Although brother Tu Hao is guilty, he can't help it.

It's the fans who make Tu Hao brother angry.

I was standing on my side just now. All of them turned against water for a while.

Not only did not support himself, but also scolded him in his own studio.

This is a bunch of hateful wall grass.

Brother Tu Hao bit his teeth, and he decided to carry it to the end with Ye Chen.

He also holds some lucky psychology, ye Chen does not have so much money.

Then brother Tu Hao said with his teeth: "dare you compare with the reward given by us today? The loser will roll out from today on and shake the fish."


Brother Tu Hao made a lot of words, but ye Chen just used a good word as a reply.

Nima, how dare you despise Laozi so much.

Seeing ye Chen's disdain for Tu Hao brother, he was completely angry.

He felt himself in front of Ye Chen just like a nouveau riche facing a big man.

But he was not reconciled.

So he must defeat Ye Chen and trample Ye Chen under his feet.

At this time, brother Tu Hao saw the announcement on the public screen again.

"Didi gave Su Xiaomei 1000 rockets."

"Didi gave Su Xiaomei 1000 rockets."


In an instant, the public screen once again exploded the shaking fish.

This time, ye Chen directly brushed 2000 rockets.

The whole Barrage is occupied by the public screen of Ye Chen brush rocket.

No one thought that didi was so domineering that he directly brushed 2000 rockets.

This time, the whole shaking fish live broadcast was a sensation.

Two thousand rockets, one million.

Ye Chen directly painted a million.

Compared with brother Tu Hao who has beep all the time, ye Chen answers him directly with his action, which is even more arrogant and overbearing.

Two thousand rockets, which shocked everyone.

Those netizens are crazy into Su Xiaomei's live room, want to worship the big man.

Su Xiaomei's popularity will jump into your heart again and become the first.

"Big didi is a bull."

"Ha ha, there are people who dare to challenge big Didi. They are really looking for abuse."

"What about the local tyrant? Why not beep

"Kneel down, two thousand rockets, and the cattle are dying."

"I thought it was a local tyrant to reward the Rockets. Now I know that laote is still a loser."


"Where's brother Tu hao? Where is it? "

"Brother Tu Hao is so scared."

"Ha ha, brother Tu Hao is so good at it."

Jump into your heart, just in the complacency, the result is sad to find that their popularity again like the general flood.

There was a prompt again on the system bulletin.

Congratulations to brother Didi, who has been upgraded by 21 levels.

Congratulations to brother Didi, who has been upgraded by 22 levels.


Congratulations, brother Didi. Your level has been increased by 30 levels.

The whole live broadcasting room is dead and silent, and is shocked by Ye Chen's boldness.

Ye Chen has become the most powerful local tyrant in the whole shaking fish studio.

At this time, brother Tu Hao on the other side bit his teeth.

Especially just the sarcastic voice of netizens constantly stimulated him.

One bite of his teeth, he directly flushed two million.

At one breath, four thousand rockets.

Four thousand rockets blew up the studio again.

"Lying in the trough, the local tyrant and the bull force."

"Cattle killed 4000 rockets."

"What's Niubi? It's really a super hero."

"Didi, why don't you talk?"

"I guess he didn't meet a real rich man before, so he's a real bull. Now he's a fool when he meets a real bull."

"Well, two million at a time is not something anyone can afford."


At this time, those netizens have become the wall grass again.

They have come to see the excitement, so there is no principle at all for who they are forced to speak to.

Seeing the comments on the Internet, brother Tu Hao is proud.

"Little brother Didi, what you are special is that you are a poor man who opens Didi. You are far from me. You have the ability to continue to reward you."

"My brother Tu Hao is the best. I love you so much." Jump into your heart is also in the side of the echo.

After all, people beat themselves two million, and they have to lick their lives at this time.

Seeing ye Chen's silence for a long time, brother Tu Hao has decided that ye Chen is more arrogant.

"Ha ha, that's a tough job just now. It's over. I'll teach you how to be a man in minutes. Alas, I have 10000 rockets waiting to be brushed."At this time, the screen suddenly appeared again.

User didi gave Su Xiaomei 10000 rockets.

Instantly, the netizens in the whole live room were shocked.

God, what do I see?

Ten thousand rockets.

That's amazing.

Is there something wrong with the system? God, how could 10000 rockets be possible.

The Tu Hao elder brother who was just making a lot of remarks just now was dumbfounded.

How could that be possible.

Just because the popularity of the rebound jump into your heart is also silly.

How could that be possible.

The system even got stuck because of the 10000 rockets.

You know, there have never been 10000 rockets since the establishment of the "shaking fish live" program.

It's five million.

Someone even gave the anchor five million in one breath.

At this time, brother Tu Hao was completely stupid.

In particular, the other side directly launched 10000 Rockets just after blowing the bull force.

Just when brother Tu Hao is in a daze, the public screen of the system pops up again.

"Users didi Xiaoge rewarded Su Xiaomei with 10000 rockets."

Another 10000 rockets.

The whole live broadcast of shaking fish was completely shaken.

What local tyrant is just a scum in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's account level has risen to level 40 instantly, and he has become the most powerful local tyrant in the fishing net.

At this time, brother Tu Hao was livid.

Looking at Ye Chen reward 20000 rockets, completely silly.

Now I have 200000 in my account.

Even if brush out in front of Ye Chen's 20000 rockets, it can not stir up a trace of spray.

This face is so painful.

The most important thing is that they have to pretend to be forced to be beaten by others.

Now he understands the gap between himself and ye Chen. People are the real God Hao. If you want to crush him, just move your fingers.

All netizens turn to Ye Chen again.

"To didi big man knelt down."

"I finally understand what a real God is."

"It's amazing. I really take it."

"It's ten million dollars. It's so strong."

"Brother Tu Hao, didn't you just claim to have 10000 rockets? Keep playing. "

"Why is it quiet?"

Brother Tu Hao's face was livid as he looked at the netizen's Tiao Xiao Qi.

But at this time, you jump into your heart and say: "brother Tu Hao, keep up with him. Don't talk. As long as you continue to reward 30000 rockets, I'll live..."

Jump into your heart is also anxious, ye Chen's 20000 rockets all the popularity of her live room, now there are less than 1000 people left.

Even the bounty screen is gone.

Brother Tu Hao's face was livid. Seeing that he jumped into your heart and chatted privately, he thought for a while, and he thought about it.

There are only 200000 yuan left in the account, and you can only eat instant noodles every day.

But he rewarded so much, is not it just for the sake of female anchor?

So, he returned a private message to the female anchor: "xiaoxinxin, I don't have a quota for my card today. I'll clean him up some other day. By the way, do you have time to come out for a meal."

After all, brother Tu Hao also rewarded so much money that he naturally wanted to repay.

However, the female anchor's reply made brother Tu Hao's face blue and smashed the keyboard directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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