Red live broadcast room barrage flying.

"Too much. Which teahouse is this?"

"The waiter of human flesh is too arrogant."

"Ha ha, the teahouse is amazing. I've found a link to send it to the group. Everyone goes to make a bad comment."

The waiter didn't expect that he was just persuading the other party to keep quiet. As a result, he made such a big battle.

I'm sorry, but I'm not scared by the waitress

Red and red snorted coldly. When the waitress begged for mercy, she deliberately turned off the live broadcast, and then continued to bring rhythm.

"They're going to grab my cell phone. It's too much."

"Oh, the waiter is going to hit me."

This network red self-made self acting, this acting skills can almost reach the level of the film emperor.

Obviously, she is arrogant and domineering, but the effect in the live broadcast room has become that she is a weak and bullied party.

Red and red can become net red because of the good rhythm.

She makes good use of the switching screen and language skills. These fans are also iron powder, and they believe in the red and red words.

On the screen of the live broadcasting room, the teahouse and the waiters were condemned.

The rhythm is almost the same. Honghong closed the live broadcast and said to the manager, "you are a small teahouse that dares to offend me. You know who I am. With hundreds of thousands of fans, you can see your league rating. It is estimated that it is below 6 points now. If you don't formally apologize to me, I can guarantee that your store score will become the lowest in the whole network."

Heard the threat of female net red, many people's faces are showing dissatisfaction.

This is clearly the wrong thing about women's online popularity. Originally, the teahouse is a quiet place. If you make a lot of noise here, please keep your voice down. You are still confusing right and wrong in the live broadcasting room.

The manager changed his face and opened Tuan Tuan's app.

Suddenly, the manager panicked.

See inside is red and red netizens brush bad comments.

"Don't go to this teahouse. It's all tea brewed with medicine."

"Last time, I drank flies in this teahouse."

"The tea house attendants have a very bad attitude towards the guests. We really don't recommend going."

"There are cockroaches and mice in the shop. It's disgusting."


The original score of the teahouse was 9.8 points, which made the fans of women's net red brush to 6.2 points.

This time the manager was dumbfounded.

If it goes on, his teahouse won't have to open.

Manager has no way, although not reconciled, had to apologize with female net red.

"Beauty, I'm sorry, it's our fault. Please forgive us."

The manager's attitude is very sincere, even to the female net red respectfully bow to apologize.

Female net red cold hum: "sorry, now the end of the apology, just you are not very arrogant? Let me be quiet. Don't you look down on people? "

"No, we..."

The manager is also very depressed. In fact, he just asked the waiter to remind him to be quiet. He didn't expect this woman to be so powerful.

It's an Internet celebrity with hundreds of thousands of fans.

All of a sudden, their store was in a terrible state.

The manager said, "beauty, how can you forgive us?"

Female net red cold hum: "let me forgive you, can fire this clerk."

The shop assistant's face was pale. She had just come to the city from the countryside and finally got a job.

Her father was seriously ill and pointed to her salary.

Now, female net red unexpectedly wants to let boss fire oneself.

In love and reason, I have not done anything wrong.

And it was the manager who asked himself to remind him.

The manager looked cold and said to the waitress, "Xiao Qian, you are fired."

"What makes a manager?" Xiaoqian said wrongly.

"Why? I want you to remind this beauty that you have offended the other party. Xiaoqian, it's only you who have offended those who shouldn't have offended. "

Xiao Qian immediately cried.

She was very aggrieved in her heart.

"Well, how can you do that?"

"Shop assistants are right. Why should they be expelled?"

"It's clearly the fault of the female wanghong. How to bully other people's shop assistants?"

At this time, many customers who drink tea can't see it and criticize them one after another.

But the manager in order to his shop is not continue to be bad reviews, can only bow to the female net red.

Female net red face arrogant: "ha ha, see, sister but has hundreds of thousands of fans anchor, offend me to seek death, dare to offend me, the end is only one, die very miserably, little girl, long memory."

Ye Chen is in one side, the vision is slightly cold.

Originally, he didn't like to meddle in the affairs, but the girl was too arrogant and excessive, so he was in charge of the business.

In fact, just now ye Chen bored has been opening the mobile phone to record the whole process.Originally, if the female net red obedient small voice, ye Chen will not embarrass each other.

But now, the other party is so arrogant that the manager has to fire the saleswoman.

From the beginning to the end, he recorded all the arrogant faces of the female online celebrities, especially the arrogant expressions of the female shop assistants who were dismissed by the manager.

Although the saleswoman was reluctant, she was still driven out of the teahouse.

As she left, the girl cried bitterly.

My father is ill, and there is no cure without her salary.

And she was expelled from the teahouse, and she didn't even have a place to live.

In such a big city, there is not even a place for her to settle down.

What's more, the female online celebrity has said that it will make her fans flesh her. She has heard about the horror of cyber violence before.

Female net red more want more sad, even have the idea of suicide.

When Xiaoqian wants to be narrower, a figure appears beside her.

"Don't cry, little sister. I've seen the whole process. I don't blame you."

Hearing that someone comforts herself, Xiaoqian raised her head and looked at each other gratefully.

"Big brother, I'm so wronged. I'm not wrong. How can city people be so bad?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "not all the people in the city are bad. It's you who meet the bad guys. Don't worry about me. I'll help you. I can let you come back to work tomorrow."

"Really?" Xiaoqian excited way.

"Of course, it is true, and the female Internet star will be punished. Don't worry, justice will be late, but it will never be missing."

"Well, thank you, big brother."

Ye Chen finished and drove away.

At this time, the female net red is enjoying her tea. Through the rhythm of this wave, her fans have increased a lot, and even the reward is twice as much as usual.

"It's good. I'm so smart."

Female net red will not think, although she rose fans, but almost ruined a girl's life.

"Thank you for your own justice. You are all wonderful." Female net red even compared with a heart.

Although her live broadcast was loud, the manager did not dare to say anything.

Many customers, angry directly left the teahouse.

Women's net red face proud, at this time, suddenly appeared in the live broadcast of an emperor level account.

"I wipe, isn't this the legendary big man didi?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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