Leeson has been working on nuclear power technology, so he recognized at a glance that this is actually a reactor.

And from the structure, the design is very reasonable.

They are also studying this technology, but it is still at the theoretical level, but it has been developed by star University.

"Is this what you instructed them to do?" Li Sen asked in shock.

Ye Chen shook his head: "no, it was developed by the students themselves, but because of the failure of the experiment, I corrected their thinking again."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, several people were completely stunned.

Several students, unexpectedly made such a powerful machine.

Isn't it said that all the students in star university are students?

It's all natural genius!

And this technology is an epoch-making technology for them.

However, ye Chen and they gave up directly.

Li Sen took a deep breath and asked, "Mr. Ye, can all the theories you just given to the students really come true?"

Ye Chen nodded: "of course, I have asked the students to carry out the research, and it is estimated that it will be successful soon."

Li Sen looked at the three-dimensional machine image and asked with some worry.

This thing is so small, can it really generate so much energy?

The reactor can supply electricity for one and a half hours per second

"What?" So powerful.

Half of the city's electricity supply, this efficiency is simply amazing.

Professor Lu on the side is also very bright. If this technology is used in rocket launching, it can also save a lot of costs.

Li Sen and Professor Lu's faces showed excited expressions.

This project really shocked two senior professors.

If you just talk by mouth, maybe they won't believe it, but ye Chen just talked about the principle.

Li Sen analyzed from the principle of the other side, this conclusion is completely possible to become reality.

What's more, the failed works that ye Chen just showed them are quite ahead of their technology.

"Mr. Ye, if your project is really successful, then China's new energy technology can be among the world's leading levels."

"We can apply to the state for any other financial and technical support you need for this technology."

"Well, if you need electricity, our power supply bureau can provide it at full capacity."

When fan Ming heard the words of the two old professors, he immediately took a 180 degree turn.

As a leader at his level, this pattern still exists.

See a few people excited expression, also very understand.

This technology is at least 10 years ahead of today's world.

If this technology can really succeed, then for China, it can definitely make a leap in the field of new energy.

Chen Mu also vowed: "headmaster ye, if your school needs anything, our education department will fully cooperate."

Ye Chen shook his head: "no, our school has funds and equipment."

"Oh, oh, well, you go on studying. We won't disturb you."

Li Sen and others came and left in a hurry.

However, Li Sen has gained too much this time. He has to report the scientific research project of star university to his superiors.

This kind of project can't flow abroad in any case.

Chen Mu also sent a certificate to star University and left.

Several leaders reported the situation to the competent departments above, and the reply was that they fully supported star University.

After all, if the project of star university is successful, it will have a great influence on China and even the whole world.

In a laboratory in Huaqing University, a 70 year old man is taking a group of students to do experiments.

Everyone was wearing protective clothing and nervous.

However, at the end of the experiment, the old man who took off his protective clothing looked dispirited.

They failed again in the experiment.

It is said that both the M and island countries have made breakthroughs in their experiments, but their experiments have not made any progress at all.

Qian Hua is a famous new energy expert in China.

Although he is over 70 years old, he still works hard in the front line of scientific research.

This time, he also led the research on new energy sources of nuclear energy.

However, in this respect, the starting point of China is much weaker than that of M.

The recent project encountered a bottleneck again, so several trials failed.

At this time, Li Sen hurried in.

"Old Qian, I'll bring you a good thing."

With that, Li Sen carefully opened the box and took out Ye Chen's failed works.

"Is this?" Qian Hua was stunned to see this."It's a small reactor, made by students at Star University," Leeson said

"What? How can the students of star university make such high-tech things? " Qian laodun was stunned.

Li Sen said with a wry smile: "I thought so at the beginning, but they did. The first test failed. At that time, they took out the power supply in one district of Mordor."

"What?" Hearing Li Sen's words, Professor Qian was stunned.

Qian Hua carefully picked up the machine, suddenly his face suddenly changed.

This is the project they have repeatedly tried. They are still in the research stage, but the star university has already completed it.

Seeing the shocked look on Qian Hua's face, everyone was stunned.

As a leader in the field of nuclear energy in China, Mr. Qian is well-informed. It is the first time for Li Sen and his students to see this expression.

"This reactor was really made by a few students at Star University."

"Of course, but the project has been abandoned by them." Li Sen some embarrassed way.

"Give up, why give up?" Qian Hua was almost in a hurry.

They've been trying to build this kind of reactor, and now they've done it, but they've given up.

"President Ye of star University said it was too wasteful, and they were studying reactors that were both environmentally friendly and energy-efficient," Li said

Qian Hua was completely stunned.

These researchers do experiments here every day, and as a result, they have given up their research.

All the researchers on the scene were stunned by the blow.

"Professor Li, what you said is true or false? How can a university student develop a reactor of this quality

"Yes, star university? We haven't heard of it. Is it something you get back from abroad that makes fun of us

The researchers still can't believe it was made by a few college students.

Li Sen gave a bitter smile: "this is really my failure product from star University."

Qian Hua took a serious look at the reactor and said, "this machine should be regarded as a success. They took a shortcut. Why didn't we think of this method? It's really daunting."

"By the way, Li Sen, I'll take those students from star University." Qian Hua said excitedly.

"This kind of talent, only when they enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences, can they give full play to their abilities. In a university, they are simply buried."

Qian Hua was really shocked by the wisdom of these students.

Li Sen was embarrassed and said, "Professor Qian, I'm afraid it's difficult."

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