However, although Song Tao knew Ye Chen was rich, he continued to write down Ye Chen's guilt on the form.

"Illegal modification of cars, violation of didi regulations, must seal up the account number."

Song Tao said: "brother, since you are so rich, why do you want to open didi?"

Ye Chen said with a faint smile: "I just like to see you losers, ignorant and depressed expression."


Song Tao feels that there are countless grass mud horses galloping in his heart.

In fact, ye Chen saw through Song Tao's identity at a glance.

That's why he was angry with Song Tao.

As an executive of Didi, it's right to visit in private.

But you put on a kind of high above the appearance of embarrassment, Didi little brother, this is not right.

What's wrong with brother didi? Brother didi also has human rights. Brother didi also has dignity.

Song Tao is really infuriated by Ye Chen.

What if you have money?

No matter how strong you are, you are still the little brother didi under my hand.

I can seal your account.

This kind of person, disobeying the management and having no leadership, even dare to threaten customers, so they have to be labeled.

Song Tao snorted coldly: "no matter how rich you are, in any case, you are still a didi little brother. You even threaten customers and have so much dissatisfaction with the company. Are you not afraid that these things will be known by the company and seal your account number?"

In fact, Song Tao has been suppressed by Ye Chen all the time, so he also wants to be forced to pack with Ye Chen.

He thought very well, he wanted to wait for ye Chen to say that he was not afraid, and then made clear his identity, and then announced that ye Chen was banned.

At that time, he wanted to see the gloomy and bitter expression on Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen said with a faint smile: "what's to be afraid of? Ah, I have too much spare money. I just bought the shares of didi company recently.

Song Tao's body trembled slightly, and his pen fell off.

Ye Chen: what's the matter

Song Tao's hand trembled: "no, nothing? Who are you? "

Ye Chen took a look at Song Tao: "Oh, my name is Ye Chen, the major shareholder of didi company."

Song Tao:

After working for a long time, ye Chen is actually a major shareholder of the company.

This is my special? Also secretly visit a fart.

Even if ye Chen all violates the regulations, who dares to seal Ye Chen's number.

If he had the courage, he would have to pack up and leave the next day.

Song Tao's face suddenly changed.

"Oh, you are Mr. Ye. I'm Song Tao, director of didi company. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, it's general manager song. You can't visit secretly."

Song Tao embarrassed smile: "yes, yes, usually in order to improve the quality, I will occasionally come out to visit."

"Well, it's very hard. What do you think of my service level?"

Song Tao smiles bitterly and looks at his notebook silently.

Notebook, dense record of Ye Chen's guilt.

For example, threatening passengers, refitting vehicles

It can be said that ye Chen is almost heinous.

In particular, at the end of the day, Song Tao wrote that he must be given a title.

Song Tao smiles awkwardly and tears the page off.

"Mr. Ye's driving service is really warm and thoughtful, and taking your car is just a kind of enjoyment. I think it can meet the five-star standard."

Ye Chen listened with a smile: "well, song Zong is actually, I think didi younger brother also makes money by his own labor, they are very hard, although there will be some defects in the service, but after all, it is used to support the family, as long as it is not too excessive, can pass it."

Song Tao listened and nodded: "what ye Zong taught me is that I must learn from experience."

In the evening, ye Chen received a call from Tang Xiaofei.

Just at the auto show, ye Chen and Tang Xiaofei agreed to have dinner together.

"Has Xiao Fei ordered where to eat?"

Tang Xiaofei said with a smile: "my parents are not at home, come to my home to eat, I will make you delicious food."

"To your house?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

A girl asked herself to go to her house. It was too easy to think about it.

"Is it possible that..."

"Why not?" Tang asked.

Ye Chen embarrassed smile: "of course, I will go now."

Driving the car, ye Chen came to the vicinity of Tang Xiaofei's home.

Tang Xiaofei's home is in Mordor. He usually goes to school and goes home on weekends.

Ye Chen came to Liwan scenery.

"Here I am." Tang Xiaochen calls Tang Xiaochen.

Tang Xiaofei's confused voice came from the phone.

Almost at the same time, there was a stabbing sound on the phone. It seemed that something was pasting.

"Oh, here you are. Wait for me. I'll come down to meet you.""OK."

Ye Chen Hang up the phone, he faint smile.

This girl, she really does the kitchen for herself.

But heard the voice in the phone, ye Chen frowned.

It seems that this meal is a bit bad tonight.

After a while, Tang Xiaofei appeared in Ye Chen's vision.

Tang Xiaofei's body is still wearing a skirt of sling, is looking around.

"Here it is!" Ye Chen waved his hand.

Ye Chen stood in the sunset, nestled in the car, handsome face, deep eyes, really too handsome.

Tang Xiaofei felt as if her heart had been violently seized.

So handsome, it is the hero out of the idol drama.

Tang Xiaofei feels Ye Chen is really perfect.

In front of Ye Chen, Tang Xiaofei feels his heart and can't help but jump up.

Ye Chen looked at Tang Xiaofei's shyness and said, "how, I'm afraid I'll let you fulfill the welfare of buying a car and sending a model car."

"No more." Tang Xiaofei said with a red face.

"I was fascinated by my good looks."

Hear ye Chen's words, Tang Xiaofei white Ye Chen one eye.

"Well, if you think too much, you are just as handsome."

The mouth says so, but that look in the eyes is already betrayed her.

A few jokes immediately relieved the awkward atmosphere.

Two people went upstairs and walked into Tang Xiaofei's house.

Ye Chen takes a look, Tang Xiaofei's home two rooms and one hall, is an ordinary family.

Tang Xiaofei quickly poured a cup of water for ye Chen: "you have a rest, read a magazine, I will cook for you, let you taste my girl's craft, by the way, you are the first person to eat my girl's cooking!"

Hearing the first one, ye Chen's heart sank slightly.

Ye Chen worried a little: "first, are you sure you can eat the rice you cook?"

"Well, of course, I can. My cooking skills are not blowing out. Everyone says the cooking is delicious."

"What kind of meal?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Tang Xiaofei pretty face red: "instant noodles."

Ye Chen:

Don't know why, ye Chen has a kind of ominous premonition, this meal is afraid to oneself will be a kind of test.

Tang Xiaofei patted her chest: "don't worry, I have confidence in my cooking."

Tang Xiaofei went back to the kitchen.

Ye Chen is drinking tea while reading.

But at this time, Tang Xiaofei's scream came from the kitchen.

Ye Chen: "sure enough, this girl is not reliable." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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