On the contrary, I don't like this kind of delicate articles.

Ye Chen took a general look at it. The content of the article is very good. On the whole, it reads smoothly and the writing style is excellent. The only thing is that it is not cool enough.

Now that I saw the work of my old classmates, I couldn't go whoring in vain. Ye Chen registered an account number directly, the light of stars.

Then ye Chen directly recharged 100000 yuan.

A thousand is an ally.

Ye Chen rewarded 100000 in one breath.

In an instant, a barrage appeared on the app of chuangdian.com.

Congratulations on the light of the stars and reward Feifei with one million yuan.

"I wipe, a million dollars, too strong, the legendary local tyrant ah."

"One breath reward 100000 yuan. That author is so lucky."

"What kind of God's book is this? It's a reward of 100000. You must read it."

"Shenhao, come and have a look at my book. It's beautiful and delicious. It can also make you daydream."


The reward of 100000 yuan immediately attracted many readers to watch.

You know, the alliance leader will have it every day, but a reward of 100000 is rare.

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