Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, ye Chen stood up with a smile and introduced herself.

"Zhang Yuan, this is my girlfriend Su Wanyi."

"Wan Yi, this is the girl I told you about, Zhang Yuan."

Su Wanyi had no airs at all and said with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Zhang. Nice to meet you. I just heard Ye Chen say something about you."

"Hello, Miss Su."

Zhang Yuan also greeted her politely.

Originally, she was very nervous on the way, but when she saw Su Wanyi, she was no longer nervous.

She knew that Su Wanyi was the boss of the company, but she gave people the feeling that she was so friendly.

Seeing Zhang Yuan still standing there, Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Miss Zhang, sit down and have some water. We'll talk later."

Zhang Yuan sat opposite Su Wanyi and took a sip of water from the opposite cup.

Su Wanyi has a very good impression of the girl in front of her. She thinks Zhang Yuan is steady, generous and not artificial at all.

After a while, Su Wanyi smiled and said.

"Miss Zhang, I've always been an official of the company. Although you were introduced by Ye Chen, I still need to see your ability. You may not know that if you pass the interview, you will be my secretary, and this responsibility is also very great."

Zhang Yuan listened quietly with a smile on her face.

When Su Wanyi finished, she said.

"Miss Su, first of all, I thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. Secondly, I hope I got the job with my own ability."

After hearing Zhang Yuan's statement, Su Wanyi was more optimistic about her.

She felt that the girl in front of her was really unusual.

Next, Zhang Yuan introduced her situation and work experience. Although it is short, it is a valuable asset for her.

Ye Chen kept listening to the conversation between the two women without saying a word.

He felt that if he cut in, it would disgust Su Wanyi and affect her judgment.

Ye Chen also believes that with Zhang Yuan's ability, she will certainly be recognized by Su Wanyi.

She saw the result from Su Wanyi's expression.

After Zhang Yuan's introduction, Su Wanyi smiled, stretched out her hand and said.

"Miss Zhang, congratulations on being hired by the company. From now on, we will be working partners."

Originally, Zhang Yuan thought the interview would be very difficult. Generally, the interviewer would ask each other questions.

But Su Wanyi didn't ask questions from beginning to end. She just listened to her self introduction quietly.

Zhang Yuan was also surprised for a moment. She was stunned, stretched out her hand and said.

"Miss Su, is what you said true? Did I hear you right?"

She really felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Of course, now that you have introduced your situation, let me tell you about the company and your responsibilities."

Su Wanyi introduced the company one by one, as well as the work that Zhang Yuan was responsible for.

After hearing these contents, Zhang Yuan's expression was even more surprised. She didn't expect to be employed by such a powerful company.

She looked at Ye Chen opposite with gratitude on her face. She knew it was all because of Ye Chen.

Although Zhang Yuan is very confident, she believes she can pass the interview.

But she still feels that the application is so smooth, which has something to do with Ye Chen more or less.

After hearing this, Zhang Yuan said with gratitude on her face.

"Miss Su, thank you for letting me get this job. Thousands of words can't express my gratitude."

"Zhang Yuan, you don't have to do this at all. I decided to hire you because of your ability. If you want to thank me, work hard."

Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Then she continued.

"Since we are already working partners, you can call me sister Wan Yi, and I'll call you Zhang Yuan. It's more cordial."

After hearing this, Zhang Yuan nodded happily.

In this way, the relationship between her and Su Wanyi is closer. They are matched by sisters.

"Zhang Yuan, ye Chen and I are going to have dinner here. Just come with us and celebrate your joining the company."

Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Before Zhang Yuan answered, she called the waiter and ordered some dishes.

This meal, three people eat very happy.

Su Wanyi also smiled on her face at the moment. She was no longer just frowning.

Ye Chen can be regarded as a great help to her. She didn't expect to apply for a secretary so soon, and her ability is still so strong.

After dinner, the three broke up.

Zhang Yuan took a taxi home.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi decide to go shopping in the mall and solve the problem of secretary. Su Wanyi is in the mood to go shopping now.

After seeing Zhang Yuan leave, ye Chen smiled and looked at Su Wanyi.

"Wife, thank you."

He knew that Su Wanyi had let go of the interview. If there was a formal interview, she would have to ask questions. It was impossible to pass the exam so easily.

"If you help you arrange your little lover's work, you can finish it with a thank you. It's too simple."

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said.

"What little lover? You've wronged me. Zhang Yuan and I are ordinary friends. I think it's not easy for her to be alone in the devil. I just sympathize with her."

Ye Chen explained.

Even if Su Wanyi misunderstood other women, he would not explain.

However, Zhang Yuan is different. After all, she will work in Su Wanyi company from now on.

Ye Chen doesn't want Su Wanyi to misunderstand because of him. It's not good for Zhang Yuan.

"Well, well, you're teasing you. Are you so serious?"

Seeing ye Chen's expression, Su Wanyi quickly opened her mouth and said.

"Then how can you thank me for helping your friend so much?"

Ye Chen thought and said with a bad smile on his face.

"I've decided that I'll serve you well in the evening."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi glanced at him and said.

"You have no text at all. I ignore you."

With that, Su Wanyi shook off Ye Chen's arm and walked towards the front.

Ye Chen knows that Su Wanyi is not angry, but shy.

He didn't know that they had been together for such a long time. The girl would blush when she mentioned it. It's really interesting.

"Why, it's all old husbands and wives. As for you."

Ye Chen quickly took a few steps to catch up with Su Wanyi and pulled her in her arms.

The two people strolled for a while again. I have to say that Su Wanyi is not a girl.

But as soon as he strolled, he couldn't stop. Poor ye Chen carried big and small bags in his hands.

They didn't leave the mall until Su Wanyi was tired.

Poor ye Chen didn't eat at night because Su Wanyi was shopping, so she was hungry all the time.

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