The flowerpot fell right on the thunder's head.

"I wipe, whose flowerpot." Thunder raised his head and cursed.

But after a long time of scolding, there was no reply at all.

It's really bad luck.

Thunder, blood on the head and face.

The blood on his face was drawn by Ye Chen, and the blood on his head was smashed by a vase falling from his head.

Thunder just started the car, Pooh Hoo.

He felt the car clang.

The air pressure shows a flat tire.


After thunder got out of the car, his feet had just landed.

A deep pain came.

There was a nail in the thunder's foot.

Blood immediately stained the feet.

Bite teeth, thunder pulled out the nail on the foot, just at this time, a car quickly drove by.

The water on the ground directly splashed thunder.

The original white suit was immediately full of dirty water.

Lei Ming used to drive. When he saw passers-by, he often intentionally drove the car over and let the water splash on others. Unexpectedly, today, he also realized the feeling of being splashed.

"You know how to drive." Lei Ming scolded and wanted to take a ride to the hospital.

But sadly, there was no car on the road.

He was ready to return to the car, but just out of two steps, he stepped on the banana peel and fell heavily on the ground.

Behind him is the garbage heap, all the garbage on his body.


More than ten minutes later, thundering sat powerless on the ground.

His body was full of garbage, and the smell was extremely bad. There were flies flying around him.

Passers-by see him look disgusted, hide far away.

Thunder was about to cry.

This is too bad luck.

He suddenly thought that ye Chen was about to leave and said, "good luck to you.".

And ye Chen's weird smile.

Did he curse me?

Just then, a group of stray dogs came running.

Usually these stray dogs are in this garbage heap to pick food, but saw that a man robbed their territory.

With a roar from the leading dog, a group of dogs surged up.

Thunder's bitten shoes also fell, his pants were broken, and as a result, he stepped on the broken glass and his feet were covered with blood.

Lie down on the ground, thunder, breathing heavily.

He felt that he was in a state of bad luck. No matter what he did, he would have bad luck.

Lei Ming had a habit of cleanliness since childhood. Now he looks like he is going crazy.

What the hell is going on here?

Why do you have bad luck all the time?

Now, the thunder feeling is even worse than death, this kind of torture is really too painful.

"Dad, come and help me!"

Lei Ming takes out his mobile phone and calls his father, but his father's voice comes from the opposite side.

"Save you, where are you now? Two years ago, you pushed the girl's business, and someone took a video. The other party has called the police. Run quickly. You'd better go abroad. Dad, my company has closed down. You can only rely on yourself."

The phone hung up and thunder broke down completely.

What's wrong with me?

Thunder now scared out of his wits.

At the beginning, he played a female model, the other party must call the police when he wakes up.

He thought no one was looking and pushed him down the window.

Originally thought to do seamless, but was photographed.

Killing a person is a felony in China. If he is caught, he will be properly executed.

Lei Ming wanted to run, but he just stood up, and his foot actually stepped on the mousetrap.

I wipe. How can there be a mousetrap on the road?

The thunder was nipped and screamed.

At this moment, he was completely afraid.

Lei Ming finally understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words.

He shivered and regretted.

Regret should not offend Ye Chen.

Now, thunder felt worse than dead.

At this moment, the siren sounded.

Seeing the police, thunder has a sense of relief.

When the police handcuffed him and pressed the police car, the thunder let out a breath.

I'm not in a police car.

But he was just in his seat.

I cried out.

The policeman was stunned for a moment: "what do you call?"

"Ass, ass."

The thunder of the bottom raised.

The police were also stunned: "eh, how can there be a needle on the seat?"

Thunder cry, he pleaded: "police uncle, I am guilty, you quickly shoot me."……

Ye Chen doesn't know how unlucky Lei Ming is now. He has just received a list.

A young man has been on the phone since he got on the car.

"Bike sharing what?" A voice came from the phone.

"Mr. Wei, this bike sharing project is a new project developed by our team. It can help people travel freely and is very convenient."

"Free travel? Environmental protection, what a mess, our funds will not be invested in such boring projects. "

The young man hung up and looked dispirited.

Ye Chen heard the conversation just now, and his eyes lit up.

"Sharing bicycles seems to be very popular in the past life."

In the past, bike sharing has become the first choice for people to travel, convenient and green.

Although the original small yellow car finally yellow, but it is purely a business problem.

In the early stage, small yellow cars were still very powerful.

I didn't expect that in this era, some people even developed bike sharing projects.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "I'm very interested in your bike sharing project."

The young man looked at Ye Chen and said, "what's the use of your interest? I want investors to be interested."

Then he said with disdain: "my project start-up fund needs 50 million, can you afford me 50 million?"

"I can give you 100 million." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The young man was stunned and looked at Ye Chen: "what do you say?"

Ye Chen light way: "I say this project I can give you 100 million."

"Didi, you're teasing me."

Ye Chen shook his head: "of course not, I am very serious, by the way, the front is a coffee shop, I look at your planning book."

When the car stopped at the door of the coffee shop, the young man was puzzled and said, "do you really want to invest 100 million yuan for me?"

"Of course, but before that, you have to give me a five-star compliment."

The young man was suspicious. He had found many investors for this project, but after seeing it, they all threw him out.

Now, the other party wants to invest in himself. Although the young people don't believe it, he is not willing to miss such an opportunity.

The young man gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's five-star high praise, activation of the third lucky star, and acquisition of the historical supreme yacht. 】

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment. This award is a yacht.

With a value of 4.5 billion US dollars, the yacht's appearance is plated with 100000 kilograms of gold and platinum, which gives people a sense of resplendence.

The walls of the master bedroom are made of meteorite, and the statue is made of real T-Rex bones.

Seeing the introduction of the system reward, ye Chen smacks his tongue secretly. This yacht is too powerful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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