"Director Chen, didn't we sign a contract? Are you? "

See a room full of people, Tong Xiaoya frowned.

Chen said with a smile: "these are the big guys in the circle. Let me introduce them to you. They are very useful for your future development."

At this time, a young man stood up: "Xiaoya, I have always been your fan, this time I specially order the actress can be you."

Director Chen introduced: "Xiaoya, this is Wu Ge Wu, President of Tiange film and television group."

Hearing the name, Tong Xiaoya's face changed slightly.

In their circle, Wu Ge is the character that stars talk about.

It is said that he often hides the rules of female stars, and several female stars have been set by him.

There is even a rumor that Wu Ge's wine can't be drunk in any case.

Chen said with a smile, "come on, sit down."

Tong Xiaoya light way: "Chen director, I have had a meal before I come. If I don't sign a contract, I'll go back first."

Say, Tong Xiaoya turns to walk.

"Stop." Wu Ge's face was slightly cold.

"Miss Tong, I invite you with sincerity. What do you mean? Don't give me Wu Ge face, do you?"

Tong Xiaoya said lightly: "general manager Wu, I really have something to do, and I can't drink. If you have to drink, you can go out to find someone else."

Now Tong Xiaoya is not just a star, so she can't deal with Wu Ge for a movie. Who knows if there is anything in his wine.

Wu Ge sneered: "tell you, don't think you have a little fame, I can't take you, believe it or not, as long as I say a word, I can let you have no film to shoot."

One side of the director Chen also advised: "Xiaoya, is to drink a glass of wine, why do you so serious."

Tong Xiaoya looks very cold, drink a glass of wine.

One of her best friends in the entertainment industry had a drink and fell in love with this guy.

Later, her best friend quit the entertainment circle and got married.

Tong Xiaoya will not drink with this Wu Song in any case.

Wu Ge said coldly, "you can go. You can drink this wine before you go."

With that, Wu Ge handed the wine to Tong Xiaoya.

Tong Xiaoya looks at that wine body to tremble slightly.

Although she is a bright star in other people's eyes, but only she knows the pain.

The Wu family's position in the entertainment industry is very clear to her. She controls 30% of the theaters in China.

If you offend Wu Ge, you will be hard to do anything in the performing arts circle.

Others also urged.

"Xiaoya, this is what you are not. Mr. Wu thinks highly of you in wine. Why are you so ignorant?"

"Yes, it's about a glass of wine. Why?"

Tong Xiaoya bit her teeth and reached out to get the glass. But at this time, Wu Ge's glass was snatched by others.

Ye Chen grabs the glass and shakes it.

Sure enough, there was sediment in the glass.

Ye Chen's eyes are cold and his hand is raised. A glass of wine is poured directly on Wu Ge's face.

The scene was silent.

All of us didn't think of it. Suddenly, a lengtouqing came out and poured Wu Ge's face with wine.

Ye Chen said coldly: "since you want to drink so much, you can drink this wine yourself. Let's go, Xiaoya."

Say, ye Chen pulls Tong Xiaoya's hand to want to go.

"Stop." Behind him came the bleak voice of Wu Song.

"Boy, you've poured wine on my face, and you want to go?"

At this time, the others stood up.

Ye Chen turned around and looked at Wu Ge: "throwing your face with wine has already given you face. What do you put in your wine, you are very clear about it."

Hear ye Chen's words, Tong Xiaoya heart a shake.

Sure enough, there is something in Wu Ge's wine.

Wu Ge said coldly, "come on

Two bodyguards rushed in outside.

Wu Ge said in a cold voice, "beat me. If you beat me to death, it's mine."

The two bodyguards are so strong that they have been trained.

Seeing this scene, the waiter also ran out.

Tong Xiaoya's face changed: "general manager Wu, don't, this matter is my wrong, you let him go, I can drink your wine."

Ye Chen didn't expect Tong Xiaoya to stand up for himself. He knew that there was something wrong with the wine, and he was willing to drink this cup of wine for himself.

Suddenly, ye Chen's heart is warm.

"Silly girl, he doesn't dare to do anything to me here." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Just then, there was a noisy footstep outside, and the hotel manager rushed over with more than a dozen security guards.

"Don't worry, boss. We're here."

I saw these security guards one by one.The hotel where we eat is the Marriott Hotel.

Ye Chen came in, the manager found out, so let the waiter secretly look at Ye Chen.

After all, ye Chen is a hotel owner.

Ye Chen made a rule that the people in the hotel should not disclose his identity without his permission.

Just now the waiter saw that Wu Ge asked people to start on Ye Chen, so he called the manager.

The manager was also shocked. If the boss was beaten in the hotel, he would still be a manager.

So the manager rushed in with a group of security guards.

Wu Ge saw that the security guard's face also changed.

"This boy is the owner of the hotel."

Marriott Hotel is also a well-known hotel in China. Ye Chen's background is certainly not simple.

And although these two bodyguards can fight, there are more than a dozen security guards.

Wu Ge pointed to Ye Chen: "boy, you wait for me, we are not finished with this matter."

Ye Chen faint smile: "good, wait and wait."

Wu Ge was originally thinking about the routine of Tong Xiaoya today. The hotel presidential suite has been reserved, but I didn't expect to be stirred yellow by Ye Chen.

A table of rice, Wu Ge also has no mood to eat, angry washed away.

Chen was more angry: "Xiaoya, you let me down too much."

Ye Chen and Tong Xiaoya leave the hotel.

Tong Xiaoya's mood has not been very good.

"Xiaoya, what are you worried about?" Ye Chen asked.

Tong Xiaoya sighed: "the energy of the Wu family in the film and television circle is too big, this time offended Wu Ge, I'm afraid no one will ask me to make a movie."

For actors, Tong Xiaoya really loves this profession.

If you can't engage in this profession in the future, Tong Xiaoya will feel very uncomfortable.

Ye Chen said with a faint smile: "isn't it just making movies? No one asked you, I asked you, I will be the director, I promise to let you become the film queen

Listen to Ye Chen's words, Tong Xiaoya Leng a way: "thank you for your comfort, you may not know the energy of Wu family in the entertainment circle."

Ye Chen said seriously: "I don't care what energy the Wu family has. If I make you fire, you can fire. If I let you be the shadow queen, you can be the shadow queen."

"Well, ye Dao, I'm looking forward to your work."

For ye Chen's words, Tong Xiaoya didn't believe it at all. He wanted to make a film, but it was not so simple.

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