"Brother Tu Hao, you can recharge your money. You can see that Su Xiaomei has robbed all my fans. People are so depressed."

"So let's add a wechat, have a meal, and be angry with this garbage." Brother Tu Hao has some immortality.

"Well, it's good to call him brother Tu Hao. I think you have no money."

Hearing the tone of brother Tu Hao, I jump into your heart and understand that this guy must have no money.

So her attitude became colder.

"If you don't have money and other people's home decoration, you should return to the local tyrant. I think you are a poor man."

Afterwards, the other party actually closed the private chat directly.

Brother Tu Hao:

He felt his lungs explode.

Nima, I've given you millions of gifts, and you still scold me.

The most important thing is, I don't care about it at all.

"NIMA, I'm so blind to give you a reward."

Looking at the barrage that satirized himself on the barrage, and being hated by the female anchor again, brother Tu Hao felt a sudden pain in his chest and hit him directly for 120.


Live room, jump into your heart, still show off coquettish.

"The baby is not happy, the baby's heart is bitter, which elder brother brushes the present for me, I will give everybody big surprise."

But the studio was dead.

After all, there are so many local tyrants like Ye Chen.

And even if there is money, no one is willing to throw it to this ethereal live platform.

See no one to reward, jump into your heart, can't help but burst a rude word in a low voice.

"A bunch of poor people."

However, what she didn't expect was that she didn't turn off the live microphone, and as a result, this sentence was released.

The netizens in the live broadcasting room quit.

"Who poor devil did NIMA scold?"

"Lao Tzu specially rewards tens of thousands a month and scolds Laozi."

"The quality of the anchor is too poor."

Jump into your heart and your face changes slightly.

She wanted to explain, but found that the live screen was black.

"Your account has been blocked for violating the live broadcasting regulations. Please abide by the rules and regulations of the live broadcasting room."

Jump into your heart and say

Looking at his blocked account, jump into your heart is going to be mad.

She picked up her cell phone and called Godfather.

Godfather is an executive she just met. The reason why she can perform so unscrupulously is because this executive is covering her.

"Godfather, my account has been blocked. Please help me find a way."

"What? It's too bold for someone to seal your account number. "

After a while, godfather called: "NIMA, do you know who you've offended? Little brother didi is a super big guy. Even you dare to offend him. The high-level has spoken, your account can't come out, and because of the violation of the rules, all the rewards can't be given to you. "

Hang up the phone, jump into your heart and drop the phone directly.

She did not dream that the end of offending Ye Chen was so miserable.

Ye Chen is interacting with Su Xiaomei.

"I just got the news, jumped into your heart account was blocked."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "that kind of performance should have been sealed."

In the past, the live broadcasting rooms in previous lives were also full of these live broadcasting rooms which were rewarded by teasing. The major live broadcasting rooms imitated each other. As a result, there was a wave of severe attacks, which greatly damaged the vitality of the live broadcasting industry.

Cat teeth live, ye Chen on the strict prohibition of this behavior.

But he doesn't know, jump into your heart and be sealed because of his reason.

Shaking fish live: "that didi little brother is really ye big guy?"

A young man asked suspiciously.

"Yes, because registration requires identity information. We checked it."

"In the future, as long as you dare to fight against big ye, you can seal it off."

A middle-aged man said to his opponent.

Ye Chen's name, he did not know how many times Wang congcongcong recited.

I didn't expect that the other party should register in his own studio.

Because of Ye Chen's reason, Su Xiaomei's popularity has reached ten million.

These are all because ye Chen is attracted.

Su Xiaomei's live broadcast has always been a fresh and popular feeling, singing and dancing national dance.

She's not cutting corners like other female anchors.

So her popularity has been very stable, with a fixed fan base.

Su Xiaomei sang the song "little luck" in the live room, and immediately became popular on the Internet.

After chatting with Su Xiaomei for a while, ye Chen turned off her mobile phone and went to sleep.

The next day, ye Chen opened two hours of Didi, received a call from Tong Xiaoya.

"Director Ye Da, come to the hotel to pick me up. By the way, I want to have your preserved egg and lean meat congee."Ye Chen is speechless. He is not a director. He has become her assistant.

But the relationship between two people is too good, in Ye Chen's heart, Tong Xiaoya is his little sister.

"Well, I'll be right there."

He comes to the door of his hotel and drives his car.

At this time, a live star anchor at the door excitedly said: "audience, our Xiaoya is coming out of the hotel. The hot bus just came out is a Mercedes Benz nanny car. I don't know what level Xiaoya's RV is."

"A million nannies, I guess."

"Xiaoya's level is worth millions."

At this time, a Gillette stopped at the door of the hotel.

"Gee, why is there a Jili didi? It must have been a car reserved by some online celebrities."

"Net red really miserable, not even a nanny car."

But at this time, a graceful figure came out.

"Isn't this just our Xiaoya?"

I saw Tong Xiaoya even opened the door of didi car directly and got on Jili car.

The studio was dead.

But soon the barrage of bullets flew.

"It's our Xiaoya, so low-key."

"That's right. Such a big star should be moved by Jili Didi."

"I envy the didi driver."


After getting on the bus, Tong Xiaoya can't wait to ask: "preserved egg lean meat porridge?"

Ye Chen takes out a Thermos Pot to Tong Xiaoya and says, "it's done for you."

Tong Xiaoya took a bite: "Wow, ye Chen, you cook really good to eat ah, after I follow you to film, three meals you pack."

"If I want to be beautiful, I have to make a movie, OK?"

At this time, Tong Xiaoya's mobile phone rings.

A cold voice came from the phone: "Xiaoya, I'm sorry, I can't help you write songs."

"Why?" Tong Xiaoya road.

"You've offended the big guys in the entertainment industry. They've already said that whoever dares to write songs with you will be banned."

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Miss Chen."

Hang up, Tong Xiaoya's mood is obviously not very good.

Ye Chen light a smile: "how, encounter trouble."

"Nothing?" Tong Xiaoya shook his head.

Ye Chen knows that in order to sign a contract with himself, Tong Xiaoya pays too much.

"By the way, I want to make an album for you." Ye Chen suddenly said.

"Ha ha, no, no one wants to write songs for me now."

Ye Chen laughed: "others don't want to, but I'm willing to write songs for you."

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