After a while, the door pushed, and brother leopard came in with more than a dozen people.

"NIMA, my people dare to fight. I'll see who has the courage."

See leopard brother, yellow hair immediately came to the spirit, from the ground to climb up.

"Brother leopard is the boy."

"Today I'll let him know what it's like to dare to touch my brother."

The leopard elder brother turns to look at Ye Chen several people.

The other three didi brothers shivered when they saw brother leopard's cold eyes.

But leopard brother saw Ye Chen suddenly muddled.

"Mr. Ye, why are you again?"

Brother Bao is crying. How can I meet Ye Chen every day these two days.

Ye Chen joked: "just this yellow hair said, you will kill me when you come."

"I don't dare to borrow ten."

Brother Bao picked up the yellow hair directly.

"Mr. Ye, you dare to provoke him to death."

Brother Bao stares at Huang Mao coldly and slaps his hand in the face.

This time both sides of the yellow hair face are swollen, very harmonious.

Leopard elder brother snorts a way coldly: "pull out a few of them, leg all broke."

After a while, there was a scream outside.

Brother Bao's body trembled at Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, are you satisfied with this treatment?"

Ye Chen said faintly: "after taking care of your people, roll."

Leopard brother bowed to Ye Chen, and then took people out of the room.

Chen Wu, the three of them, were stupid.

"Ye Chen, you know brother Bao."

"Well, I've seen it a few times before."

"Ye Chen, you are so powerful that you are even so afraid of you as a big gangster like brother Bao."

"Evil does not oppress justice. Maybe I am more upright."

Chen Wu three people at this time also understand, ye Chen's identity, certainly not they understand so simple.

Ye Chen said: "today's atmosphere is gone, so I'll make dinner for you some other day."

"OK, thank you."

When they leave, ye Chen looks at the time. There is still an hour to go before the time appointed by Tang Xiaofei.

Because of drinking, ye Chen had to take a taxi to the western restaurant.

At this time, the female dormitory of the University.

Tang Xiaofei is choosing clothes.

But she didn't feel very satisfied with any of them.

She regretted that she should buy some brand-name clothes. Now she has no suitable clothes for dating.

"Which one of you is going to go out with you

Tang Xiaofei pretty face flushed: "no, please help me to see, which dress I wear is more beautiful."

Her best friend said with a smile: "our family Xiaofei looks beautiful, which can charm a group of boys."

Tang Xiaofei thought about it and found a more pure clothes.

After all, for the first time she had dinner with Ye Chen, she also wanted to give him a good impression.

Thinking of seeing ye Chen soon, Tang Xiaofei is very happy.

Not able to eat with Ye Chen, in fact, this has been Tang Xiaofei's regret.

Originally thought there was no chance, did not expect to meet Ye Chen again, how can Tang Xiaofei not be happy.

Looking at the time, there is still half an hour, Tang Xiaofei this flustered left the dormitory.

Tang Xiaofei is wearing light makeup for the first time today.

Wearing a light blue dress, very beautiful.

Originally, she felt that there was plenty of time, but unexpectedly, there was a traffic jam on the way.

When she came to the western restaurant, it was already 8:05.

Tang Xiaofei is worried, afraid that ye Chen will be angry and leave.

However, when she came to the western restaurant, she saw that ye Chen had arrived and was looking at her mobile phone.

Seeing ye Chen's handsome side face, Tang Xiaofei took a breath.

After all, Tang Xiaofei was very sorry for being late for the first date.

She came to Ye Chen with some embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, I'm late."

It felt like a student who was late for class.

Ye Chen raised his head and looked at Tang Xiaofei's appearance and couldn't help laughing.

In fact, ye Chen is not angry at all, after all, girls are very troublesome.

If you go out, you may have to make up and try on clothes, so it's OK to be late.

Tang Fei was late, and those girls who were too late should be better than those girls.

"It's OK. I just arrived. By the way, what would you like to drink, coffee?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Oh, just a latte for me." Tang Xiaofei said.

Ye Chen called the waiter and began to order.

Soon the food came up. It was all little desserts and steak.

Tang Xiaofei's eyes are not on the dishes, but are staring at Ye Chen all the time.Especially that pair of eyes, exudes charming, see ye Chen heart crisp.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "by the way, so much delicious food, what do you always stare at me as?"

"I feel you're more and more handsome," Tang said

Ye Chen listened to a faint smile: "is it? Is your boyfriend handsome? "

Tang Xiaofei blushed and said, "I don't have a boyfriend yet."


Originally Tang Xiaofei also wanted to ask Ye Chen if she had a girlfriend, but she still swallowed her words to her mouth.

Because she was afraid, she just fell in love.

They chatted while eating, chatting about a lot of interesting things about school. They were very happy.

Ye Chen sees to eat almost, rise to say to want to go to toilet.

Although Ye Chen said he was going to the toilet, he actually went to check out.

After all, Tang Xiaofei is a girl. How can ye Chen really let her pay the bill.

This meal is also more than 1000 yuan, which is nothing to Ye Chen, but it is a huge sum of money for Tang Xiaofei who is still in school.

After ye Chen settled the account, he went to his seat.

But just walked in front of the seat, but saw Tang Xiaofei opposite sitting a man.

The man is wearing a famous brand, is greedily looking at Tang Xiaofei.

The other side seemed to have drunk a lot of wine and said to Tang Xiaofei: "beauty, meet me. I'm Lei Ming, President of Dahua Group."

As he spoke, he left his Ferrari key on the table.

The average girl must have been fascinated by the key to a sports car.

But Tang Xiaofei is not cold at all.

She said coldly, "Sir, please leave. My friend will be back in a minute."

"It doesn't matter. Your friend must be a beauty. I have plenty of money. I can afford two. This restaurant is too low-end. Have you ever been to the time restaurant? Michelin 3-star restaurant, I invite you to have a big meal. "

Lei Ming is very confident, he looks very handsome, but also has the money, he uses this kind of means not to know how many girls he has colluded with.

Go to the restaurant, will order liquor, the girl drunk, and then can be free at night.

Lei Ming read women countless, but see Tang Xiaofei's first eye was attracted by the beauty of 98 points.

This beauty is more beautiful and pure than he has played before.

He even made up his mind to take this woman down.

But Tang Xiaofei said coldly: "Sir, please respect yourself. If you don't leave, I'll call security." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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