Ye Chen came to Xie Yingying's house.

As soon as I got to the door, I saw an obscene man ringing the doorbell.

Ye Chen came forward directly and patted the man on the shoulder.

The man was startled. As soon as he turned around, he was pressed on the wall by Ye Chen.

"Boy, why are you sneaking around here?"

As soon as the man's face changed, he quickly said, "I, in fact, just want to make friends with this girl."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, "go away. If you dare to harass this girl again, I'll send it directly to the police station."

The man left in a panic.

Ye Chen just called Xie Yingying.

After Xie Yingying came out, she also breathed a sigh when she heard Ye Chen's words.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "you're too polite. It's nothing."

Helping Xie Yingying solve the problem, ye Chen also breathed a sigh and decided to continue to deliver takeout.

This time, the place where ye Chen delivered the takeout was the financial building.

It's your own territory.

At the moment, two security guards are chatting in the financial building.

The topic they talked about was the mysterious boss of the financial building.

"Brother, have you seen the boss of this financial building?" It's a new security guard.

Another security guard said, "I've only met once."

The new security guard quickly handed over a cigarette and said, "brother, can you tell me what the new boss looks like? It's bad if I recognize the wrong person."

The old security guard took a puff of cigarette happily and said, "our boss, I just looked at it from a distance. I have to say that our boss is very young and very low-key. The most important thing is that there is a building when he is so young. It's really not simple."

"Low key? How can the boss keep a low key?"

The old security guard said, "do you know what our boss does?"

The new security guard shook his head.

The old security guard said mysteriously; "Our boss sent express."

Hearing the words of the old security guard, the new security guard immediately petrified.

Seeing the new security guard's silly expression, the old security guard's face showed a proud smile.

He looked at the new security guard and looked like you are a rookie who has never seen the world.

"I'll go to the bathroom first and tell you the story of our boss when I come back."

The old security guard just left. Ye Chen hurried into the building with takeout.

At this time, another delivery boy also ran in with the delivery.


The new security guard stopped Ye Chen and another delivery boy.

"Your parents are not allowed to go in."

Ye Chen asked suspiciously, "why?"

The security guard pointed to the sign at the door and said; "Don't you see? It says takeout is not allowed."

Then the security guard sniffed and said, "where is this place? This is a financial building. All the people working here are white-collar workers. How can you be allowed to go in and out? What if you lose something?"

Ye Chen was stunned.

There is such a thing in my own financial building.

The takeout next to me was so anxious that I almost cried.

"Brother, just let me in. If this order is late, I will deduct money this month."

The security guard said, "no, the rules are the rules."

Helpless, the delivery boy had to call the customer.

"Hello, is that Miss Chen? I'm a group takeout. Can you come down and pick up the meal?"

At the other end of the phone, a proud woman sat in front of the computer and frowned when she heard this.

"Shouldn't your takeout deliver the takeout to the guests? Why should I go down and get it? I won't go."


The delivery boy said anxiously, "the security guard won't let us take the elevator. You're on the 20th floor. How can I get up?"

"Don't let me take the elevator. You can take the stairs."

The beauty said, "isn't it just the 20th floor?"

"Take the stairs?"

The delivery boy glanced at the list.

"Elder sister, you still have two minutes to finish the list. How can I climb up the 20th floor?"

"It's your business. I don't care."

The woman said proudly, "I only give you two minutes. If you don't climb up, I will complain to you."

After that, the woman hung up the phone directly.

The little brother collapsed at that moment.

He's too tired to climb the 20th floor in two minutes.

This is too bullying.

This delivery boy likes to do good things.

Two orders have been delayed because of good deeds. If this order is late again, his bonus this month will be deducted.

His daughter is ill and waiting for his bonus to help.

When ye Chen saw all this, his eyes were cold.

Although Ye Chen is not a bad person, ye Chen won't look at such a thing.

And today Ye Chen is also a delivery boy.

Ye Chen couldn't see it anymore and said to the delivery boy; "Well, I'll send it up for you."

The delivery boy was stunned when he saw Ye Chen.

The new security guard is also confused.

The people around are also looking at Ye Chen foolishly.

The new security guard snorted coldly, "you're the delivery boy. How can you help him up and climb the stairs?"

Ye Chen said, "don't worry, just trust me."

The delivery boy nodded and gave the delivery to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took it over and said faintly, "well, give it to me and you'll be relieved."

"Yes." The delivery boy nodded and hurried away.

Ye Chen went straight to the elevator and tore off the note without saying a word.

The Xinbao on one side was stunned when he settled down.

He saw such a arrogant security guard for the first time.

"Boy, you dare tear off our warning sticker. You have to go to heaven."

"Who do you think you are? The owner of this building? Shit, see how I deal with you."

Then the security guard angrily took the walkie talkie and said, "brothers, someone is making trouble. Come here quickly, right at the entrance of the elevator."

While talking, the security guard stopped the elevator and didn't let Ye Chen in.

Next to the elevator, many people talked about it one after another.

"Hey, just let someone take out the little brother. It's not easy for others."

"Yes, why bother others?"

Just now, the delivery boy cried, which also attracted a lot of sympathy.

Who knows, the security guard looks arrogant.

All his act like a snob of nature showed signs of cold and cold. "Tell you, this building, we have the security has the final say, I said he would not let him go up, and who said it was useless."

Say that security guard, will push Ye Chen out.

At this time, a furious rebuke sounded.

"Li Dali, what are you doing?"

The security captain and some security guards came panting.

When Li Dali saw the security captain coming, he immediately saluted, pretending to be a tiger and said, "Captain, I caught a takeout here. He wants to take the elevator. Our building is so high-grade that he takes food up, which will affect the customer's experience."

Because of this, Li Dali specially pasted a piece of paper in front of the elevator.

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