Tang Xiaofei picked up his mobile phone and saw the handsome head of Ye Chen.

After half a day of thinking, finally sent a message: "Ye Chen, is it?"

Ye Chen replied quickly: "beautiful women are here. Are you ok?"

"Did you read my book yesterday and give me a reward?" Asked Tang Xiaofei.

"Well, I did. I gave you a little bit of money." Ye Chen replied.

"A little bit of a reward? That's 100000 yuan. What is it Tang Xiaofei has no words.

100000 in the eyes of tangxiaofei is indeed a huge amount, but in Ye Chen's eyes is really just a little.

"Well, I didn't really get a lot of reward."

"The light of the stars is your account." "Don Xiaofei.

"Well, yes, I've got a reward of 100000." Said Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, it's not easy to tick. You can earn 10000 a month. This is your income in a year," Tang said

Ye Chen saw Tang Xiaofei sent words that he knew that the old classmate must feel like a didi driver, and it was a bit heartache to reward so much money.

"Ha ha, it's not that exaggerated."

"No, you earned the money hard and hard. I can't." Tang Xiaofei replied.

Seeing the news of tangxiaofei, ye Chen felt warm in her heart.

For so many years, many students have changed.

Even the girl who felt very pure at that time, now it has become green tea.

Society is a melting pot, but tangxiaofei may have been at school all the time, her heart still has not changed, still so pure.

Ye Chen replied: "nothing, what a big thing. Since I give a reward, I must be within my ability, and I read your big work and wrote it so wonderful that I can't help it."

"Hum, you have lied less to me. I know what level I write myself. If I write it really well, I will have been 100 League." Tang Xiaofei gave a look.

Ye Chen saw Tang Xiaofei's lovely doodle expression, and his brain filled up Tang Xiaofei's present appearance, and also felt a funny moment.

"Really, you're really good at writing." Ye Chen continued to reply.

"Hum, don't cheat. I wrote so many works and put it on the street. This data is not good. I can't wait for my contribution to pay you back." "Don Xiaofei.

100000 yuan, actually for ye Chen is only drizzle, but for tangxiaofei is a huge amount.

Because the website to deduct half and add tax, can you get enough 100000 or something.

Ye Chen has no words, other girls get money must be excited, this girl is playing life to return to themselves.

"Really not, just be an old classmate's heart, and I don't just tick, I just feel like I'm experiencing life."

Seeing that Tang Xiaofei must refund the money, ye Chen had to showdown the card.

"But, how sorry."

"I am your fan," Ye Chen said. "If you really give me the money back, but I don't respect it, I will be sad."

Tang Xiaofei saw Ye Chen's reply and finally hit out a question that he always wanted to ask: "Ye Chen, do you like me if you give me so much money?"

When this sentence came out, Tang Xiaofei immediately blushed, even the heart beat violently.

Ye Chen saw Tang Xiaofei's message was also a daze.

In fact, ye Chen in school, really secretly love tangxiaofei.

But at that time, he was too astringent, and thought that students should study hard, so he kept this feeling in his heart.

To tell truth, when I saw Tang Xiaofei, ye Chen really had a different feeling in her heart.

Seeing ye Chen not reply for half a day, tangxiaofei sent another message: "ha ha, don't be afraid. I just joked. Since you like this, I took it, but I won't give me any more reward later. It's not easy for you to earn money. I will be angry."

"Well, since you don't like it, I won't give you a reward," Ye Chen said. "

in fact, tangxiaofei has been waiting for ye Chen to reply.

She hopes Ye Chen replied that I like you.

But after a long time, ye Chen didn't return. She was afraid that ye Chen refused to, so she deliberately opened the topic.

But after a while of talking to Ye Chen, she was still very happy.

"I took your reward and you brought me so many fans. I have to thank you very much," Tang said

Ye Chen listened to the smile and said, "OK, then I must kill you well."

"As long as you don't order 100000 meals." "Don Xiaofei smiled.

Tang Xiaofei suddenly sent a message: "Ye Chen I found that your character changed a lot, especially will coax girls happy, honest to explain, is not bubble many girls?"

Ye Chen laughed and said, "ah, this is all discovered by you. I am a girl killer."

Hearing Ye Chen's reply, Tang Xiaofei was stunned.But she did not take it seriously, thinking Ye Chen was joking.

Two people chat for a while, ye Chen continues to open Di Di Di.

At this time, ye Chen's mobile phone group rang.

After a look, it turned out to be the group of master Didi.

Not long before ye Chen opened Didi, he added a group of didi masters.

The purpose of the people here is different from ye Chen. They are all to make a living, so their character is very simple.

Chen Wu: "brothers, let's talk in the group for such a long time. It's better to get together."

Zhang Dong: "yes, how about the AA system?"

Li Fei: "good, ye Chen, are you coming or not?"

Ye Chen usually chats in the group, so everyone is very familiar.

Ye Chen replied: "of course, the location is set, tell me about it."

Chen Wu: "how about a barbecue at six o'clock in the evening?"

"No problem."

"No problem."

Ye Chen also replied directly: "no problem."

Although Ye Chen is rich, he prefers to deal with people like Chen Wu.

We don't have any interests, so chatting is more relaxed.

In the evening, ye Chen several people came to the fourth brother barbecue.

We ordered the barbecue and the beer.

Several people are very casual, chatting about some interesting things.

Is eating, ye Chen's mobile phone rings.

Ye Chen took a look, it was Tang Xiaofei calling, he said to several humanitarians: "you eat first, I go out to answer a phone call."

Come to the box outside, ye Chen connected the phone.

"Beauty, how did you remember to call me again?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you wrote a novel?" Opposite Tang Xiaofei road.

"Ha ha, I just write to play." Ye Chen Dao.

"Write to play, you write too good, I am attracted by your story, your novel is very popular in chuangdian.com, now it has 10000 collections."

"Oh, really?" Ye Chen is not surprised.

After all, this book was a divine book in a previous life. The fire was very normal.

"By the way, ye Chen, are you free at night? I'd like to invite you to dinner and ask you about the skills of writing novels. "

In fact, the reason why Tang Xiaofei asked Ye Chen was to see ye Chen.

As for what kind of writing skills, it's just an excuse.

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