Fusion nuclear reactor is only in the paper and theory in the world.

But now several college students have made the finished product, how can we not let Qian Hua be shocked.

Especially when we see the semi-finished product, whether it's structure or style, it has a pattern.

"Mr. Ye, can you let them do an experiment? Let me see." Qian Hua could not help but say.

Ye Chen nodded: "of course."

Later, ye Chen said to Wang Meng, "you just do the experiment again."

"But Mr. Ye, this is only a semi-finished product. The energy created by nuclear fusion is still too small."

Ye Chen faint smile: "it doesn't matter, I believe Professor Qian will be very surprised."

Wang Meng nodded and began to do the experiment with her partner.

When he saw the energy gathered by the fusion nuclear reactor, Qian Hua was completely shocked.

Even Qian Hua's body was shaking.

Although this is only a semi-finished product, it only needs to be improved to produce the new energy he has always dreamed of.

His lifelong dream was realized by several students.

"Can I extract the elements and test them?" Qian Hua said excitedly.

Ye Chen nodded: "there are testing instruments over there, you are free."

Qian Hua tested the extracted substances and the results surprised him.

Nuclear energy in general produces radiation, so this kind of thing is very cautious all over the world.

Especially in the past few years, the leakage of nuclear power plants in island countries has caused huge losses.

However, the substance extracted by Ye Chen is harmless to the body and will not pollute the environment.

This is a dream new energy source that scientists all over the world have been studying.

Qian Hua never dreamed that this technology was realized in Ye Chen's hands.

Seeing Qian Lao's excited look, ye Chen doesn't think so.

Although the theory of this kind of thing is correct, it can not even burn a pot of water.

In Ye Chen's eyes, this is just a waste.

Ye Chen can see at a glance where they failed.

Nuclear fusion is the separation and aggregation of neutrons and protons, which is one step short of their formula.

This problem is caused by the imbalance of the ratio of neutrons and protons.

Although see the problem, but ye Chen did not say.

This kind of thing, only the student studies out by oneself, has the value to them.

If ye Chen said it, although it can speed up the progress, it is not conducive to the growth of several students.

But at this time, Qian Hua looked at the instrument as if holding a baby.

Qian Hua said excitedly, "Mr. Ye, I have a request. Can I join your research team?"

At this time, Qian Hua did not look like a leader of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Instead, he looked like a devout student.

But ye Chen soon understood what Qian Hua meant.

"I don't intervene in this matter. This project belongs to these children," Ye Chen said

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Qian Hua understands that ye Chen has given the initiative to these students.

Old Qian, embarrassed and smiling, found Wang Meng and said, "young man, discuss with you whether I can join your team."

This scene, if let outside people see Ken meeting, scared silly.

It's incredible that Professor Qian Huaqian should ask several students.

After hearing Qian Hua's words, Wang Meng was stunned.

They never dreamed that the famous professor Qian would join their team.

"Mr. Qian, are you kidding me? Who are you?"

Qian Hua looked serious: "classmate, I am very serious, I really want to join your team, please give me this opportunity."

Wang Meng was stunned.

I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect that Qian was serious.

"We have to discuss this matter before we can make a decision," Wang Meng said

Qian Hua nodded and waited nervously for the news.

Wang Meng called several people together and discussed it.

After a while, Wang Meng came back with an apologetic face and said, "Mr. Qian, I'm really sorry. I think we still want to rely on our own ability to complete this project."

No one thought that Wang Meng refused Qian Hua's participation.

Qian Hua was also stunned.

He did not expect that he would be rejected.

You know, he is the authority of nuclear power. If he joins in, the project will surely make great progress.

But these students refused.

Wang Meng understood that they didn't want to take a shortcut, let alone find the answer without thinking. They relied on their own ability to complete the project.

Only in this way can they make a qualitative leap.

Qian Hua never dreamed that he would be rejected by several students in his capacity.However, he has no way. After all, these students have made a decision. He can never rely on the old and sell the old, and use the official authority to bully several children. This is not his character.

Qian Hua was very disappointed that he could not join the team.

Ye Chen is secretly nodding.

If Qian Hua joined in, the progress of the project would be much faster.

After all, Qian Hua is an authoritative expert, but that is not good for the growth of several students.

The reason why Ye Chen is successful is that he has a system.

However, these few rely on their own efforts to succeed.

Then ye Chen took Qian Hua to visit the laboratory.

Qian Hua is really shocked by Ye Chen.

He asked, "when we can't see a device that we can't get rid of radiation."

Ye Chen shook his head: "sorry, there is only one device."

Qian Hua nodded regretfully and became more curious about star college.

The star academy is leading the world in technology.

After the visit, ye Chen and Qian Hua left the laboratory.

Although there were reporters outside who wanted to interview Qian Hua, they were rejected.

The research project of star university is top secret. He can't tell the world.

Otherwise, there must be other countries to make trouble.

After all, many countries in the world do not want China to be strong.

However, although Mr. Qian did not accept an interview, the news of Qian Hua's visit to star University was still spread out, causing a sensation.

After all, Mr. Qian has been in the laboratory for a long time, and his first appearance in people's view is actually coming to star University.

Even many people suspect that star University and the Chinese Academy of sciences have some kind of cooperative relationship.

Shen Qiang, the president of the University, has a gloomy face.

Mr. Qian, a leading figure in science, should have come to their university and went to star University.

Isn't that a blow to their face?

The most important thing is that Qian went to star University. What kind of scientific research projects should be built there.

Fuda has always been a famous school in China, and is also a top one school in China. This time, Shen Qiang felt a strong pressure.

Shen Qiang's most worrying thing still happened. If all this comes true, star university may become a famous university in China and even threaten the status of the University.

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