Jump into your heart, very unconvinced.

I have paid so much, and it's unfair that no conservative female anchor has been rewarded much.

She thought that as long as she tried to dance hot dance and constantly hook men's heart, she was invincible.

But Su Xiaomei slapped her hard.

The most important thing is that his popularity is still declining. Obviously, many fans have gone to Su Xiaomei.

Watching the falling popularity of the studio, jump into your heart and decide to fight back.

Her face showed a look of pity, pitifully said to the fans: "brothers, sisters are so aggrieved, you see, the big brother of other people's reward is 500 rockets, sister I am dancing, is to let everyone's eyes, but only a small reward, the baby's heart is bitter, the baby wants to cry."

Jump into your heart and don't know how many men you've slept with.

So her body is just a money making machine for her.

Jumping into your heart doesn't care about your body for others to see, so this time it's a fight.

To be more alluring, jump into your heart and take off your coat.

Inside is a gauze dress, full of temptation.

This time, the fans in the studio went crazy.

Tiange rewards ten rockets.

Brother tiger rewarded 20 rockets.


In the blink of an eye, the rocket shuddered into the sky.

Jump into your heart and look at the rocket flying into the sky with excitement.

But she wasn't satisfied with the rockets that kept coming out.

I paid so much to get such a little rocket. How could that anchor get 500 rockets by singing a song?

At this time, the local tyrant she was looking forward to finally made a move.

Brother Tu Hao rewarded 100 rockets.

Brother Tu Hao rewarded 100 rockets.

Brother Tu Hao rewarded 100 rockets.


Suddenly, the local hero gave her 400 rockets in one breath.

Jump into your heart and look excited.

This is the most rewarding time she has been given by a local tyrant.

"Thank my brother Tu Hao for giving me so many rockets. I love you so much."

It's so cool to jump into your heart. There are so many rockets. It's all money.

It's worth the effort.

A happy, jump into your heart and dance again.

Brother Tu Hao was also a hot and domineering man. He trumpeted on the public screen and said, "where's brother didi? Come out and dare to compare with me who is more proud

Shaking fish live, netizens looked at this provocative public screen immediately exploded.

I wipe, someone wants to challenge big Didi.

You know, Didi boss is now a super big guy who has been called Shenhao by netizens.

Even the guild counselled in front of big Didi.

Now even some netizens dare to challenge big didi?

Jump into your heart, dance hard, suddenly see the popularity of the live room rub up.

Jump into your heart more and more happy.

"Brother Tu Hao, you are really wonderful. I love you so much."

As a matter of fact, brother Tu Hao just had a fever in his head, and he also had some regrets after sending the public screen.

But it's even more exciting to see you jump into your heart and give yourself a kiss.

I even thought about you, and then I've already made an appointment with you

With the encouragement of jumping into your heart, brother Tu Hao is more arrogant.

"Didi, have you consulted me? Dare you come out? I don't dare. It's really a bully. I'll call it a bully in the future. "

The live room is even more excited when you see the bold and unconstrained brother Tu Hao.

"The local tyrants are strong."

"It is worthy of being a local elder brother."


At this time, ye Chen is listening to Su Xiaomei sing the song she just wrote.

At this time, I saw many people in the studio.

He noticed that someone on the public screen was challenging himself.

Take a look at each other's ID, seemingly do not know.

At first Ye Chen didn't care about each other.

However, the other side is more and more arrogant, and even scolds himself for counseling.

Nima, give you a face?

Ye Chen was angry and hit directly on the public screen: "where did the mad dog come out? Yelling here. "

For such people as brother Tu Hao, ye Chen understands that it's just the brain of a spermatozoa.

There may be a little money, but it's killing you to be rich than yourself.

And jump into your heart, but rely on make-up and beauty of the production of ugly just, this idiot should spend money on such a woman.

Ye Chen can be sure, the other side unloaded makeup, and then no beauty, this brother is estimated to see vomiting.

And ye Chen knows that the popularity of this kind of anchor is only temporary.

It won't be long before this kind of live broadcast will be banned, and it won't take long to hop around.After a look at Su Xiaomei's live room, she lost half of her popularity.

Su Xiaomei to Ye Chen private message: "Ye Chen don't fight with that guy, they just want to borrow you to fry heat."

At this time, Su Xiaomei's live room has been flooded with many fans who jump into your heart.

"Ha ha, what kind of God Hao, I think it's just a counsellor."

"If you don't have the courage, you should be a man with your tail between your legs. Don't be so arrogant in the future."

"Brother Tu Hao is the first big fish shaker. Get out of it later."

"Pretending to be forced to be beaten in the face, ha ha, I'm so happy."

"I think it's just pretending to be crazy."


These people, speaking more and more harshly, and all with a sense of provocation.

Ye Chen knows that these are not afraid of big fans.

Their purpose is very obvious, that is, they want to see Shenhao directly tear and force.

It's nice to see them rewarded.

That's why I came here to pick things up.

Ye Chen returned a message to Su Xiaomei: "don't worry, I have discretion."

"Well, don't give any more rewards." Su Xiaomei replies.

The reason why Ye Chen can stand Su Xiaomei is that she is different from other anchors.

Now jump into your heart and have been teasing Tu Hao brother in another live broadcast room to reward him, but Su Xiaomei is persuading Ye Chen not to reward him. This is the difference in character.

But ye Chen certainly will not give up.

Since there was a system, only Ye Chen stepped on people. When was he trampled on by others!

Ye Chen's principle is that people do not offend me and I will not offend them. If they do, I will teach them how to behave.

On the public screen, ye Chen responded directly: "do you deserve this kind of garbage compared with me?"

See ye Chen's response arrogant overbearing.

Netizens are also excited.

"Ha ha, it's really didi boss. He's a bully."

"There seems to be a lot of difference between the two levels. Big didi is 20, while brother Tu Hao is only 14."

"That's right. Big didi crushed each other from the level."

"If you dare to challenge big Didi, this boy is a bit short of face."

With Ye Chen's reply, Didi's fans also came out.

At this time, in a villa, a short and fat man staring at the computer, pale.

Especially see ye Chen's reply and netizen's barrage, his face is incomparably ugly.

"NIMA? And I pretend to be forced. "

The fat man smashed the red wine cup in his hand directly.

He was staring at the screen with a look of bitterness in his eyes.

This man is brother Tu Hao.

During this period of time, he rewarded him, but he got a great sense of vanity.

Just a hot brain challenge didi little brother.

However, after seeing the reply of the netizens in the live broadcast room and the level of Didi, he found that he had kicked on the iron plate this time.

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