"Sister, I think you misunderstood. I really don't like such a man who thinks highly of himself."

Xie Yingying turned white and Liu Tingting said with a glance.

While the two were chatting quietly, Zhou Tao stood up with a smile.

"Dear students, you have been participating in poetry club activities for a week. You should have some understanding of each other."

"At the same time, we also made many friends with similar interests. The purpose of our coming to the poetry club is to carry out literary exchanges and learn from each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses."

Zhou Tao said that the students who like literature here are very excited.

The people sitting here have a common feature, that is, they all love literature very much and have integrated literature into their own blood.

Seeing the excited expression of his classmates, Zhou Tao continued.

"Let me tell you a good news. All college students in magic city face carry out poetry collection activities. The theme is the Mid Autumn Festival and the topic is self-made. They need to hand in the manuscript next Monday. The time is tight and the task is heavy. I hope you can actively participate."

"This is an opportunity to show my talent."

The students were more excited after hearing the news. If they can be elected, they will prove their strength.

When Zhou Tao said this, he didn't forget to look at Xie Yingying sitting in the back.

"I will select some excellent authors from them, and then I can participate in the exchange meeting of the literary society."

Listening to Zhou Tao's words, everyone here is even more excited.

They couldn't believe their ears.

There was a whisper under the stage.

"Is what elder martial brother Zhou said true?"

"Yes, why don't I believe it?"

"It's my dream to attend the literature society exchange meeting."

Everyone is extremely eager to participate in this exchange meeting, because we can see many famous artists.

These people regard literature as their destiny and can make friends with such famous scholars. That's what they dream of

Everyone showed their determination to work hard.

Xie Yingying was expressionless and a little stunned.

"Classmate Xie Yingying, do you want to participate?"

Hearing the speech, Xie Yingying came back to her senses.

She really loves literature, but she doesn't want to be famous for it.

Asked by Zhou Tao, Xie Yingying didn't know how to say it.

"Classmate Xie Yingying, you don't have to be embarrassed. If you have works, you can take them out. We believe in evaluation and make common progress."

Zhou Tao continued with a smile.

Xie Yingying nodded and said, "well, I'll take part in it, too."

"OK, then we look forward to your excellent works."

Out of the poetry club, Xie Yingying remained silent.

Liu Tingting was also worried: "sister, what's the matter with you? You look like you're out of your mind."

"I just think it's OK to write when it's good to have sex, but I really don't think I can participate in the essay."

Xie Yingying expressed her worries.

"Sister, you don't have confidence in yourself. You're a talented girl in our school. If you can't, there's nothing you can do."

"Besides, you're better than what I wrote, aren't you?"

Liu Tingting smiled and comforted.

"Ah, Tingting, listen to what you mean, you also want to participate?"

Xie Yingying asked in surprise.

"That's right. I'm a person who likes to join in the fun very much. I must join in the fun."

"Well, I won't tell you. I asked someone out in the evening. Go home, too."

Liu Tingting waved her hand and said.

After the two broke up, Xie Yingying walked towards the school gate in a depressed mood.

She knows that this work must be shown to others. If it is not well written, it will be laughed at by others.

I have just promised in the poetry club. If I don't write, I don't mean what I say.

Forget it, die or die.

Xie Yingying thought about the subject as she walked. She didn't realize that someone was following behind her.

So she went on, walked into the community and went upstairs.

The people behind them also stopped after seeing it and didn't move on.

Xie Yingying opened the door with her key and entered the room.

The room was dark. She turned on the light in the living room.

It lit up in an instant.

In fact, this is the house rented by Xie Yingying. Her parents are in other places.

Originally, her parents wanted her to go to school locally, but the little girl insisted on going to college elsewhere.

The girls who have a good relationship with her are all local students.

But Xie Yingying can only rent a house outside.

It's not easy for a girl to wander outside alone.

However, Xie Yingying didn't feel anything. Instead, she enjoyed herself.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Who could it be so late?

Xie Yingying thought in her heart.

Instead of opening the door immediately, she looked through the cat's eyes and saw that the light outside was on, but there was no figure.

Xie Yingying's heart couldn't help mentioning it.

In this way, there was a knock on the door several times in a row, but there was no one outside.

At the moment, she was very afraid and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Xie Yingying seemed to think of something. She quickly picked up the phone and dialed her best friend.

The phone rang a few times, but no one answered.

On weekdays, I have a good relationship with Liu Tingting, and the community where Liu Tingting lives is very close to her home.

"Tingting, you answer the phone, you answer the phone."

Xie Yingying thought anxiously, but in the end, no one answered the phone.

After all, girls are timid, and Xie Yingying is afraid to go out for fear of meeting bad people.

It's better to stay at home like this. At least it's safe.

She thought of calling the police, but what did the police say when they came.

After thinking about it, a figure suddenly appeared in front of us.

She took out her mobile phone and dialed Ye Chen.

This is Xie Yingying's last hope.

If no one answers, she really doesn't know who to ask for help.

Fortunately, the phone was soon connected.

"Yingying, what's up?"

Ye Chen looked at the phone and asked.

"Brother Ye Chen, it's like this. I'm at home now, but there's always a knock on the door outside, but I don't see anyone. I'm a little afraid. Can you come and accompany me?" Xie Yingying whispered.

She knew that she was not in the relationship with Ye Chen after all. It was unreasonable to put forward such a request.

Hearing that the other party didn't speak again, Xie Yingying was afraid that ye Chen would misunderstand her and thought she was that kind of casual girl.

In Xie Yingying's "forget it." Just about to speak, ye Chen said, "Yingying, you send me your home address. I'll go there now. You stay in the room. Don't open the door. I'll call you when I arrive."

Xie Yingying was also excited when she heard it.

"OK, brother Ye Chen, I'll wait for you at home."

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