The security captain acquiesced in Li Dali's posting at the door that the takeout was not allowed to enter.

At first, Captain ye chenlai didn't dress up because he didn't recognize captain ye chenlai.

But now he walked in and saw clearly that the delivery boy in front of him was the owner of the financial building, that is, their immediate boss.

Suddenly, the security captain was a little flustered.

It can't be blamed that he didn't recognize Ye Chen just now. It's mainly because when he first knew Ye Chen, he delivered express. Why didn't he meet for a while and sent takeout again.

This is unbelievable.

The security captain knows that the rich are different. For example, ye Chen has so much money that the whole financial building belongs to him.

But he didn't stay in the office honestly. From the beginning of delivering express and running didi to now, he has started the business of delivering express again.

The security captain just felt a little confused and even didn't know his way of thinking.

However, he knows that this is not the time to find out. Now he must get Ye Chen done and save the blame.

The security captain came to Ye Chen and nodded and bowed, "boss Ye."

Ye Chen didn't give him a smile, but glared at him.

Ye Chen is low-key and doesn't want others to know his real identity.

The security captain is not stupid and understands it quickly.

The company has an unwritten rule that you can't underestimate anyone, and you can't see his boss after seeing ye Chen.

"Sir, you mean to go up and deliver the takeout." The security captain quickly changed his words.

Seeing that the security captain was so respectful to a delivery boy, all the security guards around were stunned.

I thought to myself, what's the matter with the security captain? What's the wind.

He was so kind to a delivery boy.

It's hardly like him. On weekdays, the security captain is very fierce.

Ye Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

The security captain smiled and sent Ye Chen to the elevator.

I didn't forget to say, "Sir, please take your time."

Seeing ye Chen get on the elevator, the security captain didn't stop it, and the surrounding security guards showed a surprised expression on their faces.

It's already pasted. The takeout is not allowed to use the elevator.

But the security captain watched helplessly and didn't have any opinions.

When the new security guard saw it, he quickly shouted, "Captain, the takeout has got on the elevator. If he dirtied the elevator, what should we do if we get a complaint?"

The new security guard wanted to say something, but he heard the security captain yell: "shut up."

"What's the matter with the takeout staff? They are also human beings. You can't go to see people with colored glasses. You know? Where are you getting better? Why judge others."

The new security guard was also in a cold sweat.

He had a good relationship with the security captain, but he didn't expect that a delivery boy fell out with himself.

While the security captain was teaching the new security guard, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of the crowd.

The middle-aged man, named Liu Qiang, is the deputy general manager of the company.

When he heard the news that a new security guard had intercepted boss ye, he rushed over. After all, he should welcome Ye Chen in person.

Never mind whether the boss cares or not, he also has to do it.

But when he heard that his new security guard had a conflict with Ye Chen, he ran over angrily.

He felt that the boy was so brave that he dared to intercept his boss.

Most importantly, if boss Ye blames himself for this, it will be over.

Because the new security guard was more persistent, he saw that ye Chen violated the company's regulations and said nothing to let Ye Chen go.

Although the security captain's reprimand was fruitless, he still blocked Ye Chen from pressing the elevator.

Ye Chen is really too lazy to pay attention to such a person and doesn't want to say another word with him.

The two men were so deadlocked.

This scene just made Liu Qiang see all over his eyes. At the moment, he saw the guy who didn't know how to live or die desperately blocking Ye Chen. He really wanted to kick the new security guard out directly.

When they saw Liu Qiang's arrival, they all called him president Liu with great enthusiasm.

But Liu Qiang is not in the mood to pay attention to these people. He wants Ye Chen not to misunderstand himself.

"Sir, it's really hard for you to serve the people in such a hot day. We are really ashamed compared with you."

"Please hurry up to the elevator and don't waste time. I'll ask the Secretary to bring you an ice drink. Please take a rest upstairs."

Ye Chen was quite satisfied with Liu Qiang's words and nodded with a smile.

Liu Qiang came to the new security guard who stopped Ye Chen and said sternly, "you boy, get away from me quickly. Don't delay others to deliver the takeout. Look at others' takeout brother and then look at you. I don't know what to say about you."

The new security guard was a little flustered when he heard that Liu Qiang was so strict.

He even Liu Qiang's position in the company. If he is unhappy, he can be fired.

The new security guard hurriedly gave way to Ye Chen with doubts on his face.

As ye Chen was carrying the bag in his hand, both hands were occupied, and he couldn't make room to press the elevator at all.

Seeing this, Liu Qiang understood it and quickly asked with a smile, "what floor are you going to, little brother?"

“20。” Ye Chen said faintly.

Smelling the speech, Liu Qiang pressed the number key 20 and then backed out.

Ye Chen sat in the elevator and went upstairs.

Seeing ye Chen go up, Liu Qiang breathed a sigh in his heart. His just hanging heart finally put down a lot.

But even so, he doesn't know whether ye Chen is dissatisfied with him because of this matter.

Liu Qiang's polite behavior of selling his brother to the outside world also surprised the people around him.

Just seeing the attitude of the security captain, everyone felt strange.

Now Liu Qiang's attitude has aroused people's suspicion.

Of course, no matter what the reason is, they dare not talk at this time, unless they don't want to work here.

Suddenly, Liu Qiang turned around, looked at the new security guard and said angrily, "you're fired now."

The new security guard was a little silly and asked nervously, "President Liu, what did I do wrong? Are you going to fire me?"

"You still have the face to ask, don't you? How dare I keep you like you? Sooner or later, you will make trouble for me." Liu Qiang almost roared.

The security captain was also wronged in his heart. He didn't understand why he did it according to the company's regulations.

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