"I won't tell you first. You can guess." Wang Hao said and compared a number 1 with his hand.

"100000." Zhang Ying said.

Wang Hao shook his head and said nothing.

"A million?" Zhang Ying asked in surprise.

"By the way, it's a million." Wang Hao said with his girlfriend in his arms.

Zhang Ying just said it casually, but she didn't think she was really right. She was surprised to cover her mouth with her hands and stare.

"Ah Hao, why do you have so much money?" Zhang Yingfa asked.

"Xiao Ying, didn't I tell you that I met a noble man." Wang Hao replied with a smile.

"But even so, how could he give you so much money and ask you to do something for him?" Zhang Ying continued to ask.

"He really asked me to help him." Wang Hao said solemnly.

Hearing the speech, Zhang Ying's heart clicked. She suddenly remembered those terrible scenes on TV.

"Ah Hao, you can't do those illegal things for me. It's really over for you. Give the money back to that person as soon as possible." Zhang Ying said nervously.

"Xiao Ying, what do you think? What's illegal? He asked me to go to the star media company tomorrow morning." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Isn't star media an entertainment company? Why did you go there?" Zhang Ying asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. I'll know when I get there tomorrow." Said Wang Hao.

"Ah Hao, you can't lie to me." Zhang Ying stared at Wang Hao and said.

To see the clue from Wang Hao's face, she didn't believe her boyfriend's words at all. She felt that she was just comforting her.

"Fool, when did I cheat you? Don't worry." Wang Hao gently stroked Zhang Ying's hair and said.

Zhang Ying thought that if what Wang Hao said was true, it would be a pie in the sky.

She didn't expect that the two people should be so lucky. She was a little excited.

When ye Chen saw Xiao Liu bring his bald head, his face showed an evil smile. He wanted this guy to really think about his woman.

"Brother, we're here. Two beauties are inside. I won't go in with you. I'll wait for you outside." Xiao Liu said with a smile.

Baldheaded couldn't help it. He wanted to run over. He didn't care whether Xiao Liu went in with him.

He excitedly walked inside and kept shouting, "beauties, I'm coming."

When he walked into the warehouse, he was stunned. He didn't see Su Wanyi and Ren Xue.

Standing in front of him was indeed a young man.

"Where's my beauty?" Bareheaded looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Ye Chen felt that the man was really obsessed with sex. He was dying, and he still thought of beauty in his heart.

"What do you say?" Ye Chen asked back with a smile.

"By the way, who are you?" Asked with a bald head and wide eyes.

At the moment, he remembered to ask Ye Chen's identity. Just now he was just thinking of two beauties.

Ye Chen didn't speak, so she looked at her bald head with a smile.

Suddenly, the bald head thought of something and said, "I know who you are. We've met in the bar, haven't we?"

The reason why baldheaded remembers Ye Chen is because of his unique temperament.

"We did meet." Ye Chen said.

Hearing the speech, the bald man looked at Ye Chen and said nervously, "you are the girl's boyfriend."

"That's right." Ye Chen nodded and said.

The bald man said he was going to run out, but he was taken by Ye Chen.

"Boy, what are you doing?" The bald man looked at Ye Chen nervously and asked.

"What do you think I'm going to do when you think of my woman?" Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

"If you dare to touch me, be careful you can't leave here." The bald man threatened.

Ye Chen felt a burst of laughter in his heart. It seems that the man hasn't figured out the situation yet.

"Liuzi, Liuzi, come in quickly. Someone wants to kill me." The bald man stretched his neck and shouted.

"I advise you to save your energy. Even if you shout your throat, no one will come to save you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The bald man also felt that there was a problem. Mingming Xiaoliu was waiting for him outside, but no one came in after calling for so long.

What's more strange is that there are no two women and those men he cares about. Instead, the young man is standing here.

The bald man's heart sank. He knew he had been cheated.

It seems that ye Chen and Liuzi colluded to trick him here, and then the guy left.

As he thought, Xiao Liu quickly turned around and left after he saw that he got off the car with a bald head and entered the warehouse. He didn't dare to stay for half a minute at all.

"Shit, I was cheated." The bald man swore a dirty word.

Then he looked at Ye Chen and asked in disbelief, "I want to know how you did it. You let Liuzi, a loyal man, betray me."

"This is very easy. I spared his life. He did it to repay me." Ye Chen said calmly.

"No way, I don't believe it." The bald man shook his head and said.

You know, Liuzi brings a lot of men. Ye Chen is not their opponent at all. How can we spare Liuzi's life.

"If you don't believe me, there's no way. That's the truth. I don't have to tell you too much." Ye Chen shrugged and said.

"If you dare to attack me, my little brothers will not spare you when they know." The bald man threatened again.

He knew that no one could help him now, and he could only save himself.

The only thing I can think of is to scare the young man away and he will be saved.

Ordinary people may hesitate when they hear it, but how can ye Chen be frightened.

"Big bald head, you've got the wrong person. If I were afraid, I wouldn't be waiting for you here." Ye Chen said helplessly.

Then he continued, "maybe your little brother will take revenge on me, but they have to wait until they can go to the ground. How can it be a few months later."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, his bald head widened his eyes. He really didn't see those little brothers just now. Could it be that all these people were beaten down by him.

Bald eyes looked at Ye Chen in fear.

It's terrible to think that he could kill so many people with his own strength.

Looking at the young man approaching him step by step, he was really scared with his bald head. He even felt the smell of death.

"You, what are you doing?" The bald man asked in a trembling voice.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Ye Chen said without expression.

He knows that killing is against the law, and ye Chen doesn't want to dirty his hands because of a bald man.

Although the capital crime is excusable, the living crime is inevitable.

Bald man must pay for what he has done. He shouldn't have moved Su Wanyi.

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