Yan Chuang's name is well-known in modu.

Even those younger brothers of Jiang Feng are pale after hearing Yan Chuang's name.

Although Jiang Feng's character is similar to Yan Chuang, their background and strength are not of the same magnitude.

Jiang Feng suffered a loss last time, but also tried to avoid these demons.

But he did not dream that today because ye Chen offended Yan Chuang this big devil.

Yan Chuang snorted coldly: "Jiang Feng is forced by cattle. Bullying girls can blow a wave. How can you feel that your county can't let you go? Run away, we demons have gone wild? "

Ye Chen stands beside Yan Chuang without speaking, with an expression of watching a play.

Of course, Jiang Feng knows why Yan Chuang is aiming at himself.

Ye Chen is the young man who sleeps on the sports car, that is to say, Yan Chuang is out of breath for ye Chen.

At that time, Jiang Feng ran away after provoking things. He thought it was all right, but he never thought that he would settle accounts with himself.

It was a matter of his conscience.

At that time, it was all kinds of cars.

If there is an accident, the people in the car must be in bad luck.

Jiang Feng knows that the other side is to seek revenge, and called or Yan Chuang, in the heart some flustered.

You know, Yan Chuang is a little brother in front of Ye Chen, which shows how high the identity of this young man is.

Ye Chen light way: "needless to say, you should know what I look for you to do." Ye Chen light way.

Jiang Feng facial expression incomparably ugly, embarrassed way: "misunderstanding, all is misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Yan Chuang eyebrows a pick.

"It's not convenient to talk here. Let's talk on the roof." Yan Chuang's skin laughs and meat doesn't smile.

Jiang Feng was scared when he heard that he was going to the rooftop.

"No, I'm not going."

Although Jiang Feng is usually very aggressive, in fact he is very timid.

On the roof, he was yanchuang clean up, is to find help soldiers have no chance.

"No? Is it up to you to go or not? " Yan Chuang snorted coldly.

Yan Chuang waved his hand, two strong bodyguards rushed to the outside and dragged Jiang Feng.

Those younger brothers saw this scene, but also dare not to speak.

Everyone knows that Yan is not easy to be provoked.

Although Yan Chuang struggled desperately, it was of no help.

In the bar, although many people have seen this scene, but Yan Chuang's identity is there, people just look at the excitement.

Even the owner of the bar turned away and pretended not to see it.

Jiang Feng's appearance is very sad, with blood on his head. He is carried away from the bar by two big men and goes directly to the rooftop of the next building.

It's early morning and it's very cold on the roof.

Jiang Feng was scared out of his wits.

Get yourself on the rooftop. What's it going to do?

Jiang Feng was thrown by the Han at the edge of Tiantai.

The building has more than thirty floors.

Jiang Feng looked at the foot of the car like ants, scared all over the body shudder.

Yan Chuang looked at Jiang Feng's bear like sneer and said, "Jiang Dashao, aren't you very strong? Why are you doing this now? "

Ye Chen light way: "OK, don't waste time with him, say business."

Originally thought that this guy would be counselled by some means, but ye Chen didn't expect that this guy should have counselled so quickly.

Really? No fun.

Ye Chen said coldly, "tell us how to calculate our account."

Looking at Jiang Feng who shivers all over, ye Chen says coldly.

Jiang Feng pale face, trembling said: "I know wrong, I should not tease your woman, should not leave your car, so your car repair fee I am all inclusive."

At this time, Jiang Feng's intestines all regret green.

You know ye Chen is so strong that killing him will not provoke Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was not satisfied with Jiang Feng's conditions.

"Repair the car? Do you think it's possible? "

Jiang Feng said: "in addition to repairing the car, I'll send you a new Porsche sports car."

Jiang Feng is not stupid, he can see that ye Chen's car is absolutely not cheap, so if you want to pass the customs, you can't do without blood.

Moreover, even Yan Shao licks the young master, which shows how powerful the young master's identity is.

Yan Chuang directly slapped Jiang Feng in the face: "special? So insincere, OK, don't discuss, directly throw it down."

Heard Yan Chuang to let people throw themselves down, Jiang Feng was silly.

"I'd like to pay another 10 million yuan in addition to the sports car. Please spare me."

Ye Chen looked at it, and the compensation was ok, so he nodded.

Ye Chen continued: "OK, the compensation for the car is finished. Let's talk about the spiritual loss."

"What? Mental loss? " After listening to Ye Chen's words, Yan Chuang is a little silly.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Laozi is sleeping soundly. You wake me up. How can we calculate this account?"Jiang Feng is stupid.

I just lost 10 million yuan, a car worth 5 million yuan. Doesn't it include mental damage?

Ye Chen didn't look at Jiang Feng and said to Yan Chuang, "are you ready?"

Yan Chuang nodded: "Ye Shao is ready."

The big man took a thick rope and tied it to Jiang Feng's body and to the railing at the same time.

Jiang Feng knows what ye Chen is going to do without looking.

He was in a panic.

"You, what are you doing?"

"I've paid for my car. How can you still do this to me?"

"No, I don't want to fall. You let me go."

Jiang Feng's pants were wet.

Ye Chen sneered: "let you fall? We are law-abiding citizens. We can't kill people. Don't you like stimulation? You'll be stimulated, man

Jiang Feng wanted to say something, but before he said it, two bodyguards threw him down.

In the cold wind came Jiang Feng's sad cry.

Jiang Feng was like a swing, with his head down and shaking, and his screams were very desolate.

It was just that the cry disappeared in the twinkling of an eye in the cold wind.

Let Jiang Feng swing ten minutes, ye Chen just let people carry him up.

At this time, Jiang Feng scared legs are soft, spread on the ground can not move.

At this time, Yan Chuang said to Ye Chen: "Ye Shao, Jiang family called me here."

Ye Chen nodded: "well, I this tone out, let people take him back."

Jiang Feng was taken away, ye Chen's gas also out.

After this time, Jiang Feng is expected to be honest for some time.

As for the compensation, ye Chen doesn't have to worry about it, and Yan Chuang can handle it.

As for Jiang Feng's revenge, Jiang's family has some strength in the small county, but it doesn't count in Mordor. It doesn't have the strength and courage.

After finishing these, ye Chen was driven back home by Yan Chuang.

Yan Chuang said on the way: "Ye Ge, my grandfather's illness is almost good. He wants to invite you to have a meal."

Ye Chen nodded: "no problem, you pick a time."

Although Yan Chuang is arrogant, he is very honest in front of himself and is also a very good dogleg.

A lot of things, do not need to come out on their own, Yan Chuang can help to solve.

Therefore, ye Chen is also very satisfied with this small follower.

So ye Chen usually will also carry Yan Chuang, after all, it is too easy to carry a person with his current strength.

It was late at night when I got home, but I didn't expect that the lamp of the villa was still on.

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