Qian Hua wants several students from star University as his apprentices.

Li Sen told Qian Hua that it was difficult.

Qian Hua was stunned for a moment: "whether it is the scientific research equipment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as our technology, can't we let them come?"

Li Sen embarrassed: "Mr. Qian, seriously, our scientific research equipment is not as good as that of star University, and their teacher is Professor Ye. I'm afraid the level of nuclear energy is higher than you."

Although Li Sen didn't want to hit the teacher, he told the truth in the end.

"What? How could this happen? "

"What's more, what they're working on now is the new reactor project that I just mentioned to be more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient, and I'm afraid those students won't come over."

"More environmentally friendly and more energy efficient?" Qian Hua was stunned.

Li Sen simply repeated what he had heard from ye Chen.

Hearing what Li Sen said, everyone was stunned.

Especially Qian Hua.

What Leeson said about making reactors through fusion is even beyond their understanding.

However, as an expert in nuclear energy, Qian Hua took a deep breath after hearing this theory.

This theory makes sense, even if it succeeds.

Qian Hua is very excited. He has been working hard for new energy of nuclear energy these years.

In his seventies, he should have retired.

But he is still on the front line of scientific research.

For what?

It is for the rise of new energy in China.

Qian Hua said excitedly, "Li Sen, can you introduce the president of star university to me? I'm going to star university to meet this expert."

Li Sen nodded: "OK, I'll get in touch."

At this time, ye Chen Ran several single didi business, sitting in a teahouse drinking afternoon tea.

The teahouse is surrounded by mountains and water.

Drinking fragrant tea, listening to light music, the atmosphere is very good.

This teahouse just shot a variety show some time ago. The quiet atmosphere also attracted many people to come to drink tea.

As a result, there are more tea drinkers in this teahouse than usual.

It can also be regarded as a teahouse with Internet popularity.

Ye Chen's daily life is very full, two hours in the morning with students to carry out project research, and then open Didi.

In fact, ye Chen is not short of money at all. Even if he lies at home, money will continue to flow into his account.

But ye Chen is a man of pursuit. He likes to try different life.

Ye Chen was drinking tea when a voice came from the next door.

"Thank you for your rocket."

"Bi Xin, Mo da."


Teahouse is a place to drink tea, so people pay attention to the atmosphere here.

It's just talking, it's also very quiet.

But this woman, while doing live broadcasting, interacts with fans.

Most importantly, her voice is too loud.

Almost the whole teahouse echoed her voice.

"Today I came to the wanghong teahouse to have tea. I'll show you how beautiful the scenery is. Ha ha, I'll drink tea live in a while. You must support me!"

With that, the anchor picked up a dessert.

"Wow, this jujube cake is so sweet that you can eat it well!"

At this time, people have side, frowning at the female anchor.

We all come here to drink tea because the environment is good and quiet. You can relax while drinking tea.

The atmosphere of the teahouse was completely destroyed by her shouting.

"Well, you can go to other places to do live broadcasting. This is a teahouse. Do you have some quality?"

"That's it. Can you be quiet? You've ruined the good atmosphere."

"We come here to have tea for self-cultivation. You can get it pretty much."


Because the anchor was too noisy, several tea guests around finally could not bear to blame.

But the host didn't pay any attention to the girl.

The manager frowned when he saw this scene and gave the waiter a wink.

The waiter nodded and went to the hostess.

"Beauty, would you please keep your voice down, please don't affect other guests to drink tea."

The anchorman is live, suddenly heard the waiter let her voice down, suddenly frowned.

Honghong, however, has millions of fans. She was taught a lesson by a waiter. She was suddenly angry.

"I come here to spend money. I paid for it. Who stipulates that you can't talk loudly when you drink tea?"

"However, our guests are here to enjoy the quiet atmosphere here, you have affected others."

"Well, you are discriminating. They have a voice when they chat. Why don't you say that they only talk about me?""But there have been complaints from customers."

"Complain, can't stand not to be here, want quiet, oneself stay at home, come out to do what."

The female anchor is totally unreasonable and unreasonable.

The waiter was embarrassed and said, "Miss, please don't make me embarrassed, OK? Can you keep your voice down? "

At this time, the waiter has almost begged her.

"No, live broadcasting is my job. Why do you discriminate against our anchors?"

While saying, the female net red picked up the mobile phone, but in the live broadcast, she did not have the arrogance just, but a very sad look.

"They bully people too much. I'm just doing live broadcasting here, and they bombard me, saying that I'm not qualified to drink tea in this kind of shop, and the waiters are unreasonable and push me out. Ah, it's really hard to be a anchor."

The hostess is very smart. She just had a conversation with the waiter. She has closed the live broadcast.

But now she turned on the live.

This kind of sympathizing method is very effective, the fans who are watching the live broadcast in the live room are immediately angry.

"I wipe, what's wrong with the anchor? The anchor is not a person."

"Dare to bully our red and red, rest assured that our fans will get justice for you."

"Yes, the teahouse has scores on the beauty League. Everyone gives bad comments."

"Well, we complained to the consumer association about the teahouse."

"And the arrogant waiter of human flesh."

At this time, the live broadcast room in the barrage.

There are even a few big men to Honghong reward rockets to make up for her hurt heart.

The waiter is just a girl from the village. Where can I see this battle.

Red and red are more excited when they see some big men giving rewards.

"Ouch, why do you push me? Are you a big bully?"


The waitress was confused.

I didn't even touch her. When did I push her?

"What, dare to push us red and red, can't let them go."

"Oh, they want to rob my cell phone and hit people."

Red and red are even more excited to see that there are constant rewards.

The rhythm of this wave is perfect. In the blink of an eye, the red and red harvest several big men's rockets.

She has been directing and acting by herself, cheating fans in the live room.

Obviously is oneself wrong, actually poured all dirty water to the waiter and the teahouse body.

these fans are all old fellow, who are very old.

Seeing their own anchor being bullied, these fans are angry.

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