Ye Chen was indifferent: "is it? If I don't delete it, I'll see how you let you die. "

Hong Hong sneered and said, "OK, you have seed. Do you really think my mother doesn't know the people on the road?"

Said Hong Hong Hong directly took out the mobile phone, then came a burst of numb voice: "is it leopard brother? I am red and red. "

"Brother leopard, I was bullied. The other party threatened me and blackmailed me. You should make decisions for me."

"What? If you dare to bully my sister, don't be afraid. I'll go now. "

Hang up the phone, red face arrogant looking at Ye Chen: "boy, I advise you to delete this video immediately, otherwise you can have bad luck."

Ye Chen is a faint smile: "is it? I don't believe in evil

Red cold hum: "OK, there will be a time when you cry."

Ten minutes later, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and then a large bald head and a group of thugs depicting dragons and phoenixes rushed into the box.

Seeing the bald head, Hong Hong Hong quickly stood up and hugged brother Bao's arm and cried wrongly.

"Brother leopard, this is the boy. He blackmailed me. Brother leopard, you must make decisions for me."

"I wipe, dare to bully my sister, you don't want to live."

Leopard said, he looked into the box.

When he saw Ye Chen, he was stunned.

Just arrogant look disappeared in a blink of an eye, but his face showed a frightened expression.

"Mr. Ye, is it you?"

Ye Chen Leng for a moment, looked at a bald head, he did not know ah.

"Are you?"

"Mr. Ye, I'm Mr. Yan's man. I met you at the last party and offered you a toast."

A leopard said, ye Chen had a little impression.

Red and red suddenly froze.

She never dreamed that ye Chen's identity was so powerful that she knew brother Bao.

"Brother leopard, he..."


A leopard gave red and red a slap in the face.

"You mean woman, Mr. Ye dare to offend you and want to die."

Red and red suddenly silly.

Now she knew that she must have offended those who could not afford to.

You know, a Bao is a famous villain in. Even when he sees Ye Chen, he is honest. You can see how powerful Ye Chen is.

Honghong is not stupid, and hurriedly came to Ye Chen: "elder brother, I was wrong. It's my fault. I shouldn't take rhythm in the teahouse. I shouldn't bully the waitress. Please forgive me."

Ye Chen said faintly: "please forgive me. First, send this video to the live room immediately. In the live room, you can clarify the facts, let your fans stop network violence, and apologize to the waitress. "

" this... " Hearing Ye Chen's words, Honghong hesitated.

After all, if such things were sent to the studio, her popularity would certainly be affected.

Even some iron powder will leave her.

Ye Chen eyes a cold: "you do not want?"

"You'd better follow Mr. Ye's advice, or you should be clear about the consequences," said a Bao

Feeling a leopard's cold eyes, her red face changed.

A leopard means she is very clear, she quickly nodded: "I immediately hair, immediately clarify."

In the studio, those fans are still criticizing the teahouse.

"Ha ha, I just saw that the score of the teahouse has dropped to 5.2."

"I got the news that the waitress was also fired."

"It's great. This rubbish should be resisted."


At this time, the red line.

"Honghong, everyone is angry for you."

"To bully our family, we must pay the price."

Red at this time sent a message: "we do not want to black that shop, it is my fault."

"What?" The fans were all stunned.

Later, Honghong posted the video on the Internet.

Seeing the video, everyone was stunned.

Even a lot of people have anger in their eyes.

This situation is totally different from what I heard at that time.

The waitress was always polite and didn't do anything about it.

On the contrary, Hong Hong Hong is arrogant and despotic.

Even, Hong Hong Hong is still confusing right and wrong in the live room, playing these iron powder as monkeys.

After watching the video, the fans quit.

"Honghong, how can you do this?"

"Honghong, I didn't expect that you should be such a person."

"It's disappointing."

"Too much, we support you so much, you use us so much."

"It turns out that we were shot like fools."

"No powder, why should we support this kind of anchor?"In an instant, a large number of fans directly de powdered.

There are even a few big guys in it.

Red red see fans crash off, almost cry to death.

And she knows that this time she really broke the hearts of her fans. It's impossible for her fans to come back.

Honghong also called the manager of the teahouse to admit her mistake and said that she must not be fired.

The manager is also a bit confused.

He has already recognized the failure of this matter, but he didn't expect that this arrogant female anchor would take the initiative to apologize.

Take a look at the network, the video of this net red girl blatantly making trouble in the teahouse has been sent to the Internet.

The Internet is full of attacks on female anchors.

"This anchorman is so hateful."

"That's right. That waitress is so pathetic."

"It's bad to encourage my fans to brush bad reviews."

"My God, what quality is this female anchor? How many fans are blind?"

"The saleswoman did her duty from the beginning to the end. Why should she be dismissed?"

"The manager has no principles at all. He is too cold hearted."


With the network effect, the score of teahouse in Tuan is also rising again, returning to nine points again.

The manager of the teahouse was fired because of the improper handling of the matter, while the waitress was promoted to be the manager of the teahouse directly.

When the waitress got the news, she was completely silly.

At first, she thought Ye Chen was just making fun of her, but she didn't expect that things really reversed.

Now that her reputation has recovered, the teahouse's rating has returned to more than 9.

As for the money that ye Chen brushes, red which dares to want, returned to Ye Chen directly.

Ye Chen said faintly: "since you are a net star, it is necessary to spread positive energy and treat fans seriously. Do you understand?"

Honghong nodded. This time, she also learned a lesson. As for whether the popularity can come back later, it is unknown.

But now her popularity has fallen to the bottom. It's really hard to get up.

Ye Chen walks out of the restaurant. When he sees Ye Chen walking towards a Geely car, red and red suddenly muddled.

It's too low-key to reward tens of millions of people for driving more than 100000 Jili cars.

Ye Chen just got on the bus and received a call from Lin Shiyin.

"President ye, Li Sen has come back with a professor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They want to see you."

"Professors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?" Ye Chen is in a daze.

However, he soon understood the other party's intention. It seems that his project has attracted the above attention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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