Ye Chen shook his head: "how can? By the way, are your hands OK

Tang Xiaofei shook his head: "it's OK."

Ye Chen saw Tang Xiaofei's hand has a trace of blood, then blame strange way: "also said nothing, you see all bleeding."

Said, ye Chen quickly asked: "do you have band aids?"


Ye Chen found the medicine box, and then helped Tang Xiaofei bandage.

"You are so careless." Ye Chen blamed the strange way.

Tang Xiaofei blushed: "I just slipped my hand, so..."

In fact, the reason why Tang Xiaofei dropped the plate was because he was full of thoughts about ye Chen.

That's why I dropped the plate.

However, how can this kind of thing and ye Chen say.

"It's OK. You have a rest. I'll do the dishes." Ye Chen comforts a way.

Tang Xiaofei blushed.

More than one hour for her.

This man is so nice, handsome, rich in gold, delicious in cooking, and so considerate. My God, it's perfect.

Looking at Ye Chen, Tang Xiaofei is deeply moved.

Ye Chen looks at Tang Xiaofei and says: "these two days, you don't want to get wet, don't get inflamed."

"Well!" Tang Xiaofei nodded cleverly.

Ye Chen looked at Tang Xiaofei standing at the door and said, "didn't you let you into the house?"

Tang Xiaofei looked at Ye Chen and suddenly giggled.

Ye Chen speechless way: "you this hand broke also quite happy."

Tang Xiaofei is feeling Ye Chen where is good, is a papaya.

The reason why she is happy is not a broken hand, but ye Chen.

Ye Chen helps Tang Xiaofei clean up the house. It's already very late.

Take a look at it. It's more than ten o'clock in the evening.

"Well, it's late. You should have a rest early. I'll go back first."

"Oh." Tang Xiaofei nodded.

Originally, she was wondering whether ye Chen would stay for the night.

She thought and was afraid.

If ye Chen stayed, she would think ye Chen was a very casual boy.

But I hope Ye Chen will stay.

Hearing that ye Chen was going, Tang Xiaofei refused.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "after that, don't do it yourself if you want to eat something good. I'm really afraid that next time you won't be able to make a small bite. Don't chop off your fingers."

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, I'm not so stupid." Tang Xiaofei said angrily.

Ye Chen nodded, then opened the door and left.

Tang Xiaofei has been sending Ye Chen downstairs, several times to let Ye Chen stay, but still did not open mouth.

After all, she didn't want Ye Chen to regard her as a casual girl.

Ye Chen leaves, Tang Xiaofei feels the room is empty.

She looked at her broken finger and kept laughing.

At this time, Tang Xiaofei's mobile phone rang.

One glance is his best friend.

Tang Xiaofei sent a message.

"Xiaoyueyue, I seem to fall in love with a man."

There's a message coming back soon.

"My God, our iceberg goddess will thaw out."

Tang Xiaofei pretty face red: "yes, that man is too warm, directly melted me."

Yueyue: "tell me quickly, what kind of man can melt our family Feifei?"

We had dinner with Tang Fei at the auto show this evening.

"My God, Xiao Fei, such a good man, you must not miss ah, these days there are too few good men, listen to you said such a man is simply a giant panda."

Tang Xiaofei said: "yes, so many boys have been pursuing me for so many years, but he is the most perfect, handsome, kind, good-natured, can cook, and the most important thing is to be considerate."

She said that, remembering what happened today, Tang Xiaofei's pretty face was a little red.

Especially looking at the bandaged fingers, what she felt was not pain, but warm happiness.

Yueyue: "is that man really so good? I'll see this panda later. By the way, if you have a picture of him, let me see it first. "

Tang Xiaofei sent Ye Chen's photo to Yueyue.

"My God, Xiao Fei, your boy friend is so handsome. He is so much more handsome than those little fresh meat in the series."

Tang Xiaofei said: "yes, I feel like he is a boy coming out of the idol drama. It's really perfect."

Yueyue: "then you have to take advantage of the opportunity. If you don't make good use of it, I will start."

"Dare you." Tang Xiaofei said immediately.

"Xiaofei, this man is so excellent, there must be a lot of girls chasing him, so if you don't start, other girls may start first.""But I don't know how to chase a boy." Why is Tang Xiaofei.

Yueyue: "you are really stupid. If people dare to go to your house, they must have a good impression on you. You ask him more. Since you like it, you can't be reserved. Do you understand?"

Tang Xiaofei nodded: "well, I'll try."

After listening to Yueyue, Tang Xiaofei is a little nervous.

Ye Chen is so handsome, rich and nice. There must be many girls around.

Tang Xiaofei is worried. Does Ye Chen have a girlfriend!

The next day, ye Chen just opened didi out, then received a call from didi company.

"Mr. Ye, as you have been upgraded to five-star didi driver, today didi company will hold a conference to invite you to attend."

Ye Chen knows that the reason why he can become a five-star didi driver must be because of the director who visited secretly yesterday.

"Oh, all right." What make complaints about

Ye Chen is nothing. What's more, he thinks there is a lot of improvement.

Ye Chen is quite satisfied with the practice of didi company.

It's good to communicate with didi driver and listen to his opinions.

Ye Chen drives a car, directly came to didi company.

Many people have already sat in the conference room.

A tall woman with golden glasses was sitting in the middle of the conference room.

There are didi drivers on both sides.

Obviously, these are all five-star didi drivers.

Ye Chen sat at the end of the seat.

I saw a word on the big screen.

Gratitude, understanding, communication!

Ye Chen nodded, well, it seems that the company's philosophy is good, at least not biased.

At nine o'clock, the conference officially began.

The woman pushed the golden glasses and said with a smile: "everyone, I'm Hu Fei, director of Public Relations Department of didi company. Today, I'd like to invite you to come because of a reform of the company. This reform involves several aspects. Let me tell you about it."

Ye Chen frowned when he heard Hu Fei's voice.

Isn't this a conference?

But it doesn't sound like a conversation.

It feels like the leader of the company is holding a meeting for his subordinates.

It seems that this forum is not the same as your own cognition! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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