"Who are you?" the middle-aged man asked coldly

Ye Chen said faintly: "my name is Ye Chen, the chairman of Milo hotel."

The middle-aged man snorted, "do you know who I am? Has Hu Kai, the general manager of Taihua Group, heard of it? "

Ye Chen shook his head: "never heard of it."

Hu Kai snorted coldly. Our branch of Wantai group sells more than 1 million yuan a year here. If you offend me, you should know the consequences. "

Ye Chen nodded: "you don't apologize, right? Manager Zhao calls the police directly and gives the video to the police."

Zhao Ming hesitated. After all, Hu Kai is a big customer of Milo Hotel, because it is not worth the loss if an employee offends such a big customer.

Ye Chen's eyes are cold: "is what I said doesn't work?"

Zhao Ming heard that ye Chen was not satisfied, and even said, "I will call the police immediately."

Seeing Zhao Ming really wanted to call the police, Hu Kai was flustered.

Now the police are cracking down on this kind of salty pig. Once the police catch the police, his general manager will not have to do it.

Although Hu Kai was reluctant, he bit his teeth and said, "OK, I apologize."

"Chef Li, I was wrong that day. Please forgive me." Hu Kai's reluctant way.

Li Xiangchen didn't expect to offend her big customers.

She just wanted to say what, but ye Chen said coldly: "your apology is too insincere."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Hu Kai was stunned.

"I've apologized. What else do you want?"

Ye Chen said coldly: "if you all apologize, what do you want the police to do? If you want to apologize, you can slap yourself in the face. "

"What?" Hukai was angry.

He is the general manager of Taihua Group, and he is also a man of high reputation.

Now, ye Chen even let him slap himself in public.

Even Zhao Ming and Li Xiangxiang were stunned.

It's a bit too much.

Ye Chen light way: "you have only one chance, missed, can not blame me."

Hu Kai snorted coldly: "boy, don't be shameless. Let me slap you. Do you deserve it?"

Ye Chen light way: "you do not want this opportunity?"

Said, ye Chen directly took out the mobile phone: "Chen Zong, you have a Taihua Group."

Well, one of our branches is Chen Wanlian

"The manager of the company is Hu Kai, isn't he?"

Chen Wan listened to Leng for a while, even busy way: "yes, ye Zong you know him."

"Well, he molested our staff, I asked him to apologize, and he pretended to force me. This is the branch manager you chose?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Chen Wan's mouth slightly drew.

What's more, Hu Kai is really short-sighted. It's not good to offend anyone. He even offended the king.

Chen Wan said quickly, "Mr. Ye, don't be angry. I'll deal with it."

Ye Chen hung up the phone, Hu Kai coldly hummed: "boy, who do you scare? Do you think you can frighten me by calling casually?"

Just then, Hu Kai's cell phone suddenly rang.

Hu Kai's face changed when he saw the call. It was Chen Wan, general manager of Wantai group.

When the phone was connected, Chen Wan's roaring voice came from inside: "Hu Kai, you are a little boy who wants to die."

Hearing the familiar voice, Hu Kai's face changed slightly: "Mr. Chen, it's you."

"Do you know who ye Dong is? He is the chairman of Wantai group. Do you pretend to force him Chen wannu scolded.

Hearing Chen Wan's words, Hu Kai's face suddenly changed.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know."

"You don't know. You're fired. Besides, you'd better apologize to Mr. Ye obediently, otherwise you don't want to mix up in the devil."

Hu Kai's face turned pale when he hung up.

He never dreamed that ye Chen had such a big background.

Ye Chen light way: "still install Force?"

Hu Kai flopped on his knees and said, "I'm wrong, please forgive me."

Ye Chen said coldly: "I have given you the opportunity. It's a pity that you don't cherish it. You can turn yourself in to the police station and deal with it leniently."


Hu Kai was shaking.

He has a family. If he turns himself in, his reputation will be ruined.

But Chen Wan's words still reverberate in his mind. Ye Chen is not the person he can offend, so he has no choice.

"It's Mr. Ye. I'm going to turn myself in."

Hu Kai slapped himself ten times before he got up and turned himself in to the police station.

The scene was silent.

Zhao Ming was stunned. He never dreamed that his new boss should be so powerful.

Even Li Xiangxiang was stunned.Originally, she thought Ye Chen was a little brother of Didi, so at the beginning of Ye Chen's promise, she thought that the other party was happy with himself.

However, Li Xiangxiang did not dream that ye Chen did it.

Not only to help their own reinstatement, but also to vent their anger for themselves.

Li Xiangxiang stupidly way: "you are not open didi?"

Turn it on?

Zhao Ming on one side is a little confused.

"Xiangxiang, how can you talk to our chairman? Ye Dong is the chairman of our Milo hotel."

"Ah! But that day he was clearly a little brother Didi Li Xiangxiang stuck out her tongue.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "the style of our hotel is famous for its delicious food. But after looking at the company's performance, it has been obviously declining recently. I think our kitchen should be changed."

Zhao Ming Leng for a moment: "how to change?"

Ye Chen said faintly: "although the chef is good at cooking, but the guests here have been fed up with his dishes for more than ten years. It's better to change a chef. I think she is good."

Said Ye Chen pointed to Li Xiangxiang.

"What?" After listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Xiangxiang was stunned.

Zhao Ming also slightly changed his face: "Ye Dong, but fragrant, she just came to the hotel."

Ye Chen eyes a cold: "do you mean that I am not qualified to appoint a chef?"

"Of course, of course." Zhao Ming said quickly.

Ye Chen said coldly, "it's settled."

With that, ye Chen got up and took a look at Li Xiangxiang.

"Do well."

Li Xiangxiang didn't expect that her dream would come true so soon.

But she knew that all this was because she was lucky and met Ye Chen.

Li Xiangxiang seriously said: "Chairman, I know, I will work hard."

Ye Chen nodded and turned away.

Zhao Ming came to the kitchen with Li Xiangxiang.

When hearing that Li Xiangxiang became the head of the kitchen, everyone was stunned, especially Wu Bin.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't accept it. Why is he a little girl?"

Zhao Ming said coldly, "why? It's the chairman's decision. "

"Chairman?" Hearing Zhao Ming's words, everyone was silent.

As they all know, there is a new chairman of the Milo hotel.

Zhao Ming light way: "tomorrow, there will be a magic city chamber of Commerce entrepreneurship conference, we all work hard, can not have a problem."

Wu Bin's eyes, however, have a touch of cold.

"I have devoted more than ten years to the Milo Hotel, but I have been replaced by a little girl. This tone must come out."

At this time, he looked at the storage warehouse, his eyes flashed a touch of cold.

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