Seeing the man who opened the door, ye Chen's expression was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought the other party was an ugly woman, but he didn't expect to be so beautiful, giving people a fresh and refined feeling.

The woman looked surprised when she saw Ye Chen.

"How could it be you?"

Ye Chen and Zhang Yuan said in one voice.

They just broke up in the mall. It didn't take long for them to meet again. It's really lucky.

"Is he the right one for me?" Zhang Yuan looked at the handsome man in front of her and thought with a blush and a heartbeat.

Ye Chen and Zhang Yuan met twice a day. One time ye Chen helped him, and the second time it was in this situation.

Zhang Yuan was not only surprised to see ye Chen again, but saw that he was carrying her takeout.

Looking at the things in the hands of the handsome man in front of her, Zhang Yuan suddenly realized, "are you here to deliver takeout?"

"Yes, this is your drink. If you are satisfied, remember to give a five-star praise." Ye Chen said the familiar words.

The most important thing for takeout is the praise of customers, which is linked to their bonus.

Of course, what ye Chen values is not these, but after receiving five-star praise, the system may give him some rewards.

What ye Chen wants is the reward given by the system.

"How could you be..." Zhang Yuan covered her mouth and said with an incredible expression on her face.

"You want to ask me, how is delivery, right?" Ye Chen spoke Zhang Yuan's heart.

Hearing the speech, Zhang Yuan's head was like a chicken domi, nodding constantly.

"Yes, my job is a takeout." Ye Chen said very generously.

If it had not been said from ye Chen's mouth, Zhang Yuan would not have believed that the handsome man in a suit was a delivery man.

"Well, your question is over. I also want to ask you a question." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"OK, you ask." Zhang Yuan said.

"Why do you write your notes like that? It's easy to misunderstand." Ye Chen looked at Zhang Yuan and said the questions in her heart.

In front of Zhang Yuan is a great beauty, and she is so powerful that she doesn't look like the kind of person who can't find a boyfriend.

The men who pursue her must be able to line up the whole street, but the remark she wrote "want a strong takeout", which is easy to make people think crooked.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about." Zhang Yuan nodded and said.

She didn't feel embarrassed at all. Except that her heart pounded when facing Ye Chen, her expression was very natural.

Ye Chen can see from her expression that the woman in front of her heart is very pure, not as he imagined, very hungry and thirsty.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan patted her little head with her little hand and said, "no, forget all the business."

Her action really startled Ye Chen.

"What business?" Ye Chen asked.

"Actually, I order takeout for a reason." Zhang Yuan said helplessly.

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, ye Chen is even more confused. What's the reason for ordering takeout.

Seeing that ye Chen didn't speak, Zhang Yuan continued: "there is a big bug at home. I'm timid and dare not do it, so I ordered a takeout and wrote the note."

When ye Chen heard what Zhang Yuan said, she finally solved the mystery in her heart.

In short, Zhang Yuan ordered takeout to let the takeout catch insects for her. It's estimated that she can only think of this way.

Although Ye Chen had some helplessness in his heart, he didn't show it.

"Where is it? Take me." Ye Chen asked.

"In the bathroom, you come with me." Zhang Yuan replied.

Shower Room? When ye Chen heard these two words, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

TV plays often have scenes in the bathroom. It's easy for lonely men and women to happen.

Zhang Yuan walked in front and ye Chen followed. They came to the bathroom and went in.

Seeing the things hanging inside and the warm yellow light, ye Chen's heart couldn't help burning a flame.

In an instant, he felt so hot that he wanted to take off his suit.

"Where's the bug you said?" Ye Chen feels very uncomfortable. She really doesn't want to stay inside for another minute.

He is trying his best to control himself and never do anything.

If it took longer, maybe something would happen.

"Eh, I was here just now. Where have I been?" Zhang Yuan frowned and said to herself.

The two men searched slowly in the bathroom.

Ye Chen feels very uncomfortable here. Originally, he wanted to leave. The takeout has been delivered. His task has been completed, so there is nothing for him.

But seeing Zhang Yuan's look for help, ye Chen couldn't bear it.

When you come, you can do good.

Ye Chen resists the evil fire in her heart and helps to continue looking for insects.

Suddenly I heard Zhang Yuan's "ah" scream, but her voice was not harsh.

Then ye Chen felt two slender arms holding him, and he suddenly felt the weight on his body.

At the moment, Zhang Yuan hangs on him like an octopus, which makes Ye Chen more uncomfortable.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked helplessly.

"I saw it. It's there." Zhang Yuan pointed with her eyes closed.

Ye Chen looked in the direction of her fingers. This is a caterpillar, crawling forward.

"It's a caterpillar. You're afraid of such a lovely thing. You're too timid." Ye Chen shook his head and said.

"What's cute? Please get him away quickly." Zhang Yuan said with a cry.

"You come down first. How can I do this?" Ye Chen asked helplessly.

He thought to himself, do you want to take this octopus to catch caterpillars?

At the moment, Zhang Yuan came back and found that she was holding Ye Chen, and the whole person was hanging on Ye Chen. It was really embarrassing.

She quickly loosened her arm and whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Ye Chen felt that the weight of his body became lighter in an instant, and the whole person could breathe freely.

He walked towards the caterpillar and carefully picked it up with paper.

I don't know whether it was Zhang Yuan's fear or tension. She didn't stand firm. The whole person nearly fell and hit the shower switch in the bathroom.

Zhang Yuan has nothing to do, but ye Chen is miserable.

Suddenly, the water column hit him. Ye Chen's clothes were soaked and poured a drowned chicken on him.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan was also panicked and hurriedly turned off the shower.

"Yes... Sorry, I didn't mean to." Zhang Yuan said nervously.

Ye Chen's heart is broken at the moment. She really feels like crying without tears.

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