Since meeting Ye Chen, I don't know why, Tang Xiaofei's mind is full of Ye Chen's figure.

"No problem with that." It's almost a wine party. It's time to go on a date with a beautiful woman.

"Well, we'll be at star point western restaurant at eight o'clock in the evening. We'll see you later."

Star point western restaurant is also a middle-class western restaurant.

Although Ye Chen has eaten more advanced ones, ye Chen understands that it must have been very generous for Tang Xiaofei to invite herself to eat there.

At this time, Tang Xiaofei hung up the phone, with a happy smile on her face.

At this time, several dormitory sisters surrounded: "Oh, we Xiaofei is not in love."

"That's right. Today's state is totally wrong. I'll tell you honestly if you know any handsome guy."

Tang Xiaofei's face was bashful: "what are you talking about? I'll invite my old classmate to have a meal."

Thinking of seeing ye Chen in the evening, Tang Xiaofei is very excited.

Especially by the classmate said that he was in love, she is even more pretty face red.

"Ah, I don't know which boy has arched the beautiful woman in our dormitory. The other party must be very happy."

Tang Xiaofei has always been the flower of the University.

But I've never had a boyfriend for so many years.

Many boys pursue Tang Xiaofei, but they are rejected by her.

Today, Tang Xiaofei even took the initiative to invite a boy to dinner, but for the first time.


Ye Chen didn't think too much about Tang Xiaofei's invitation.

If Tang Xiaofei was invited to dinner before, he would be excited.

But now it's different.

Ye Chen has so many beautiful women around her, Tang Xiaofei is at best one of them.

However, thought that can and the same table date, ye Chen mood is very good.

He even hummed songs from his previous life: "I don't know if you think of my diary..."

Ye Chen came to the silver table and settled the account directly.

Although it is said that the AA system, but ye Chen knows that it is not easy to open Didi.

Ye Chen is basically open to play, at most two hours a day, but these didi little brothers, but from morning to night, some to support their families, have been open until the early morning.

Back in the box, ye Chen found that there was a quarrel in the box. After walking in, he saw that in addition to a few didi brothers, there were a few people who did not know.

Chen Wu's face was livid. The two sides were at daggers' end, and they were about to fight.

The other side is very arrogant because of the large number of people.

After all, there were only four of them, but there were more than a dozen of each other, and each of them was big.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, although a few Didi's younger brother just chatted online, but the relationship between them was very good.

Especially when he saw a red palm print on Chen Wu's face, he knew that Chen Wu had just been beaten.

Ye Chen doesn't like to bully people, but he won't be bullied by others, even his own friends.

"What's going on?" Ye Chen asked coldly.

Chen Wu said: "Ye Chen, as soon as these people enter the door, they say they want to use this box. If we don't agree, they start to beat people."

Ye Chen sees a few people's dress to know, these people should be this piece of bastard.

"You just got beaten up?" Ye Chen asked Chen Wu.

Chen Wu nodded: "I just had a few words with them, and they started to beat people."

Different from these gangsters, Chen Wu and other gangsters support their families.

First of all, they drive a taxi every day. Their bodies are empty, and they have more scruples. So if they fight, they will surely suffer losses.

Ye Chen patted Chen Wu on the shoulder: "don't worry, you get hit, I will find it for you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Wu's heart was warm, but he held Ye Chen: "don't forget it. There are many of them. Let's change places to eat."

Ye Chen shook his head: "it's OK. Just give it to me. You can watch the play."

Finish saying, ye Chen turns round directly, face a yellow hair of leader way: "was you hit my friend just now?"

Huang Mao looked at Ye Chen with disdain: "boy, how do you want to take the lead for these uncles? Tell you that this is Laozi's territory. If you are sensible, you can get out of here immediately. Otherwise, your handsome face will be beaten black and blue, and you will not be able to see people."

Finish saying, the crowd behind him is also a face arrogant: "ha ha, this boy is so handsome, I want to smoke two times."

"That's right. I guess the boy is a little white face."

Ye Chen did not speak, suddenly raised his hand.


A loud slap in the face.

Ye Chen's slap in the face is very powerful. Huang Mao is even a stun by the fan, and he retreats four or five steps.

Yellow hair's face, immediately swollen and pig's head.

Covering his red and swollen face, Huang Mao was silly: "do you dare to hit me?"Ye Chen coldly said: "you social scum, do nothing every day, will cause trouble, today I want to teach you a good lesson."

Huang Mao's eyes were cold: "with you, the boy dares to hit me, today I abandoned you, give me together."

At this time, behind a few didi little brother's face also slightly changed.

Although they are also a little afraid, but are gathered around Ye Chen ready to start.

However, ye Chen stopped them.

"You're going to have a beep tomorrow. I'll take these boys."

Ye Chen's face is full of banter.

I haven't started for a long time. These boys just relieve itch for themselves.

At this time, a gangster has rushed to Ye Chen's body, waving his fist and smashing to Ye Chen's face.

Did not wait for his fist to fall, ye Chen one foot directly kicks on his small stomach.

The rascal flew back and forth, fell heavily on the ground, howled in pain, and could not get up.

Then ye Chen is like a tiger down the mountain.

Just less than a minute, just arrogant more than a dozen gangsters, have been hit by Ye Chen lying on the ground.

Ye Chen goes to Huang Mao's body.

Huang Mao looked at Ye Chen's cold eyes, and his face changed wildly: "boy, my elder brother is a leopard brother. You dare to move me to death."

Brother leopard?

He raised his mouth and listened.

He did not continue to start, but sat on the chair, cocked his legs and said: "then you call brother leopard."

Huang Mao is also stunned. The boy is too arrogant. He dare to call himself.

Chen, looking at the other party's plot, worries about ye.

Ye Chen said: "what? Dare not fight? I'll give you a chance. "

"All right, boy. You've got the seed."

Huang Mao bit his teeth, picked up the mobile phone and dialed a phone.

"Brother leopard, I'm a mouse. I'm barbecue with the fourth brother. I'm beaten."

"I dare to bully my brother in Laozi's territory. Wait, I'll go right now."

Hang up the phone, Huang Mao's face showed a joking expression.

"Boy, you don't go. I tell you, you're dead when brother leopard comes."

Hearing the name of brother leopard, three didi behind him suddenly changed his face.

Chen Wu said: "Ye Chen, brother Bao is a big gangster in this area. He kills people without blinking an eye. Let's go."

Ye Chen is contemptuous a smile: "nothing, I wait for him to come, I pour want to see in the end who dies." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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