Star University was awarded recognition, this matter in the community continues to ferment.

In particular, some famous universities are envious.

After all, it's unbelievable that star university has become a key university so soon.

Even many universities have begun to follow the model of star University.

Soon, though, the imitation stopped.

Because they found that after imitation, they could not achieve the effect of star University. It can be said that star university is a miracle in the history of teaching.

A school without teachers has won such a great honor.

Ye Chen continued to drive Didi.

This day, ye Chen received a call from Meng wanting.

"Ye Chen, are you free today? Xiaomei has been clamoring to go out with you. "

"Yes, where do you want to go?" Ye Chen asked.

"Not yet."

Ye Chen thought about it and heard that a farmyard was newly developed in the suburbs. The scenery is good. Why don't we take Xiaomei there.


On the phone came Xiaomei's voice: "Dad, you are really wonderful. I miss you so much."

Ye Chen heard the voice on the phone very speechless.

In the morning, ye Chen takes Meng wanting and Xiaomei to Longyu villa.

This is a newly developed manor, with trees and beautiful scenery.

After getting off the bus, ye Chen holds Xiaomei's hand, and Xiaomei holds Meng wanting's hand.

To outsiders, it's like a family.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "here are four-wheel drive vehicles, do you want to sit?"

Xiaomei cried, "sit, sit, of course."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "well, get on the bus."

A four-wheel drive car can only take two people.

Xiaomei and ye Chen sit one, Meng wanting is driving another car, followed by two people.

Sitting in the car, Xiaomei was very excited: "Dad, let's go."

Ye Chen stepped on the gas pedal, four-wheel drive vehicle along the mountain road, toward the top of the mountain.

Because of Xiaomei, ye Chen doesn't open fast.

Xiaomei is so skinny that she often leans out of the car.

Ye Chen while driving, also have to pay attention to this little guy.

When she arrived at the top of the mountain, Xiaomei didn't seem to have enough to sit there. She had to sit around again. Ye Chen had no choice but to lift the girl up.

From Xiaomei's mischievous Ye Chen, Meng wanting must be used to this girl at ordinary times.

It was noon when we got to the top of the mountain.

Meng wanting said: "Ye Chen, I haven't invited you last time. I must treat you today."

"Dad, I'll have KFC, coke and a cone."

Ye Chen said, "now we're going to buy you KFC at the top of the mountain. We can eat whatever we have!"

Children, if always obedient, will become more willful, so when it is time to refuse, we must refuse.

When I came to the farmyard of the villa, I ate all the game in the mountain.

I'm used to eating big fish and meat, and eating some game is also very good.

Later, ye Chen took two people to play on the mountain for an afternoon and went down the mountain only in the evening.

On the way back, ye Chen said, "what do you want to eat at night?"

Xiaomei said, "I want to eat KFC."

Ye Chen directly refused: "no, KFC is fried food, not good for children."

If it was Meng wanting's refusal, Xiaomei would not have done it, but Xiaomei nodded obediently.

"Then I'll have porridge." Xiaomei Dao.

Ye Chen nodded: "congee is OK."

Until eight o'clock in the evening, ye Chen sent Xiaomei and Meng wanting back home.

Meng wanting thanks very much: "Ye Chen, thank you so much. You see, it's delayed your day."

Ye Chen faint smile: "it's OK, I'm also very happy to play with children."

"By the way, I almost forgot. Five star high praise." Meng wanting suddenly said.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's winning the five-star high praise. Activate the fifth praise star and get the system award of Milo hotel. 】

Milo hotel is a famous hotel in Mordor. It is said that all the chefs are of the level of three-star meiqilin.

Another hotel!

In fact, what ye Chen wants to acquire is some skills, such as God level technology, which has made his star University on the top.

Money is just a number for ye Chen. What ye Chen needs is more skills to enhance his own strength.

At this time ye Chen received a list, which happened to be the list of the hotel.

It's just right. Let's take a look at what our hotel looks like.

When a young woman gets on the car, he sees a young woman driving to the hotel.

The girl's face is still hung with tears, it seems that she has just been wronged.

After getting on the bus, the girl called directly: "Dad, I was fired. They bullied people. It was the guest who harassed me. I was just defending myself, but the hotel fired me.""It's OK. If you're fired, you'll be fired. Come to my restaurant to help dad work."

"But, but my dream is to be a chef."

"Your father's dream is to be a three-star chef of Michelin. Now he is not cooking in a small restaurant. In fact, we do the same thing?

[Ding, Didi selection system is started. Every week, a passenger with special attributes will be randomly met. If you complete the selection task, you will get the ultimate reward and assist the host to become a global leader! 】

[passenger Occupation: chef! 】

[option 1: comfort the beauty chef, take the beauty chef to relax, get the beauty chef's heart, get the Yunlong Villa Resort, a million Chinese dollars reward]

[option 2: tell the beauty that this is life, let the beauty chef admit her life, become the boss of the tavern, and get 30% of a Xiang tavern. 】

[option 3: help female chefs become chief chefs of Milo Hotel, and obtain systematic rewards for divine level architectural skills. 】

Ye Chen looked at three options and directly chose option three.

Now ye Chen is not short of money. What he lacks is skill.

In the future, he can design his own buildings.

Hang up the phone, Li Xiangxiang looks decadent.

She finally got into the back kitchen of the Milo Hotel and was preparing to do a big job. However, she met a salty pig hand and started to do something about herself.

As a result, Li Xiangxiang couldn't bear to slap her face and was finally fired.

Li Xiangxiang is very aggrieved.

At this time, the car arrived at its destination.

Li Xiangxiang gets out of the car.

"Fragrant tavern."

Ye Chen raised his mouth slightly.

It's noon, and I'll go to the pub to taste the girl's cooking.

Ye Chen stops the car and goes straight to the pub.

Li Xiangxiang sees Ye Chen also Leng for a moment: "how did you come?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "I come to taste your cooking, I heard that you are the chef of the hotel."

Li Xiangxiang frowned: "it used to be, not now."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "stir fry your specialty for me. I'm happy. Maybe you can get back to work."

Li Xiangxiang white leaf Chen one eye: "rely on you, a Di Di small brother."

Ye Chen said: "what's wrong with Didi, hurry up, I'm hungry."

At this time, a middle-aged man came out: "Xiangxiang, if the guests want you to cook, you go to fry. The guests in our pub are God."

Although Li Xiangxiang was in a bad mood, she went into the kitchen.

After a while, a smell of rice came out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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