Wang Meng several people look at Ye Chen's eyes with some degree of worship.

At the same time, they were very excited.

Lucky enough to participate in this experiment, they are likely to open up a road of their own.

Ye Chen said faintly: "next I will tell you about the theoretical knowledge, and the specific research depends on your own."

Science can't come carelessly. Ye Chen is not prepared to waste too much energy on this road, so what he has to do is to cultivate a group of scientific research talents.

If he told these students the results directly, it would be bad for their growth.

Wang Meng and several people thought Ye Chen would tell them the principle directly, but they were also disappointed when they heard that they only talked about basic knowledge.

But they also understand Ye Chen's good intentions.

At that time, they had nothing but hobbies.

Now star university has given them everything they want. In their heart, they are very satisfied.

The most important thing is that they now have ye Chen as a tutor.

They are confident that in the future, they must be at the forefront of new energy.

"Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that we will work hard." Wang Meng made a statement on behalf of everyone.

Ye Chen nodded: "come on, the future of China belongs to you."

For several people's attitude, ye Chen is very pleased.

After all, only what they have developed can be better understood.

This star source project is also a test for these students.

As long as they can study this project thoroughly, their future will surely be the top scientists of this era.

What ye Chen wants to do is to point out a road of their own.

As long as these students follow the path designed by Ye Chen and work hard, it is not difficult to succeed.

Ye Chen stood on the platform and began to tell them about nuclear fusion.

In front of him, a blue object appeared.

This is Ye Chen, using three-dimensional technology, directly projected the structure of his Star source to the students.

Ye Chen's fingers gently.

"The source of the stars is actually a small reactor. Although it is very small, its structure is quite complicated."

Several students are listening to Ye Chen's explanation.

In particular, they did not expect that the technology of star university has been so powerful that they can directly display such complex design in front of them through 3D technology.

You know, this technology is only available to the top scientific academies.

At this time, the electric power bureau and the Education Bureau walked into star University and were shocked by the school.

China has a lot of good universities, but in terms of environment and facilities, star university is definitely the best.

They can't even imagine that this is a lot of students who failed in the college entrance examination.

The atmosphere of the most important school is very good. The students' faces are full of confident laughter.

This is very different from the university they know in their mind.

When entering the teaching building, several people were completely shocked by the high-tech school.

"China has such a good university." Even Lu Bo and Li Sen, who have seen the world, are shocked.

You know, the facilities of star university are not even inferior to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It's just shocking.

Lin Shiyin welcomed him and said, "good leaders, President Ye is giving a lecture to the students. Wait a moment. I'll call him."

"Lecture?" Hearing the words of Lin Shi Yin, Li Sen's eyes brightened.

He is more and more interested in this headmaster Ye. He doesn't want to miss such an opportunity.

"No, we'll just stop by."

Came to the door, a few people stood in front of the door, Li Sen saw the people standing on the platform immediately froze.

Isn't this the little brother didi?

However, what shocked him even more was the content of Ye Chen's lecture.

Ye Chen's knowledge is all about nuclear fusion.

He is also an expert in this field, so he can understand.

The more Li Sen listened, the more shocked he was. Ye Chen's level is also top in the domestic field!

after all, Lu Bo is also a doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Although he is not in his own field, he can also listen to a general idea.

Others are confused, unable to understand what ye Chen is talking about.

But from the expressions on the faces of the two old professors, they knew that what ye Chen was talking about must be different.

What shocked Li Sen most was that ye Chen did not even contact him with a lot of theoretical knowledge.

He even had an intuition that if this kind of thing is really made, the new energy technology in China and even the whole world will be changed.

Who is Ye Chen?

Li Sen knows all the experts in the field of nuclear energy, but he has never met Ye Chen. The most important thing is that he has become the president of star university even though he was still talking about it just now.Especially when he saw the three-dimensional image floating in the air, Li Sen's heart trembled fiercely.

Can we say that the technology is mature and this kind of thing is really made?

Two old professors were standing at the door listening for more than two hours.

They were completely shocked by Ye Chen's knowledge.

After ye Chen finished speaking, he came to the door.

Lin Shiyin quickly introduced: "President ye, these are the leaders of the electric power bureau and the education department."

Ye Chen apologized and said, "I'm really sorry. I just gave a lecture, so I kept several leaders waiting for a long time."

"It's OK. You're great. It's the best lesson I've ever heard." Li Sen said.

Ye Chen was stunned to see Li Sen: "are you Professor Li?"

Li Sen smiles: "yes, we met again."

For ye Chen, Li Sen is more and more shocked.

What ye Chen just said is enough to win the Nobel Prize.

I'm afraid that the most important thing is that Gao Chen, who graduated from University, is so young in technology.

Ye Chen invited several people to the headmaster's office.

Fan Ming said: "President ye, there was a large-scale power outage yesterday centered on our star University."

Ye Chen did not avoid saying: "this is because our students failed to do the experiment. We star university is willing to bear all the losses. We should be fined. We accept the penalty."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Sen on one side was very surprised.

"What experiments are you doing?"

Considering what ye Chen and his students have just said, Li Sen feels that this experiment is probably related to nuclear energy.

Does star university study nuclear energy?

In the field of new energy, nuclear energy is the most potential and is being studied by all countries.

Li Sen's project team is also doing research in this area, but there has been no progress due to some technical bottlenecks.

Li Sen had a terrible feeling that he could make the power cut all around him.

Is it true that the research of star university is mature?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Sen took a breath of cold air.

Ye Chen picked up the machine that failed yesterday from his desk and said, "this is the thing, but this is a failed work. Although the theoretical direction is right, it has great defects and cannot be applied."

When Li Sen heard that ye Chen and they even made machines, the whole person was completely stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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