The two chatted for a while and continued to watch the film.

Tang Xiaofei suddenly said: "can ye Chen lean on your shoulder?"

Ye Chen said: "good, casually lean on, sit didi charge, this is regarded as welfare."

Tang Xiaofei pretty face red, this fool, now do not know my mind?

Ye Chen is certainly not a fool, he also knows Tang Xiaofei's mind.

However, ye Chen has too many girls around him, and he doesn't want to hurt Tang Xiaofei.

Tang Xiaofei is very beautiful and pure. As long as they are friends, they can do it.

Nestling on Ye Chen's shoulder, Tang Xiaofei feels his little heart beating.

This is the first time She nestles in a boy's side, saying that she is not nervous must be false.

Now she finally understood why Ye Chen said this was the golden seat.

Sitting in the corner, no one will notice them.

She can feel Ye Chen's temperature and even his breath.

This feeling is very good, Tang Xiaofei even hopes, can be like this all his life.

Unfortunately, the film soon ended, Tang Xiaofei had to reluctantly get up from ye Chen's shoulder.

Even Tang Xiaofei complained in his heart why the film couldn't be longer.

"Well, it's very late. I'll take you back."

Tang Xiaofei nodded.

At this time, ye Chen's Jili car has long been driven to the gate of the cinema.

Ye Chen drives Tang Xiaofei back to her dormitory.

To the dormitory door, Tang Xiaofei pretty face a red: "Ye Chen, thank you, accompany me to spend such a happy night."

Ye Chen faint smile: "ha ha, should, later want to find me to play, can call me at any time."

Tang Xiaofei gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's five star high praise. Activate the second lucky star and get the bad luck card. 】

"if the bad luck card is pasted on the user, it can make the other person be haunted by bad luck within three days."

At this time, Tang Xiaofei found his hand has been involuntarily and ye Chen together.

That kind of feeling, just like a little couple in a hot love.

At this time, a van suddenly stopped behind, the door opened and a few jerks with sticks came down.

Thunder Ming is driving a Ferrari sports car, also came down from the car.

Tang Xiaofei's face changed slightly when he saw this scene.

Ye Chen is disdainful to see a behind.

"Feifei, you hide in the back. It's just a bunch of flies."

Lei Ming looks at Ye Chen and Tang Xiaofei coldly.

"Boy, I thought it would be all right after you finished beating. NIMA still went to the cinema. Zhente wanted to die. Today I will dismiss you. As for that chick, I will ravage you today."

Thunder touched his red and swollen face, and his face was gloomy.

Ye Chen pulls his handsome face and pig's head, there is no way to see people in the short term.

Lei Ming has never been so angry since childhood. He left his cigarette end on the ground and said to the bastard behind him: "give me the cigarette. I'll give you ten thousand reward. This stinky bitch will also tie me to the car. I want to be happy."

Hearing the thunder give out ten thousand bounty, the villains on the scene all burst into light.

It's a good deal. It's a good deal.

A group of gangsters walked towards Ye Chen with a grim smile.

"Ye Chen, what should I do? These people look fierce. Otherwise, I will ask that man to let you go."

"Silly girl, don't you have me?"

Tang Xiaofei, who has seen this posture, has long been scared silly.

But ye Chen but faint smile, block Tang Xiaofei behind.

Tang Xiaofei's words, ye Chen is very moved, even if he is wronged, he is not willing to let Ye Chen encounter danger.

Ye Chen light way: "don't worry, just a few flies, don't worry."

Finish saying that, ye Chen face color a cold, toward that group carrying iron stick of Hun son to walk past.

Ye Chen is not happy, just how good the atmosphere, this group of bastards came, destroyed such a good atmosphere.

It's an unforgivable crime to influence yourself to get a girl.

One of the leading gangsters said: "brothers and several together, Leida less will give us money."

Said these bastards a surge up, want to hold down Ye Chen to smash his leg.

Ye Chen's leg is worth ten thousand.

However, ye Chen where will give them a chance, one hand a probe, directly seized a crook's hand stick.

The thug felt a great force coming, and his stick was taken out of control.

With the stick, ye Chen is like a tiger with wings, and the stick in his hand is dancing like flying.

In the blink of an eye, those ferocious bastards were beaten to the ground.

Ye Chen throws the stick to the ground."Go away."

Ye Chen grabs the leading Hun and kicks in the other side's stomach.

Son of a bitch, being kicked straight spit acid water to roll out seven or eight meters.

These bastards, pale, did not expect Ye Chen to be so fierce.

Tang Xiaofei saw Ye Chen's hand and was worried at first.

But see ye Chen beat these bastards all over the ground, eyes straight stars.

This is the man she wants.

Not only handsome, temperament, but also to protect themselves, such a man is really perfect.

That group of bastards know that they can't beat Ye Chen, and dare not think of ten thousand bonus. They help the old muddler who has been kicked almost abandoned to run away.

Thunder is stupid.

He thought that it would be easy for him to call in more than a dozen people to destroy them.

I didn't expect that these guys usually boast a lot, but it's over when they meet the truth.

Lei Ming turns and wants to run. After all, ye Chen's force value has been seen by him. He is not ye Chen's opponent at all.

But as soon as he ran to the door of the sports car, he just got into it, but he was grabbed by a pair of big hands and carried out by the collar.

"Run, where are you going?"

Ye Chen didn't want to see Lei Ming as a small character. If he didn't trouble himself, it would be fine.

But this guy killed himself, ye Chen can only help him.

Lei Ming looks at Ye Chen's cold eyes and his face changes wildly.

At this time, he was really afraid: "big brother, I was wrong, you forgive me, I dare not."

"Wrong? I gave you a chance, but you sent for my legs to be broken. "

"I don't know Taishan, I really dare not."

Since you met me, ye gave me a cold gift

Finish saying, ye Chen directly extracted a bad luck card.

This bad luck card, except ye Chen, can't be seen by others. He slapped Lei Ming in the face.

All of a sudden, a rune directly into the thundering body.

In an instant, thunder's body was filled with black gas.

Ye Chen knows that these are bad luck.

It will take three days for this black air to dissipate, that is to say, thunder will have bad luck in these three days.

Ye Chen severely kicked thunder Ming a few feet, and then joked: "brother, I wish you good luck these two days."

With that, ye Chen sent Tang Xiaofei to school and drove away.

Thunder gave a long breath, looking at Ye Chen car's rear tail light, a trace of malice flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, it's not over."

At this time, a flowerpot suddenly fell down on his head and hit him heavily.

Bad luck card, it's working. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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