiao Liu is facing two young people this time, which is easier.

"Liuzi, you're back. Where's the beauty?" Baldheaded, he saw that there were only 61 people. When he looked behind him, there was still no figure, and his face showed a puzzled expression.

"Brother, those two men can't help fighting. They almost died." Xiao Liu didn't answer the bald question, but said it on his own.

"What does the life and death of those two men have to do with me? What I want to know is where the two women are?" The bald man asked angrily.

"Brother, I have arranged for the two women to be watched in an abandoned warehouse." Xiao Liu said.

Ye Chen told him what he said.

"Didn't you say you came to the hotel? How did you get to the warehouse?" Looking at Xiao Liuzhi with a bald head, he asked.

"Yes, it's mainly because the two women are too noisy. I'm afraid to attract the police and cause us trouble." Xiao Liu explained.

I have to say that Xiao Liu's explanation is really seamless, so that the bald head has no doubt.

"Well, take me there quickly. Don't let two little beauties wait." Said with a grin on his bald face.

He can't wait. It's also an exciting experience to think about doing that kind of thing with two beautiful women in the warehouse.

This is something he has never experienced before. It's exciting to think about it.

Xiao Liu drove out of the hotel with a bald head.

At the moment, ye Chen was already waiting in the warehouse. He looked at his watch. There was still a while before the agreed time. He dialed a telephone number.

"Did Wang Hao sleep?" Ye Chen asked.

"Mr. Ye, I haven't heard from you yet. I've been waiting for your call." Wang Hao said nervously.

He has been fidgeting since he came to the ward and has been waiting for the call.

"Sorry, I was delayed just now. That's why I called you so late." Ye Chen apologized.

He thinks it's really impolite to call others so late, but now time is tight and he doesn't want to waste a minute.

"Mr. Ye, don't be so polite to me. I usually sleep late." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Well, I won't waste you too much time. I'll make a long story short. You will arrive at the Star Media Company at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I have something to find you." Ye Chen said bluntly.

"What am I going to do there, and what do you want for me?" Wang Hao asked continuously.

He knows that star media is an entertainment company, but why did Mr. Ye let him go there?

Wang Hao kept asking questions in his heart and wanted to know the answer.

"Well, let's meet tomorrow and talk about it. That's it first." Ye Chen hung up after saying that.

Because he saw the lights on in the distance, he knew that Xiao Liu came with a bald head.

Wang Hao took the hung up phone and was stunned there.

The girlfriend lying in the hospital bed was also in doubt when she saw her boyfriend all night.

And seeing Wang Hao's face after answering the phone, I doubt that there must be something wrong with him.

"Ah Hao, what's the matter with you? What happened?" Asked his girlfriend anxiously.

"Xiao Ying, you know, I may have really met a noble man." Wang Hao looked at his girlfriend and said.

Zhang Ying didn't know what her boyfriend meant and frowned slightly.

She felt that because of herself, the pressure on her boyfriend was really too great. This man was talking nonsense.

"Ah Hao, don't scare me." Zhang Ying said nervously.

Then she looked at her boyfriend in front of her, bit her teeth and said, "ah Hao, I want to tell you something."

"Xiao Ying, I also want to tell you something."

The two men said this sentence almost at the same time.

"Xiao Ying, tell me first." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Hao, I don't want to cure this disease. I really can't bear to see you work so hard for me every day, and I love you very much." Zhang Ying bit her lips and said the decision in her heart.

The idea has been echoing in her mind for a long time.

Zhang Ying was afraid that Wang Hao would be angry once she said it, but she didn't have the heart to watch Wang Hao run around for her every day

Wang Hao should have a very good future because of her drag.

And thinking that Wang Hao sings in the street every day to collect her operation expenses, she can't bear it any more. She feels that she has delayed Wang Hao.

"Xiao Ying, don't be silly. Your disease will be fine. As long as you cooperate with the treatment, there will be no problem. Trust me, okay?" Wang Hao hugged his girlfriend.

He would never allow Zhang Ying to have such an idea.

"Hao, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Let's break up." Zhang Ying cried.

When she said this, it was so painful and reluctant.

"Xiao Ying, what did I do wrong? Are you breaking up with me?" Wang Hao hugged Zhang Ying more tightly.

He is not afraid of anything, but there is only one thing that makes him afraid, that is, losing Zhang Ying.

But now his girlfriend told him that it was really hard for him to accept.

"You've done nothing wrong. I don't want to drag you down any more. I know the operation fee is not so easy. Thank you for taking care of me over the years." Zhang Ying said in tears.

"If it's because of this, you don't have to worry at all. I have money to cure you." Wang Hao said.

"Ah Hao, don't lie to me. I know very well that it's not a small amount. How can it be so easy." Zhang Ying shook her head and said.

She didn't believe what Wang Hao said at all. She just felt that he was comforting her.

"Xiao Ying, why did I lie to you? I really met a noble man, and he gave me a card. Do you know how much money there is?" Wang Hao put the card Ye Chen gave him into his girlfriend's hand and said.

"How much is it?" Zhang Ying looked at the card and asked.

She knew that Wang Hao didn't cheat her, because this kind of card can't be owned by ordinary people unless the other party has strong strength.

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