Ye Chen enters the villa. Lin Wanrou comes over in a hurry and looks at Ye Chen up and down.

"Young master, are you ok?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "it's OK. What's the matter?"

"I just heard you had an accident."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "Oh, you all know."

"Of course, I have to know your situation at any time. I have to be more careful in the future. I hear that the car crash is very serious. How dangerous it is."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "it's OK. Don't worry."

Lin Wan Judo: "I have already contacted the repair shop. The car is under repair. It is estimated that the maintenance cost is about 5 million yuan."

Ye Chen nodded: "well, it's OK. Someone will pay for the repair for us."

Lin Wan Judo: "it's said that it was a valet who drove your car and hit it."

"Well, Daiji is a little girl who just went to college. I can't find her, but I found the culprit."

Ye Chen told the story once.

But just skim over the kite flying section.

After all, speaking out makes Lin Wanrou feel that she is too cruel and not so good.

"Well, I'll make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to examine you."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "don't worry, I don't have anything."

Lin Wanrou nodded: "OK, but I just contacted you. I will install bulletproof glass and special steel plate for you in your several cars. In this way, you can protect your safety as much as possible in case of danger."

Ye Chen was moved: "Wanrou, thank you."

"Childe, it's my job to serve you."

Lin Wanrou said: "childe, we VR project each other has sent us a message, you can sign the contract as soon as possible, but you need to go to Kyoto."

Ye Chen nodded: "OK, then tomorrow, I will personally go to sign a contract."

Once the VR project is put into production, it will certainly set off a game world change.

During this period, Lin Wanrou has been in charge of this project.

"Then I'll go with you." Lin Wan judo.

"No, you see, you've been busy all this time, and you've got dark circles. I'll take a vacation for you. I'll go to sign the contract myself this time."

Lin Wanrou nodded: "OK."

Two people chatted for a while, ye Chen washed and washed, two people are lingering for a night.

The next morning, Lin Wanrou drove to the airport.

Half an hour before the plane takes off, ye Chen sends a wechat to Tong Xiaoya.

"What are big stars up to recently?"

Tong Xiaoya reply: "just finished a play to rest?"

"Are you in Kyoto? I'm going to do something in Kyoto. By the way, would you arrange it? "

Tong Xiaoya replied: "yes, what do you do when you come to Beijing?"

"Can't I play with you?" Ye Chen replied.

Tong Xiaoya said: "hum, how many women do you have to deal with me?"

"Who said that? It's because you've been busy filming all the time

"Well, who said that as long as I went to Kyoto, I would play with me every day and go shopping with me. Now it's so hot that I don't want to pay attention to me."

"You guy, how dare I ignore you? You come and I'll play with you."

Ye Chen replied: "well, it's almost the same."

"By the way, I'm going to have a good taste of our Kyoto food this time."

Tong Xiaoya back to the message: "don't worry, what do you want to eat, sister arrange what you eat well."

At this time, you can board the plane.

Ye Chen replied, "I'll see you in Kyoto."

Originally Ye Chen wanted to buy a business class, but it's sold out. Only economy class.

Come on, economy class. Economy class.

Although Ye Chen's aviation field is related, ye Chen is also troublesome, and he will arrive soon after a flight of more than three hours.

Ye Chen is boarding with the passengers. His seat is 18F.

When putting the luggage, a fat man was beeping with a girl who was about 90 points in appearance.

The girls are very impatient, but there is no way.

Ye Chen saw the girl's mind and said with a smile: "beauty, you sit in my position."

For a moment, I'm not a girl

Ye Chen made a wink at her and then showed her her her ticket.

The girl understood, gave Ye Chen a grateful look, and hurriedly walked to the window position.

And ye Chen is sitting in the middle, next to the greasy uncle.

That uncle teases the younger sister to be high, the result actually is interrupted by Ye Chen, some are not satisfied.

Ye Chen sits on the position, greasy uncle also mercilessly stares at Ye Chen.

See ye Chen's age and dress, greasy uncle cold hum.

Ye Chen is only in his early twenties, but he turns out to be a famous brand.So rich, can't fly economy class, so greasy uncle concluded that ye Chen is just wearing a fake brand name.

"What do you do, little brother?"

"I made a beep." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Didi?" Hearing Ye Chen's reply, greasy uncle was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed a joking smile.

"Little brother, do you want to find a job in Kyoto? I can help you. Come to our company. I'm a tourist guide. After simple training, I'm sure it's OK."

Ye Chen listened and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I went to play, there is no plan to find a job."

Hearing Ye Chen go to play, the middle-aged man is interested again.

"Little brother, you can find our company. By the way, have you reserved a hotel?"

"Yes, at the roundabout hotel."

Ye Chen had a courtyard in the palace, but this time he signed the contract at the hotel around the island, so ye Chen directly stayed in the hotel around the island.

"Hotel around the island?" Hearing the name, the greasy uncle was stunned.

"Oh, it must be a small hotel, brother. You can't save money when you come out to play. Why don't I arrange a three-star hotel for you?"

The girl on one side chuckled at the words of the greasy uncle.

Is the island hotel a small hotel?

I'm kidding.

The hotel around the island is the top three five-star hotel in Mordor.

This greasy uncle has been blowing for a long time, but he doesn't know anything at all.

Ye Chen listened to shake his head: "no, the hotel has been reserved."

"In this way, you can choose our tourism projects, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, and we can show you around."

Ye Chen speechless way: "thank you, I have a friend to take me to play."

Seeing ye Chen disturbed by greasy uncle, the girl was moved.

If ye Chen didn't help himself, the uncle would surely talk all the way.

The plane will land in half an hour.

The greasy uncle suddenly said to the beauty, "beauty, do you have a pick-up? I'll drive you. "

Hearing the words of greasy uncle, the beauty said in a hurry: "no, I'll take a ride."

"It's a lot of trouble to take a ride. Anyway, we have the chance to sit together. Take my car, Kyoto City, and I promise to deliver it to you."

The girl shook her head: "thank you for your kindness. I really don't need it."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "beauty, this way, our hotel has pick-up service, I and pick up a car say, send you a trip."

The girl knew that ye Chen was helping her out, and then she said, "OK, thank you."

He was enthusiastic for a long time, the girl did not agree, the boy just sent out the invitation, the girl agreed, greasy uncle was very upset.

When the plane landed, the greasy uncle left angrily.

The girl said with a smile, "this gentleman, thank you for helping me out."

Ye Chen faint smile: "polite, I hate this kind of hitchhiker girl's uncle, obviously already married, still outside all day and night."

Help the girl to take luggage, ye Chen said with a smile: "where is your home? I'll take you home." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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