Ye Chen drives Tong Xiaoya back to the home of magic capital.

Tong Xiaoya said: "thanks to you today, otherwise..."

Think about that cup of poisonous wine with poison, Tong Xiaoya is a little afraid.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "don't worry, by the way, don't pick up the film recently. I'll invest in you to make a film."

Tong Xiaoya listened to Ye Chen's words: "do you really want to make a movie?"

"Of course, and my goal is to make you a movie queen."

Tong Xiaoya smile: "then I'm waiting for you."

Before getting off the car, Tong Xiaoya gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's five-star praise, activate the fourth lucky star, and get the system Award for divine script writer. 】

in Ye Chen's mind, countless scripts flooded into his mind.

These scripts are all movies and TV dramas about the fire in previous lives.

Now the problem of writing the script is solved.

Driving the car, ye Chen ready to go home, but found that behind a van has been following himself.

Ye Chen raised his mouth and drove didi car to a remote alley.

After getting off the bus, ye Chen went directly into a supermarket to buy drinks.

At this time, Wu Ge got out of the car with two bodyguards.

His face was gloomy.

Just in the hotel, ye Chen broke his good deed, but also poured his face of wine, so that he lost face in front of the public.

Wu Ge was arrogant and domineering since childhood. When did he suffer from such a loss.

Therefore, he has been driving with Ye Chen.

See ye Chen came to a remote alley, he knew the opportunity came.

Wu Ge came to Ye Chen's car and saw that ye Chen was driving Jili's car, and his face was disdained.

I thought he was a tough guy. He drove a civilian car like Jili.

He yelled at the two bodyguards: "smash it for me, smash his broken car for me."

Two bodyguards took out iron bars from the car and were about to smash the car. Suddenly Wu Ge said, "wait a minute."

He pointed to the monitor at the top of his finger and said, "you two smashed that surveillance first."

Two bodyguards picked up bricks from the ground.

Bang bang!

Along with the sound, the monitor was directly destroyed by two people.

"Mr. Wu, you are still careful."

Wu Ge snorted coldly: "how dare you pour Laozi wine? I smash your car first, and then I will waste you."

He said to the two bodyguards, "hit me."

Two bodyguards picked up iron bars and banged on the car.

However, Wu Ge's jaw dropping thing happened.

I saw two people's iron bars hit the car, but nothing happened.

The glass can't be broken, there is only a small white spot under the iron bar.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ge was stunned: "did you two not eat?"

The two bodyguards looked depressed.

Both of them had done their best, and even the mouth of the tiger was bleeding.

However, this car is just like steel plate, it can't move at all.

Wu Ge angrily snatched the iron bar from a bodyguard's hand, aimed at the window and smashed it down.


Wu Ge's iron bar hit the window heavily.

However, seeing the window, wu song was suddenly confused.

How could that be possible?

The window was intact.

On the contrary, it was his fierce pain from the mouth of the tiger, even blood.

I do. Is this really a car?

They never dream that ye Chen's window is bulletproof glass, not to mention iron bars, even bullets can't penetrate.

As for the body, made of ten centimeter steel plate, it is impossible to penetrate the anti tank missiles, let alone iron bars.

Ye Chen actually came out long ago, drinking coke and watching these people perform.

Wu Ge threw away the iron bar.

"What kind of car is this? Is the quality of NIMA's domestic cars so good now? "

Said not to relieve gas, but also severely kicked a foot.

Ye Chen banter way: "elder brother several smash tired?"

Seeing ye Chen, Wu Ge is even more angry.

I can't smash the bullet train, can't you and I still hit it?

"There's no surveillance here. Beat me up."

Two thugs picked up sticks and rushed to Ye Chen.

Just then, there was a sudden explosion.

"Dare to move the leaf big brother, dut you give me."

It turned out that ye Chen had just seen Wu Ge taking people to smash the car in the supermarket and sent a message to brother Bao directly.

Leopard brother and his men are drinking tea nearby. Hearing Ye Chen's greeting, he immediately brings people over.

Both sides of the alley are blocked by thugs.

Wu Ge was silly to see this scene.Nima, this is surrounded.

Leopard's face was ferocious: "how dare you dare to provoke us, brother ye?"

Looking at more than a dozen bastards behind brother Bao, Wu Ge immediately counsels.

But he saw the surveillance overhead.

"If you want to move me, I have to think about it. There are monitors here. If you beat me, do you believe me, I will call the police and let you go to jail?"

Hearing the threat of Wu Song, those gangsters are also a little afraid.

After all, these bastards are most afraid of going to prison. It must be a bit of background to see Wu Ge wearing a famous brand.

Ye Chen in one side light smile: "elder brother a few don't be afraid, you see the monitoring overhead, has been broken by them."

Seeing the smashed monitoring, brother Bao grinned grimly: "brothers, if you don't monitor, you'll tell the police. If there's no evidence, the police can't help it."

"And threaten our brother."

Wu Ge and the two bodyguards were about to cry.

Just now they owe, they smashed the monitoring, the result is that the last means to protect the lives of special Mo are not available.

These thugs started very hard. In the blink of an eye, there was a scream and howl from the alley.

Ye Chen faint smile, came to be beaten in front of Wu Song.

"Boy, I'll give you a lesson today. If you dare to make Xiaoya's idea again, it won't be as simple as being beaten up."

Ye Chen takes leopard brother and they have supper.

Wu Ge gets up from the ground and dares to move Laozi. I will make you pay the price.

He took out his cell phone and called the police.

Soon, the police arrived.

The police investigated for a while and came over with a serious look.

"Your name is Wu Ge?"

Wu Ge nodded: "police comrade, you must make decisions for me. These people are lawless. You see, we are beaten."

Seeing the police, Wu Ge is selling badly.

However, the police were cold: "because of the broken monitoring, we have no evidence, so we can't arrest people. But just now we got to know the situation in the supermarket, some people saw that it was you who broke the surveillance camera."

Wu Ge was a fool.

He did not expect that the incident of smashing the camera was seen.

This NIMA is a dead end operation.

Because he smashed the camera, he was beaten violently. As a result, after calling the police, there was no evidence of being beaten. Instead, the police should investigate the responsibility of smashing the camera.

The police said coldly: "you are suspected of damaging police facilities. Come with us to the police station."

Wu Ge is about to cry.

It's a crime to destroy the police facilities. It's estimated that he will really go to jail this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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