The story that didi helped a female anchor to become a big man has been circulating on the Internet of shaking fish.

Therefore, to see the big man didi even came to her studio, female network red is also very excited.

"Welcome to big Didi, Bixin."

Ye Chen into the live broadcast room is not vague, directly brush a rocket to take off.

"I wipe, cow force."

"It's really Didi."

"Honghong, it's going to take off today."

"If didi supports you, you will be the next guild champion."

Honghong is only a second-line female anchor in the shaking fish studio.

If you can hold the heart of this big Didi, then you can definitely be promoted to a first-line female anchor.

"Thank you for your support. What do you need Honghong to do for you?"

Ye Chen light smile direct type: "I want to invite you to have a meal."

"This one?" Hong Hong did not speak.

After all, ye Chen but brush a rocket, and she met a rocket how sincere.

"Big Didi, just brush a rocket and want to meet me. I'm not sincere enough."

Ye Chen faint smile: "no problem."

After that, ye Chen directly fired ten rockets.

"Is this enough?"

"Haha, Didi is so polite. I'm just kidding."

Five thousand for one rocket and fifty thousand for ten rockets.

Red and red suddenly excited.

It seems that didi is as forthright as ever. If you take this big man, you will become the first sister of shaking fish in the near future.

Hong Hong even wants to join the dream of the rich.

"Can I see you this time?"

"Of course, I was just joking. I didn't expect that big didi really gave me a reward. I'll think about it."

As soon as the red and red words were finished, another twenty rockets started.

Twenty rockets are a hundred thousand dollars.

This time, Hong Hong Hong knelt down directly.

What kind of reserve, all left aside.

"Big Didi, let's have a private chat and make an appointment."

"I wipe, money really can do what you want."

"Yeah, I want to see a female anchor too, but I don't have any money."

"Honghong, don't you say it's not easy to meet strangers?"

Ye Chen added red wechat to go on a coffee date in Shangdao.

Red face excited: "fans, I'm going to see big Didi, goodbye."

"Hong Hong Hong, are you going too far and throwing us away?"

"That's right. What about pure love

"Don't you say you don't worship money?"

"I know now, why can't I see red and red, because I don't have money!"

Half an hour later, coffee on the island.

Red see ye Chen completely silly.

She never dreamed that ye Chen would be so handsome.

Originally, she thought that the local tyrants must be ugly or old men.

In fact, Hong Hong Hong has already made psychological preparations.

Even if the ugly opponent is a local tyrant, he should try to get close to the rich.

But I didn't expect that he was so young and handsome.

Rich, handsome and lavish on women.

This is the best of men.

See ye Chen, red heart is fast melt.

Before, two people in the teahouse Ye Chen, because in the corner, Honghong did not pay attention to Ye Chen.

Today, Honghong saw Ye Chen for the first time and was deeply attracted by Ye Chen's temperament.

Last time, Didi helped the female anchor to become the champion of the guild war, which shows ye Chen's worth, at least, a billionaire.

Super rich and super handsome, such a man who does not love!

Red sitting opposite Ye Chen, can't help her heart beating.

"I didn't expect that the famous didi boss should be so handsome. In fact, I was just joking with you, and you still spent so much money."

"Well, in fact, I am also very distressed, otherwise you will refund me the money?"

Red and red:

"Give it back to you? What do you think? Don't you realize that I'm just being polite to you? "

"How could I give it back to you, dreaming?"

Red embarrassed smile: "handsome boy, you are really humorous."

Ye Chen faint smile: "don't worry, just I was just joking with you, that little money is nothing."

Red red relaxed, coquettish way: "you are really bad."

This expression is so charming that other men would have been melted.

But ye Chen saw each other's two sides and three knives, just a faint sneer.

Honghong looks at Ye Chen's clothes.

The dress is Hermes with Patek Philippe on the wrist.Proper equipment for local tyrants.

And ye Chen's actions make Hong Hong Hong believe that ye Chen is the son of a powerful family.

This time, it seems that I'm really lucky. With this little brother, I can step on the top of my life.

Honghong has made up her mind to take this man down no matter what means.

Ye Chen laughed: "I don't like to beat around the bush. How much can I give you? Now tell me what you can give? "

Red Leng for a moment, rich people are not the same, even so straightforward.

"Actually, I do have some special benefits for fans."

"What is it?" Ye Chen continued.

"Well..." Red and red looked around.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "it's OK. If you say it, as long as I like it, I can spend money for you. You should know my strength."

"Yes, I know. Big didi is bold."

"Don't worry. I know all your rules. There's no need to hide it with me." Ye Chen light way.

"Well, I'll do it. Ten thousand yuan can add wechat, 100000 yuan can meet, and one million yuan can open a room..."

Red see ye Chen so straightforward, directly said their own welfare.

After saying that, ye Chen nodded: "well, not bad."

At this time, ye Chen slowly picked up the mobile phone and listened again.

See ye Chen's action, red muddle forced.

"Are you?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "nothing, just what you said were recorded."

"What are you doing recording these for?" The red face changed slightly.

Ye Chen is a face indifferent: "of course is to give you exposure."


Teng, red fierce stand up.

"Delete what you just recorded for me."

"If you want to delete it, I will delete it? Who do you think you are? By the way, you're a female anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans. It's amazing, right? Even the teahouse owner was fooled by you and fired the female employees. "

"Are you from the teahouse?" Red eyes a coagulation.

Ye Chen shook his head: "wrong, I was not sent by the teahouse, but I was at the scene and couldn't see it. By the way, I also recorded that video. Do you want to see it?"

"You, who are you? I didn't offend you

Ye Chen faint smile: "I am a didi little brother, and you did not offend me, I am just brave enough to ask for justice for the waiter."

Hong Hong bit her teeth and pointed to Ye Chen and said, "you really think my mother is good at bullying. Tell you, I'll delete that video immediately, or you'll die." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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