Ye Chen said to LV Gang, "hard work, good work."

LV gang was excited: "headmaster ye, I think this mecha is great, but there is still a big gap from the real mecha.

Ye Chen nodded, Lu Gang can have such a reaction, ye Chen is very satisfied.

"Well, this is just a prototype, we need to upgrade the mecha comprehensively."

"Yes, Mr. Ye, I will improve the mecha and make him more practical."

Ye Chen nodded and was pleased with LV Gang's attitude.

At this time, the star University experiment machine a thing has spread on the Internet.

The school did not stop it.

After all, the whole star university has seen it.

So if you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

Moreover, China's leaders should also let the world know that China's science and technology is still among the top in the world.

This matter also let foreign netizens boil.

Netizens from island countries.

"I don't know what our scientists are doing, see? The Chinese mecha has been made. "

"China is so powerful that it deserves to be the awakened Hua Guolong."

Many senior government officials in other countries have seen the news.

Star University, through this video has become popular all over the world.

And those countries that were originally dismissive of China's technology were also surprised.

Since then, they have been quietly catching up with China's leaders in science and technology.

A mecha represents more than just mechanical technology.

That's the embodiment of the comprehensive level of science and technology.

But these countries are only surprised.

After all, the current mecha can only show that China is leading in some fields. This mecha has no practical significance.

This kind of thing is impossible to be put into the battlefield. After all, the mecha is too heavy now.

So, the surprise returned to surprise, but no one took it seriously.

At this time, ye Chen called LV gang and Wang Meng to the president's office of star University.

Whether it is nuclear kinetic energy or mecha, ye Chen only gave them guidance behind the scenes.

But it is the students who really do it. Therefore, ye Chen decides to give the decision-making power to these students.

For Wei Lao's request, ye Chen did not say it, but let him communicate with them.

Ye Chen knows his own weight in the hearts of these students.

If he makes any request, the students will agree.

Wei Chen is still in the middle of the negotiation, so let's make a decision with the students.

Mr. Wei also understood Ye Chen's meaning, and said to two students: "two students, our mechanical experts in China, want to study your mecha. You can rest assured that we are just watching at Star University. Do you think it's ok?"

Wang Meng and Lu Gang looked at each other.

China's mechanical experts?

Even the top management pay attention to their mecha?

They look at Ye Chen.

But ye Chen sat on one side, drinking tea lightly, and did not publish any decision.

Both students understood what ye meant and didn't want to embarrass them.

"Yes." Wang Meng and Lu Gang discussed and then made a decision.

After all, the other party is an expert in mechanics and can give some advice on their mecha.

Ye Chen listened to two people's decision is also satisfied with the nod.

"Well, Wang Meng, LV Gang, you will be responsible for the reception of experts."

Old Wei also breathed a sigh.

After receiving the task, Wang Meng and LV Gang left in a hurry.

Recently, ye Chen gave them a blueprint of mecha upgrade. Two people have to go back to study the drawings.

Leaving star University, ye Chen went directly to the Wanbao hotel.

With the settlement of the cockroach gate incident, the hotel is back on track.

now Michelin 3-star's audit has been declared up. For the final result, ye Chen is very confident.

He came here mainly to sign some documents.

After all, the hotel has just come under its own name, and some personnel appointments need his signature.

Just came to the lobby, ye Chen will hear the voice of quarrel from the front desk.

"What kind of service attitude are you talking about? I lost my ID card. "

"Excuse me, madam. According to the regulations of the public security department, you must show your ID card if you want to stay in a hotel."

"But I don't have my ID card. How can I show it?"

Ye Chen took a look at the woman and suddenly felt a little familiar.

Use the life resume function to check.Ye Chen finally knows that this woman is not ordinary.

The woman's name is Yang Xiaozi. She is a famous movie star in China.

In his early years, he started his career with a young comedy fire which spread all over the country.

Now she is an idol of the younger generation, with more than 90 million fans.

Ye Chen through the resume system to see, a day later, this Yang Xiaozi should complain about the poor service quality of their hotel.

Seeing this information, ye Chen took a breath of cold air.

If this happens, the Marlboro Hotel, which has just gone through the cockroach gate, will surely become the center of the vortex again.

If you offend the aunt, the fans will give you a bad comment, and their hotel rating will fall to the bottom.

Yang Xiaozi recently made several films and felt so tired that she wanted to sneak out to relax.

I didn't expect to stay in the hotel but was asked for ID card by the front desk.

She was in a bad mood, so Yang Xiaozi broke out.

"If you don't have an ID card, you can go to the police station to open a certificate. If you don't have an ID card, you can't stay in a hotel."

Yang Xiaozi is really angry.

She was about to explode when a majestic voice came from behind her.

"How do I tell you that the customer is God, and you have ignored my words?"

The waiter was stunned for a moment and saw the visitor and said, "good Ye Dong."

Ye Chen looked at Yang Xiaozi at this time: "this lady, I'm very sorry that our staff have caused you trouble. I'll help you solve your problems."

Yang Xiaozi is stunned to see ye Chen.

This man is really handsome.

Especially Ye Chen's face, with a brilliant smile.

This makes Yang Zi's bad mood disappear instantly.

One side of the staff is still arguing: "boss, this lady did not bring ID card, so I refused her to move in."

Ye Chen said coldly: "I heard your conversation just now. Our service tenet is all for the sake of customers. Have you ignored my requirements?"

The front desk staff was stunned and thought, when did you say this slogan?

But see ye Chen to her wink, the waiter is still smart, said quickly: "Ye always my dereliction of duty, miss, just I have a bad attitude."

Seeing the waiter and her apology, Yang Xiaozi was embarrassed: "I was too anxious just now, and my attitude was not good. Forget it, since it is a rule, I will not live."

Yang Xiaozi turned to go.

"Wait a minute." Ye Chen suddenly stopped her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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