After a while, Li Xiangxiang brought out a plate of fried rice.

Ye Chen looked at the fried rice in front of him.

The golden egg juice wrapped the fried rice tightly.

Ye Chen took a bite of the spoon.

A fragrance hits the taste buds.

This little girl can cook.

Ye Chen said: "your cooking is good. You are indeed the chef of the hotel."

Li Xiangxiang white Ye Chen one eye: "what hotel chef, I am a attendant."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "I can let you go back to the hotel, but you have to make delicious food for me every day."

Li Xiangxiang said with a smile: "thank you. I've got your kindness. Do you want me to be a chef? When I'm stupid. "

Ye Chen shook his head.

It seems that Didi's identity is still distrusted.

After dinner, ye Chen directly came to the mile hotel.

As one of the top hotels in modu, Milo hotel is famous for its delicious food.

The head chef of the chef, Wu Bin, graduated from the French Academy of Western food.

Ye Chen just came to the door, the hotel manager Zhao Ming with the hotel's high-rise to meet Ye Chen.

This time, ye Chen opened curinan, a custom-made Hermes suit, with Patek Philippe wrist watch on his wrist, looking like a domineering president.

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Zhao Ming said respectfully.

He also just heard that the hotel was bought by a big man surnamed Ye.

I thought Ye Chen was over 50 years old, but I didn't expect to be so young.

Ye Chen nods to Zhao Ming and says, "this time I come to the hotel, one is to see the facilities of the hotel, the other is to try the delicious food of the hotel."

Zhao Ming listened and nodded: "OK, we'll arrange it."

In the box of the hotel, in front of Ye Chen is a huge table.

Soon, all the dishes made by the back chef were served.

Ye Chen tasted, the taste is really unique, but for ye Chen, it is less spiritual.

Zhao Ming said respectfully: "Ye Dong, you can see these dishes..."

"The taste is OK, but it lacks some spirituality. By the way, I heard that there is a female chef in our hotel. She cooks very good dishes."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhao Ming's face changed slightly.

However, Zhao Ming's reaction or very quick, said: "General Manager Ye, the chef is off today."

Ye Chen nodded: "Oh, tomorrow, I hope I can eat the dishes she made for me."

"No problem. I'll let her cook for you when she comes tomorrow."

Ye Chen nodded and left directly.

Zhao Ming wiped his sweat and immediately called Li Xiangxiang.

At this time, Li Xiangxiang was sitting in a daze in Xiangxiang tavern when the phone rang.

Li Xiangxiang listlessly connected the phone: "who is it?"

Zhao Minglian said, "it's me, manager Zhao of Mile Hotel."

When Li Xiangxiang heard manager Zhao's name, she didn't fight.

At that time, it was clearly that the guest was wrong, so he forced himself and the guest to apologize.

The most irritating thing is that after apologizing, Zhao Ming fired himself.

"Manager Zhao, I have been dismissed by you. Is there anything else?"

Zhao Ming embarrassed smile: "Xiangxiang, today's things are misunderstandings, I'm also to let the customer calm down, so, tomorrow you come back to work."

Li Xiangxiang was stunned.

Today, the little brother didi said that she would let herself go back to the hotel. She had no letter at all.

I didn't expect that only an hour later, the manager of the hotel called himself.

Li Xiangxiang wagered: "no, don't you say I don't deserve to be in your mile hotel?"

Zhao Ming awkwardly said, "in fact, I don't mean to tell customers. You are so young, and you are so talented in cooking. Of course, we will not miss such talents as you. In fact, I am protecting you."

Li Xiangxiang was puzzled.

This is not Zhao Ming's style. Is Zhao Ming's domineering manager turned into a licking dog?

Is there any reason for this.

Li Xiangxiang comes up with the little brother didi again.

But the idea was soon forgotten by her.

It's impossible. How can it be.

Finally, Li Xiangxiang agreed because she loved her job so much.

It's my father's dream to be the chef of five-star hotel, so Li Xiangxiang doesn't want to miss such an opportunity.

The next day, Li Xiangxiang arrived at the hotel early in the morning.

Zhao Ming said with a smile: "Xiangxiang, today you have to make a good show. The new boss wants you to make dishes."

Li Xiangxiang is not stupid, and finally understands why Zhao Ming became a dog licker yesterday.

"Is it? I don't want to do it today. " Li Xiangxiang said with a faint smile."You What do you mean, Li Xiangxiang? "

Li Xiangxiang said with a faint smile: "I am not a handyman in the kitchen? How can you be qualified to touch kitchen utensils? It's not good to be scolded by some master. "

Zhao Ming is in a hurry. Ye Chen is already waiting for Li Xiangxiang's delicious food.

"Xiangxiang, you can rest assured that no one dares to say you have my support."

Li Xiangxiang shook her head and said, "no, I can't. unless you are promoted, I will be the chef of the hotel."

Zhao Ming Leng for a moment, this girl is too ghost, even threaten himself.

"You have just come to our Milo Hotel, and the internship period has not passed. How can you officially become a chef?"

"Oh, forget it. I'm still a busboy." Li Xiangxiang said bitterly.

Zhao Ming knew that the new boss could not offend him in any case, so he nodded: "OK, OK, I can make you officially become a chef."

"Thank you, manager Zhao."

With the permission of manager Zhao, Li Xiangxiang ran into the kitchen happily.

In the kitchen, the chef Wu Bin looked at Li Xiangxiang's complacent appearance and was about to get mad.

The new chairman of the board, originally Wu Bin wanted to show off. Unexpectedly, the other party said that the dishes he cooked were not spiritual, and even ordered Li Xiangxiang to do it.

Isn't Li Xiangxiang a second-class chef graduated from grassroots University?

How qualified to compete with him.

Soon, a delicious filet mignon was served.

I have to say that Li Xiangxiang is very talented in cooking.

It's very delicious for the dishes.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction after eating: "well, the chef is very good, is the best dish I have ever eaten in the restaurant."

Zhao Ming was stunned.

He didn't expect President ye to say that Li Xiangxiang's cooking is the most delicious.

But at this time, a middle-aged man came in with Li Xiangxiang.

"Mr. Zhao, didn't you say that the cook who beat me that day was fired? Why did you go back to the hotel again? You must give me an account of this matter. "

Manager Zhao's face changed. This middle-aged man is the general manager of Taihua Group. He is the diamond VIP card user of the hotel. He spends millions of yuan in the hotel every year.

Li Xiangxiang was pulled by the middle-aged man with an angry face, but after all, the other side is a man, and his strength is greater than her.

Ye Chen looked at each other, her eyes slightly cold: "are you the guest who harassed our staff that day?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment.

"What do you say?"

Ye Chen said calmly: "we have video in our hotel. What you did that day has been photographed. I hope you can apologize to my staff immediately, otherwise we will call the police."

Seeing ye Chen, Li Xiangxiang was completely stunned. It turned out to be the didi little brother that day.

"What?" The middle-aged man was suddenly stupefied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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