Anyway, there's nothing to do at leisure. It's better to send a takeout to pass the time.

Sooner or later, ye Chen hurried to the store to pick up food.

He came to the parking lot and started the car towards the shop.

After a short meeting, we reached our destination. It was an ice drink shop.

When ye Chen arrived at the store, the clerk had already packed the food.

"What would you like to order, sir? We have new products in our store." The waiter smiled and asked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is so handsome in front of him. He is simply a domineering President fan'er. What people see is blushing and heartbeat.

Ye Chen's current image is the ideal boyfriend in the hearts of many girls.

Because of her shyness, the girl's pretty face became a little red, even to the root of her ears.

Looking at the saleswoman in front of her, ye Chen felt a burst of laughter.

However, he did not dare to look at girls too much, just worried that others would be so shy.

"Sorry, I'm here to pick up the takeout." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

After hearing this, the saleswoman widened her eyes as if she had heard an incredible thing.

"What did you say, sir?" The saleswoman looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"I came to pick up the takeout." Ye Chen shook his cell phone in front of the salesgirl and said with a smile.

Seeing the content on the mobile phone, the saleswoman came back.

It's amazing to believe that the well-dressed man in front of us is a takeout.

"Just a moment, and I'll take it for you." The saleswoman said slowly.

After a while, she came to Ye Chen with a bag, handed it to Ye Chen and said, "here you are, sir."

"Thanks." Ye Chen took the bag with a smile and turned away.

He got into the car, put the bag on the co driver's seat, and then started the car towards his destination.

The saleswoman stared at Ye Chen's leaving figure, her eyes wide open.

"Xiao Fang, Xiao Fang." Another saleswoman shouted.

At the same time, she shook in front of her eyes, but there was still no response.

After a little while, the saleswoman recovered.

"Xiao Fang, why are you stunned? What happened?" Asked another saleswoman.

"Ah Hua, I just saw a takeout." The clerk named Xiao Fang said with wide eyes.

"Don't we often see what's new about the takeout? As for such surprise? I thought something had happened." Another saleswoman waved her hand and said with a smile.

Ice drink shops like them often have customers ordering takeout, and sometimes they can even reduce money. Therefore, many customers will choose to order takeout, so they can often see takeout workers taking drinks.

"No, he is different from an ordinary takeout." Xiaofang shook her head and said.

"What's different? They all have two eyes, one nose and one mouth." Another saleswoman looked at Xiaofang and said.

"I'm talking about dressing." Xiaofang explained in a hurry.

After all, there are many takeout families, such as meituan, hungry and so on. They all wear different uniforms.

Even so, this is not a strange thing, nor should it be so surprised.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Xiaofang continued, "that takeout is wearing a suit and looks like a boss. If he doesn't say it, I can't see it at all."

She told her companion what she had just seen.

Now it's the other party's turn to look surprised.

"A delivery man in a suit?" The salesgirl named ah Hua grew up and said.

I feel like she can put an egg in her mouth.

"Yes, it's the takeout in a suit." Xiao Fang repeated again.

Ordinary takeout workers wear uniforms, but it's really rare for ye Chen to deliver takeout in a suit.

The two saleswomen met for the first time after working in this ice drink shop for so many years. Of course, ah Hua didn't see ye Chen at all. Ye Chen had already left when she came.

"The key is that the man is also very handsome." Xiaofang continued.

Ah Hua was more and more excited, sighed and said, "Hey, it's a pity I didn't see it."

She listened to Xiao Fang say so and wanted to see ye Chen, but unfortunately she didn't.

The store manager saw Xiaofang and ah Hua chatting there and walked gently towards them.

"You two don't work. What are you talking about here? Do you know you can't talk during working hours? Don't you want to do it?" The store manager scolded.

Hearing this sound, Xiao Fang and ah Hua were really smart and just went to work,

They don't want to be fired. They have just graduated from college and are still classmates.

It's really difficult to find a job. After all, they must cherish it.

Ye Chen drove the car and thought about the note. He felt that the other party was not only a woman, but also very ugly.

More determined that the other party has no boyfriend, so he ordered takeout like this.

Ye Chen had Su Wanyi. Of course, the purpose of delivering takeout this time is not for that, but for curiosity and to pass the time.

God knows how long it will take Su Wanyi to finish her work.

Before long, ye Chen drove into a villa area according to the address.

When the security guard saw Ye Chen's sports car, he went to Ye Chen and asked with a smile, "Sir, who are you looking for? Please make a note."

"I'm here to deliver the takeout." Ye Chen said with a smile,

Then he wrote down the customer's address in the book.

The security guard was unbelievable when he heard that. Ye Chen didn't look like a delivery man. Instead, he looked like the boss of the group, and he was still young and promising.

After all, there are few people who can drive a car like Ye Chen. These people must be either rich or expensive.

"Take your time, sir." The security guard said with a smile, and then pressed the button to release Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded and drove towards the villa on the order.

Although Ye Chen's license plate number is not the owner of this community, the security guard dare not intercept it.

After ye Chen drove into the community, the security guard looked at the tail light of the sports car and looked surprised.

The security guard said to himself, "today's rich people are really good at playing."

He didn't believe Ye Chen was a takeout from beginning to end. He always thought that the other party was a big boss, but he just joked with him.

Looking at the villa in front of him, ye Chen thought, "good guy, this girl is really rich."

He parked the car and came out with a bag in his hand.

When he came to the door, ye Chen rang the doorbell.

Soon the door opened slowly and a man came out of it.

Seeing the man who opened the door, ye Chen's expression was a little surprised.

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