Ye Chen left the hotel and received a call from tengge.

"Ye Chen, there will be a business association in the Milo hotel tomorrow. Would you like to come and have a look?"

Business association? Or in their own hotel, this opportunity, ye Chen naturally will not let go.

"Well, I'll go and have a look."

The next day, ye Chen came to the mile hotel.

Luxury cars gather in front of the hotel.

The business start-up conference is held every year. The purpose of this chamber of commerce is to attract investors for innovative projects.

Coming to the chamber of Commerce, ye Chen saw many old acquaintances, such as Ma Ge, Teng Ge and Ren Lao.

In short, more than half of China's top business people have come.

Ye Chen because usually very low-key, so not many people know him.

At this time, a middle-aged man took a look at Ye Chen: "this gentleman looks fresh, where does he get rich?"

Ye Chen smile: "Oh, I open Didi."

"Beep?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment.

Then he seemed to understand: "do you come with the project, young man. This is the position of our investors, and the position of your entrepreneurs is next door."

At this time, another man came up and said, "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

The middle-aged man disdained: "this is estimated to be an entrepreneur, or a little brother Didi, ran to our conference room."

"Well, what's going on with these organizers? Everyone has to come in. What good business ideas can they have?"

"That's right. You'd better go and have a beep. It's not suitable for you here."

"Yes, I won't invest in didi project anyway."

At the time when the crowd ridiculed Ye Chen, a figure suddenly came in.

Seeing the people coming in, their faces changed slightly.

Mr. Teng.

Several people do not care about ye Chen to Teng Zong one after another.

"Teng is always good."

"We had a meal together

"Mr. Teng, this is my business card. Our company has cooperated with your branch."

Just a pair of domineering people, see tengge immediately turned into a licking dog.

But tengge did not pay any attention to these people, but saw Ye Chen excitedly and came over: "Mr. Ye, you are here."

Said tengge came to Ye Chen, warm handshake: "last time a good-bye for a long time did not see, several times about you, you are not free, today finally meet again."

The crowd froze.

What's the situation?

Isn't that boy a didi little brother?

How can Teng and didi be so enthusiastic.

At this time, there was another noise, and another big man came in.

It was Wang Daming.

Wang Daming is also enthusiastic when he sees Ye Chen.

"Brother ye, you are here too. After your lesson last time, our family is much better than before."


All of them said, "well

At the moment when everyone was too scared to close their mouths, another big guy came.

It's Ren Lao.

See Ren old and other a few people, go to Ye Chen directly.

Finally came Margo.

Ma Ge see ye Chen is also a very close look.

Now ye Chen has become the center of several big men.

It's a bit silly to see several top Chinese business figures gathered around a young man.

What's the situation?

Just now, Mr. Zhang was also confused.

Didn't the young man say he was brother didi? Why are you so familiar with these big guys.

You know, those around Ye Chen are the top leaders in China.

They are not at the same level as each other.

In other words, you're not qualified to lick.

But these big men are all around Ye Chen.

Just think of yourself laughing at Ye Chen, these people's faces are hot.

It's a slap in the face.

It turns out that people are the real boss.

At the beginning of the business association, what everyone didn't expect was that ye Chen was arranged in the first row, and he sat in the center with Ma Ge.

Everyone was even more surprised to see such an arrangement.

What is the identity of this young man and how can he have such a position.

After all, the ranking of the chamber of commerce is based on seniority.

What does Ye Chen's position mean?

He is better than the other big guys, but how can it be?

Many people are even more skeptical.

Is this young man qualified to sit in that position?Ye Chen didn't pay any attention to people's questions.

The host finished the opening speech, and the business conference officially began.

The first entrepreneur introduced an app for online teaching.

It's called learning and thinking.

The function of this app is network teaching.

The teacher teaches the students by video.

People shake their heads at the idea.

Online teaching? It's a good idea, but it's not very practical.

Now students have tutors, who will let an online teacher teach.

The entrepreneur said: "our goal is to let more children learn knowledge through our online teaching, so that they can enjoy the guidance of famous teachers without leaving home."

After the introduction of the entrepreneur, sporadic applause broke out on the scene.

Obviously, there is not much interest in this idea.

At the beginning of the investment, the starting price of this project is 500000, but it can't be called after 700000.

After all, there are still some avant-garde people's cognition on the Internet.

"I give a million. "Ye Chen made a direct move.

See ye Chen hand, took this is not optimistic about the project, everyone was stunned.

"This guy is so stupid that he photographed this project."

"Yes, this project has no commercial value at all."

"Well, I don't know which rich second generation of the family came out to ruin the family."


See ye Chen photographed this project, other a few big guy also stupefied.

Ye Chen didn't care about other people's eyes, because he knew he had made money.

In the future, online education will become the mainstream. I have photographed learning and thinking for a million times, but it will bring me a thousand times or ten thousand times of return.

Next, the entrepreneurship conference continued.

Ye Chen did not continue to invest in other projects in addition to learning and thinking about investment.

Soon, it was the last investment project.

"Hello everyone, my name is Wang Ziming. The project I invested in this time is called shaking video."

"Shake the video?" Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

listened to Wang Ziming's introduction, and ye Chen was very tiktok. Is this the voice of the previous version?

There are also video websites in the world, but most of them are uploading to the Internet.

Wang Ziming continued: "we have launched this video now, with 500000 registered users and about 100000 online users for a long time. Although the software is not yet popular, I believe there will be a very good future in the future."

The project immediately aroused interest.

I invested in this project: "five million."

"Six million!"

"Seven million!"

Soon, the value of the project has soared to 10 million.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was sure to win the project. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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