Hu Fei's eyes turned to many didi drivers.

Her expression is very arrogant, giving people the feeling that they are looking at a group of very low-level servants.

Ye Chen's brow is also slightly a pick.

Obviously, the other party didn't take them seriously.

Hu Fei said coldly: "in the past, the company was too tolerant to you, and your share ratio was too much. This should be reduced from the original 20% to 10%. Moreover, we should standardize your behavior. If you are late or receive complaints from passengers, you should deduct money from the original share."


Hearing Hu Fei's words, all the didi brothers are not happy.

It's too harsh.

Yes, we lost half of the share. How can we live.

This is not a living way for us.

The little brother didi at the scene was not happy.

After all, the company's regulation is too much, and the company's income is reduced by half.

The most important thing is to have a good discussion. There is no link to listen to their opinions.

A little brother didi stood up discontented.

"Isn't this a conference? But how can I not see your sincerity at all? "

Hu Fei coldly hummed: "the forum, yes, we are indeed a forum, we are very frank to inform you about the company's reform requirements."

I wipe, ye Chen speechless, the original forum actually is this meaning.

"What's the purpose of your company? Isn't it about gratitude, understanding and communication? " Another little brother didi said.

Hu Fei sneered: "gratitude, understanding, communication, that's right."

"If you don't have our didi company, you won't have a chance to make money, so you must be grateful to didi company."

"Understand? That's right. You should understand the company. As you know, the company's operation, advertising and other investments are very large. So we have no way to understand the company's reform. "

"Communication, didn't I inform you of the reform plan? This should be regarded as communication with everyone. "

After listening to Hu Fei's words, ye Chen is totally confused.

This is the original explanation.

Just now I was full, I thought the company was very good.

It turns out to be the opposite.

It has to be said that hufei is very talented and has the talent of exploiting long-term workers in the past.

The most important thing is that the things she didn't have reason for actually let her say so righteously.

"No, it's too much."

"We don't agree."

"That's right. We worked hard to make money for the company. You are too exploitative."

Sure enough, those little brother didi were not happy.

Hearing the dissatisfaction of these didi brothers, Hu Fei snorted coldly: "everyone, I just want to tell you, what is the most important thing that we didi company lacks? It's didi brother. If you refuse to do so, you can call it the title directly. You don't want to open Didi. Some people want to open Didi. There is no room for discussion on this matter, and we must do it according to the requirements of the company. "

The scene is a dead silence, those didi little brother instantly lost his temper.

Indeed, the relationship between them and didi company is the relationship between employment and being employed.

Their life and death are all in the hands of others.

Once the title is closed, they will face unemployment, which they can not bear.

After all, every little brother didi has a family to support.

Seeing the reaction of Didi, Hu Fei snorted coldly.

She had long expected that she would use her own Assassin's mace, and these little brother didi would definitely advise her.

A bunch of poor people are still negotiating terms with me?

Hufei said with a sneer: "well, now we should have no opinion, then this reform plan is passed."

Didi brothers are all livid.


They simply refused.

This is unreasonable reform at all.

This kind of reform will make the income of little brother didi drop sharply. It is not easy for them, which is equivalent to taking a layer of skin off them.

Just then, a cold laugh burst out of the silent conference room.

Originally very proud of hufei's face suddenly sank down and looked at Ye Chen at the end of the seat.

"What are you laughing at?" Huffy said coldly.

Ye Chen sneered: "I laugh that you are so immoral. You only want to earn money by yourself. Have you ever thought about the life and death of little brother didi? An enterprise not only needs to make money, but also needs corporate culture and enterprise warmth. What's the difference between you and those landlords in the old society? Who will work hard for you in such a company as you?"

Originally these Di Di Di little brother did not dare to make a sound, ye Chen's words said their heartfelt voice.There was an immediate clapping in the conference room.

Hu Fei had already controlled the situation of the meeting, but suddenly didi little brother broke her plan completely.

"Who are you? Who gives you the right to talk nonsense here

Ye Chen stood up and jokingly looked at Hu Fei: "I am a didi little brother. What I said is what didi brothers want to say. Since it is a forum, then it should be fair to talk about it. And I think the reform of the company is not like what you said, it is to inform everyone, it should also be to seek our opinions."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Hu Fei's face became more ugly.

It's true that the company actually asked for the opinions of brother Didi.

But Hu Fei thought that if you take it directly, you can show your ability to the president.

Now, hufei is desperately trying to get to a higher level. This forum can be said to be an opportunity for her.

If the reform is implemented, she can get a promotion and a raise.

As for the death of these little brother Didi, what does it have to do with her.

Seeing that she was about to succeed, this ye Chen actually broke her good deed, and hufei was suddenly angry.

"What's your job number? I'll close your account immediately."

Ye Chen listened to a cold hum: "you seal my account with what?"

"Just because you don't obey the management of the company."

Hu Fei wants to make an example.

Ye Chen but cold hum a: "with you still really have no qualification to seal my account number."

Two people are arguing, Song Tao happened to pass the meeting room.

Hearing the quarrel in the conference room, Song Tao came in curiously.

Just into the conference room, he saw Ye Chen who was confronting Hu Fei.

Seeing this forced king, Song Tao's body trembled slightly.

After returning to the company, he got to know ye Chen.

The background was amazing, and he was glad that he was so clever that day.

Although pretending to be beaten in the face, but after all, escaped a robbery.

Hu Fei is arguing with Ye Chen, and she is very happy to see Song Tao come in.

"General manager song, quickly sealed the account number of this little brother Didi. How dare he disobey the management of the company?"

Song Tao looks strange at Ye Chen.

Hu Fei has always been very arrogant in the company, this time pretending to force Wang.

How could Song Tao miss such a good opportunity to revenge this arrogant woman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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