Ye Chen went home with Su Wanyi hungry.

I wanted to go home and get something to eat, but I found that there were no ingredients in the fridge.

Perhaps because she was tired, Su Wanyi lay paralyzed on the sofa.

"Husband, I feel my feet are not mine anymore."

Ye Chen took off Su Wanyi's shoes with a distressed face and gently massaged her.

After massage, Su Wanyi felt better.

"What do you want to eat in the evening? Let's order takeout. There are no ingredients at home."

Ye Chen said while massaging.

"I'm tired and don't want to eat anything."

Su Wanyi waved her hand and said.

Ye Chen knows that Su Wanyi seldom eats at night, just to keep fit.

She can't eat, but ye Chen is a big guy after all. She doesn't eat a hungry meal.

"Well, I'll order some. If you want to eat with me."

After ye Chen finished, she took out her mobile phone and opened the public comment app.

Just as he was ordering, a systematic prompt sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the order of Wanjie takeout. Do you accept it?"


Ye Chen replied in her mind.

If it is an ordinary order, he can refuse, but the takeout order is really too tempting for him.

Ye Chen didn't come to see the requirements of the order. She put her mobile phone in her pocket and looked at Su Wanyi.

"Wife, I think I'd better go out and buy it. There are too few varieties of takeout in this house."

Su Wanyi has no doubt about this. After all, it's a takeout. There must be fewer varieties than those in the store

"You go and pay attention to safety on the way."

Su Wanyi said weakly.

Today, she went shopping, but she was also very tired.

Ye Chen went out of the house and checked the requirements of the order.

The system shows that the customer needs meat.

Ye Chen smiled, just as he was going to eat kebabs.

He got into his car and headed for the famous barbecue shop nearby.

The car stopped at the roadside. Ye Chen got out of the car and walked into the store.

Because the takeout order of Wanjie was also time limited, he couldn't care about eating at all. Instead, he ordered 50 kebabs of mutton.

After a while, ye Chen took the packed mutton kebab and drove to a deserted place.

In an instant, a wormhole appeared in front of him. He closed his eyes and opened towards it.

Ye Chen is also very curious about where he is going to deliver takeout.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to another world.

He looked around and saw the scene in front of him, with a sense of deja vu.

Looking at the island in front of him, he seemed to think of something. It turned out that this was bock island in the master of dragon training.

The master of dragon training is an animation, which is deeply loved by everyone. He tells the story of people and Dragons from hurting each other to Taming dragons to living in peace and becoming friends.

Of course, this huge change happened after Viking teenager hiccup met a wounded dragon and became friends with the dragon.

Ye Chen also likes this cartoon very much. He is also very curious about who ordered the takeout.

He drove towards the front. There was chaos ahead, as if there was a battle.

Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, ye Chen decided to help. After all, his takeout has a time limit.

If time passes, he will be punished.

This is not the most important thing. The key is that ye Chen knows that in this battle, sikap's father died to save him, and toothless boy was also controlled by the bad Dragon King. The scene is very sad.

Toothless boy sucks countless powder in this animation. Ye Chen doesn't want to see him killed by being controlled, let alone any casualties.

In that case, he must come forward to help.

Because all dragons must be controlled by the Dragon King, ye Chen must solve all this before toothless boy is controlled, so that tragedy can be avoided.

He sped up the accelerator, drove towards the bad man who controlled the Black Dragon King and knocked him down directly.

But ye Chen sadly found that the Black Dragon King became more angry and attacked him.

Fortunately, ye Chen's speed is relatively fast, otherwise he will die if he is hit by the Black Dragon King.

Ye Chen understood this time that as long as the person who controls the Black Dragon King does not die, the Black Dragon King will still be controlled by the other party.

But ye Chen doesn't want to kill. After all, he also knows that the man has experienced some air crashes before. He can be said to be a poor man.

And for ye Chen, besides killing the man, there will be better ways to stop the war.

Ye Chen knows that only by defeating the Black Dragon King can it end all this.

Shipka, his father and mother fought against the Dragon army, while ye Chen fought against the Black Dragon King alone.

No one knows who this sudden appearance is.

But now there is no time to take these into account, and their crisis has not been lifted.

With Ye Chen's control, the Black Dragon King has no spare energy to control the dragons living on bock island.

"Black Dragon King, kill this boy quickly."

The bad leader shouted angrily after seeing ye Chen who suddenly appeared to disturb the situation.

After receiving the order, the Black Dragon King attacked Ye Chen's laiken car.

Ye Chen drove the car and dodged unharmed.

The Black Dragon King was also angry. He roared loudly, and the world trembled.

Ye Chen's heart also has a feeling of being shocked.

It deserves to be the king of the dragon family. Its power is really too powerful.

Ye Chen knows he can't spend any more with it. It's too bad for him.

What he has to do now is to make a quick decision. He must end the battle as soon as possible.

Always hiding like this is not the way. Ye Chen must attack and defeat the Black Dragon King.

Sikap saw the battle between Ye Chen and the Black Dragon King. He wanted to bring toothless boy over.

When toothless boy flew to Ye Chen, ye Chen said to hiccup.

"Let toothless boy leave quickly, or he will be controlled."

Ye Chen knows that as soon as toothless boy approaches the Black Dragon King, he will soon be controlled and become their enemy.

If you deal with toothless boy again, ye Chen really has no chance of winning.

"Warrior, be careful."

Hiccup reminded Ye Chen.

After he finished, he left with toothless boy.

Seeing them go, ye Chen breathed a sigh of strength.

Originally, the Black Dragon King just saw toothless boy coming and just wanted to launch his mind to control toothless boy, so that he could have another helper.

But sadly, the annoying man drove the toothless boy away.

The Black Dragon King roared again, and the other dragons controlled by him became more angry.

"It's broken."

Ye Chen's face became a little ugly.

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