"Brother Ye Chen, you are really a genius."

Li Bai held out his thumb and said with appreciation.

"Brother Taibai, you flatter me. You can do it in the future."

Ye Chen scratched his head and said shyly.

This is completely Ye Chen's plagiarism. It's not his own original at all.

"No, how can I compare with brother Ye Chen? I really admire your talent from my heart."

Li Bai said excitedly.

Before that, he thought he was very talented, not valued and depressed.

Now I know that I'm just like this, and I'm just like this in front of Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, I must keep up with you and strive to be as excellent as you."

Li Bai said firmly.

"Well, you will. As long as you keep working towards your dream, you will succeed."

Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

Then he continued: "brother Taibai, the time is almost up, and I should go. If you want some takeout, remember to find me. I hope we can meet again soon."

When Li Bai heard that ye Chen was leaving, he was also reluctant.

"Brother Ye Chen, it's not easy for me to meet your confidant. Why don't you stay a little longer and I'll continue to write poems with you."

Hearing the speech, ye Chen pulled out the corners of her mouth and thought that if she stayed here, she would copy others.

Forget it, not to mention whether ye Chen has too much time to waste here.

"No, brother Taibai, let's write poetry together next time."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He knew he had to go now.

Ye Chen didn't give Li Bai a chance to speak again, so he turned and left.

Li Bai looked at Ye Chen's back and felt more melancholy in his heart.

It is said that a confidant in life is enough, but ye Chen has to leave so soon, which makes him feel a little sad.

When Li Bai came back, he found that ye Chen had already disappeared.

The mountain echoed Ye Chen's sentence: "if you are satisfied with my service, remember to give a five-star praise."

Of course, Li Bai doesn't know what ye Chen means. He just hopes to meet again next time.

The appearance of Ye Chen really gave him great hope.

He also thanked Ye Chen for his words, which made him enlightened.

When Li Bai is depressed, ye Chen has returned to the real world.

He didn't leave in a hurry, but kept calming his excitement.

I didn't expect to meet Li Bai when I was delivering Wanjie takeout this time, and I called him brother.

If it's someone who can't calm down for a long time.

Suddenly, a systematic prompt sound sounded in my mind.

Ye Chen knows that this must be the completion of the order, and the system will give him a reward.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the takeout order of Wanjie and obtaining the copyright of Li Taibai's poetry."

Ye Chen was stunned, that is to say, he has all Li Bai's poems here, which can even be called modern Li Bai.

Although it seems that this reward is useless now, it is also very awesome.

Now ye Chen is a literary and artistic youth with rich knowledge and talents.

Ye Chen felt excited. He immediately turned on his mobile phone to check Li Bai's poems.

Surprisingly, it was empty.

Just like Allen before, these belong to Ye Chen alone, and the copyright should belong to Ye Chen himself.

On campus, Xie YingYing and Liu Tingting are walking towards the poetry club.

Those who can join the poetry club must be very talented in literature.

In the classroom, a tall, thin boy with glasses was reading the poem "farewell to Cambridge" in his hand.

"Gently I left,

As I come gently;

I waved gently,

Farewell to the clouds in the West


I waved my sleeve.

Don't take away a cloud. "

The boy read aloud with intoxication on his face.

Applause broke out from the audience.

At this moment, the boy just recovered from his artistic conception.

"Elder martial brother Zhou reads too emotionally."

"Elder martial brother is handsome and so talented."

The girls cast envious eyes on Zhou Tao.

Zhou Tao looked proudly at Xie Yingying who had just walked in.

Liu Tingting pushed her best friend and said, "Yingying, your admirer is a little worse than your brother Ye Chen. You might as well make do with it. Anyway, you don't dare to express it with Ye Chen."

"Tingting, don't talk nonsense. I don't like such a man. Even if I don't talk to Ye Chen, I can't talk to him." Xie Yingying quickly found a seat, lowered her head and whispered.

To tell you the truth, she doesn't like boys like Zhou Tao at all. Huawei people are very arrogant with a little talent.

"If I knew there were such people in the poetry club, I wouldn't come." Xie Yingying said regretfully.

In fact, she is not afraid of Zhou Tao looking at her. It is mainly that the boy's eyes have a sense of bad intentions.

"Yingying, you don't know. These girls come for Zhou Tao." Liu Tingting said with a smile.

Xie Yingying also knows that the boys in the poetry club are OK, but girls account for a lot.

And these are Zhou Tao's die hard fans. They are so crazy about Zhou Tao.

Liu Tingting belongs to a person who likes to join the fun. At first, she didn't want to come, but just to accompany her best friend.

Now it seems that there is a lot of excitement here.

She could see each other's hatred in the eyes of those fans.

Maybe one day, some girls will fight for Zhou Tao.

However, Liu Tingting knew that this girl would not be Xie Yingying.

At the same time, she also felt that her best friend was a little dangerous. After all, Zhou Tao's meaning was too obvious, and her eyes kept glancing at them.

"Oh, it seems that he is quite popular, but I don't like it." Xie Yingying nodded and said.

"Yingying, as your best friend, I want to persuade you. This Zhou Tao is really good and very talented. Don't you like such a boy?" Liu Tingting said again.

"Why don't I feel it? I always think his eyes are very uncomfortable." Xie Yingying shook her head and said.

"You're talking about that kind of squinting eyes. I think it's right for you. Isn't it normal for him to look at others?" Liu Tingting corrected.

As Liu Tingting said, Zhou Tao did look at his best friend differently.

She knew that she liked it and wanted to let Xie Yingying stop hanging in the vortex of emotion. She might as well choose another person.

Xie Yingying glanced at Liu Tingting when she heard the speech. She didn't know what her best friend thought.

Knowing that ye Chen already exists in her heart, she is still here.

If she hadn't been in the classroom, she would have been reluctant to spare her face.

Seeing that Xie Yingying didn't speak, Liu Tingting thought her best friend had figured it out.

"Sister, that's right. People can't hang from a tree."

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