Ye Chen gets up and goes to the kitchen in a hurry.

Results came to the kitchen, ye Chen suddenly speechless.

I saw that the kitchen was just a pot of porridge. The lid of the pot fell on the ground. There was oil all over the kitchen. The most speechless thing was that there was a black thing in the pot.

"Are you going to burn the kitchen?" Ye Chen said nothing.

Tang Xiaofei blushed: "no, just now the pot caught fire, so I was in a hurry..."

Ye Chen is speechless.

It must be that your oil is too hot, that's why the pot caught fire.

Ye Chen took a look at the black things in the pot, like fried meat.

I wipe it. Is this what Tang Xiaofei made?

Ye Chen even feels that his luck is too good, if not for an accident, can this kind of thing really eat?

Tang Xiaofei is also a little embarrassed.

The first time I cooked for a boy, it turned out to be such a shame.

"Otherwise, let's go out and eat. It's my treat," Tang said

Ye Chen takes a look at a pile of ingredients on the table.

"Forget it. It's a pity that so many ingredients are broken. I'll make it for you."

Heard Ye Chen to cook, Tang Xiaofei was stunned.

"Really, you can cook?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "brother not only can cook, but also make out the rice is very delicious."

"Don't lie to me. There are some boys who can cook. Let's go out and eat." Tang Xiaofei shook his head.

Seeing that Tang Xiaofei didn't believe himself, ye Chen said: "it seems that if I don't show my cooking skills, you don't believe me."

Say, ye Chen fasten apron.

He picked up the potatoes on the table and threw them in the air.

Shua Shua Shua.

The light of the knife flashed, and the potato was even cut into several pieces by Ye Chen, and fell on the plate in Ye Chen's hand.

Tang Xiaofei was almost stunned.

Is this cooking? It's magic.

Then ye Chen cuts the meat.

The light of the knife on the chopping board flashed. In the blink of an eye, the meat was sliced thin. It felt like a machine cutting it out.

In fact, the reason why Tang Xiaofei feels impossible is that ye Chen doesn't seem to be able to cook.

Cooking people, hands will be very rough, but ye Chen is not the same.

Ye Chen's hand is very delicate, a look is not under the kitchen.

Then ye Chen picked up a fish and said with a smile, "today I'll make you a good Squirrel Fish."

Tang Xiaofei has completely believed in Ye Chen's cooking.

After all, if you are so skillful, you can definitely make something extraordinary.

A fish, very quickly by Ye Chen clean clean up.

Tang Xiaofei stood at the door of the kitchen and watched. She felt that watching Ye Chen cook was a kind of enjoyment.

Soon, the squirrel fish was ready.

Smelling the smell of fragrance, Tang Xiaofei's saliva almost flowed out.

Ye Chen put the squirrel fish into the plate and said with a smile, "take it in."

Tang Xiaofei couldn't wait to take over the plate and walked to the door to smell the smell.

"It's delicious. The fish must be delicious, or have a taste secretly?"

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaofei looked back at the kitchen.

Ye Chen is concentrating on cooking. He can't see it.

Tang Xiaofei put the Squirrel Fish on the table and rubbed his hands.

Although it was very hot, Tang Xiaofei picked up a piece and put it into his mouth.

Sweet taste, coupled with the smell of fish, a sense of fragrance directly hit the taste buds.

It's too sweet.

Tang Xiaofei felt that the fragrance was just like frying in his mouth.

After a bite, Tang Xiaofei couldn't stop.

Then she couldn't hold back and put a piece into her mouth.

Then came the second, the third

In the blink of an eye, a squirrel fish was left with its skeleton.

After eating, Tang Xiaofei still did not eat enough.

At this time, ye Chen came from behind. Tang Xiaofei remembered that ye Chen was a guest. As a result, he ate all the fish he didn't eat.

Tang Xiaofei quickly turned around and hid her greasy hands behind her.

Ye Chen laughs at Tang Xiaofei's shyness.

"Well, wipe your hands and eat with chopsticks. This time, it's sweet and sour sirloin."

Tang Xiaofei saw the sweet and sour sirloin on the table and quickly picked up chopsticks.

Put a piece in your mouth.

"Wow, the smell explodes in my mouth. It's delicious."

Tang Xiaofei couldn't help saying: "Ye Chen, your cooking level is really too high, this dish is simply better than the master cook of five-star hotel."Ye Chen said with a smile, "eat more if you like."

"Well." Tang Xiaofei couldn't stop.

However, after a few mouthfuls, Tang Xiaofei suddenly stopped chopsticks.

"No, you're a guest. You haven't eaten yet. How can I eat all the delicious food?"

Ye Chen looks at Tang Xiaofei and laughs.

Tang Xiaofei was originally very beautiful, and now his mouth is full of oil, which looks very cute.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "then you wait for me, and I'll fry two more dishes."

For Tang Xiaofei's promise, ye Chen has no letter at all.

Ye Chen, however, has divine culinary skills. What he has made is absolutely top-notch food.

Tang Xiaofei is a snack. How can she resist the temptation of delicious food.

Ye Chen just turned to the kitchen, and Tang Xiaofei picked up chopsticks as expected.

"I'll take one more bite."

With that, Tang Xiaofei stretched out his chopsticks towards the food.

Half an hour later, Tang Xiaofei's stomach was already round and round.

"Ye Chen, I hate you. If I want to be fat, I must settle accounts with you." Tang Xiaofei enjoyed sitting on the chair and patted his stomach.

On the table, all the plates were bare.

The most important thing is that most of the dishes are eaten by Tang Xiaofei, who has not eaten much at all.

Ye chenbai Tang Xiaofei one eye: "you still look for me to settle accounts, I did not force you to eat."

Tang Xiaofei said: "Ye Chen, if I were your girlfriend, I would soon become a fat girl."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "in fact, you are a little too thin, a little fat will highlight your body, more beautiful."

Tang Xiaofei seemed to have made some kind of decision: "Ye Chen, would you like to come to my house to cook for me often? The rice you cooked is so delicious. After eating the rice you cooked, I don't feel like any other food."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "OK, but it depends on your performance."

Tang Xiaofei pretty face red: "that how to show?"

Ye Chen joked: "do you say it yourself?"

Tang Xiaofei blushed and said, "close your eyes."

Ye Chen obediently closed his eyes, and then felt his lips slightly wet.

Open your eyes, Tang Xiaofei has been shyly carrying dishes into the kitchen.

Ye Chen embarrassed smile: "this wench."

But soon, ye Chen heard the sound of crackling in the kitchen.

Ye Chen:

Come to the kitchen, as expected, a plate fell on the ground and broke.

Tang Xiaofei looked at the broken plate on the ground, a face of grievance, she looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, will you dislike me? I am a stupid woman." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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