Yang Xiaozi was stunned, turned around and asked, "is there anything else?"

Ye Chen ordered a little bit of the way: "well, you can't live here. Other hotels must have ID card as well."

Yang Xiaozi is very depressed.

She had been running out alone to find a place to be quiet.

I didn't expect that I had no ID card.

Now I can't even stay. I can only go back.

"Let her live in my presidential suite at the front desk," yechen continued

The front desk sister was stunned when she heard it.

"Boss, this is your private suite."

Ye Chen handed the room card to yangxiaozi: "that room is my private suite. The environment is still good. You should stay one night first."

Yang Xiaozi was stunned, and she didn't expect the manager of the hotel to be so considerate.

Not only just talking for yourself, but also giving up my room to yourself.

He recognized me?

Yang Xiaozi asked in a puzzled way, "do you know me?"

Ye Chen was stunned: "don't you know, have we seen before?"

He certainly can't admit to meeting yangxiaozi.

Yang Xiaozi was very moved to take over the room card and said, "thank you."

Ye Chen smiled: "anyone who goes out has a problem. This room is my personal friend, so it doesn't violate the company's regulations, and everyone is happy."

Yang Xiaozi heard the word friend, and she was moving in his heart.

But she also likes the name of her friend very much.

Ye Chen wanted her to take her to the presidential suite, but he thought of the resume system prompt. If there was any accident on the road, it was safer to take her with her.

So ye Chen laughed and said, "then I'll take you."

Ye Chen brought Yang Xiaozi to the presidential suite. After opening the door, ye Chen smiled softly: "welcome to have a good stay."

Looking at the presidential suite in front of him, Yang Xiaozi was shocked.

It's too luxurious.

After all, Yang Xiaozi is also a big star, and has not seen any kind of world.

This presidential suite is really great.

Ye Chen took Yang Xiaozi into the suite, and turned to leave.

Although he knew Yang Xiaozi's identity and liked her acting skills, ye Chen understood that Yang Xiaozi's character was not that kind of frivolous girl.

And although Yang Xiaozi is very beautiful, but leaves Chen is short of beauty?

He just wanted to reduce some trouble in the hotel.

Ye Chen turned around just to go, but felt pulled behind.

See Yang Xiaozi some shy pull Ye Chen.

"Do you have anything else?" Ye Chen asked in doubt.

Did you think it wrong? Is this yangxiaozi the kind of girl?

Feel the fragrance of the woman behind, ye Chen some heart.

If Yang Xiaozi and himself put forward that request, should he agree or should he?

Yang Xiaozi shyly said: "Hello, you let me live in your room so I am not afraid I am a liar, and your room things run smoothly?"

Ye Chen is also a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen pretends not to know Yang Xiaozi, in fact, the identity of the other party is clear and clear.

Chinese when the red flower day, how can ye Chen worry about the other side is a liar?

Ye Chen continues to install.

"You are a girl alone, there must be a difficult place. The things here are not worth much, and the maximum loss is thousands of dollars. But if you really need help, I am a good man."

"Well, you have a good rest. I'll go first," Ye Chen said

Just in Ye Chen again want to leave, yangxiaozi this time is a grasp of his hand.

"Wait a minute, since you said we were friends just now, let's meet again."

Said, Yang Xiaozi actually took off the sunglasses directly, showing the exquisite beauty of the face.

Although Ye Chen had already had the heart preparation, but saw yangxiaozi that beautiful face was still surprised.

Yang Xiaozi was very satisfied with Ye Chen's reaction and smiled and reached out his small hand: "meet me. My name is yangxiaozi."

Ye Chen was stunned: "you are Xiaozi. I am your fan. I like watching your movies when I was a kid."

Yang Xiaozi smiled: "you are very nice. Now we can officially become friends. What is your name?"

"My name is yechen."

"You are ye Chen, you are sister Tong Xiaoya's friend." Yang Xiaozi excited way.

"Well, you know me?" Ye Chen was also stunned.

"Of course, I know sister Tong Xiaoya and I are girlfriends. She often tells me how handsome you are and how handsome you are, and you have talent."

Ye Chen was embarrassed, but he didn't expect to be acquainted with him."Oh, it's so clever. OK, you rest. I'll go first." Ye Chen turns to go.

But yangxiaozi pulled him again.

"Wait a moment, by Ye Chen, are you a boyfriend of sister Xiaoya. I heard that sister Xiaoya left the original company for you."

At this time, Yang Xiaozi is like a big star, and she is just a gossip girl.

Ye Chen said nothing: "no, we are really ordinary friends. You should rest. I will have a meeting for the staff."

Closing the door, ye Chen only grew a breath.

Ye Chen worried that the staff service yangxiaozi was not in place again was complained about the staff to call to hold a meeting.

"Everyone, we have a guest in our special suite. This guest is very important to our hotel. We must serve her well."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was stunned.

Special suite, everyone knows it is Ye Chen's private suite.

Now ye Chen even let a beautiful woman live in.

Suddenly, the public face showed the original such expression.

White hall is more public said: "Ye, you are relieved, this matter has been handed over to me."

At the end of the meeting, ye Chen always felt that these people looked at their own eyes a little weird.

The staff left the meeting room and began to talk, "everyone, will that girl be boss Ye's girlfriend?"

"It's possible, it looks very good."

"We can serve well. If we don't get it well, we will be the boss."

Ye Chen never dreamed of his careless actions, but let the staff of these hotels misunderstand.

Just after leaving the hotel, ye Chen's cell phone rang.

The phone was called by Xie Yingying.

"Brother Ye Chen, don't forget to attend the school board tomorrow."

"Rest assured, remember, it must be on time tomorrow."

"Well, wait for you."

Hang up the phone, ye Chen a smile.

Just then, ye Chen's mobile phone suddenly pop up a news.

"Liu Hua, a famous movie star, announced yesterday that he had terminated the cooperation agreement with Tiange group. Tiange group issued a statement, hoping that Mr. Liu Hua will be in a hurry, otherwise Liu will be blocked on the Internet. "

Ye Chen looks at the news mouth slightly rising.

Seeing the system finally showing off, Liu Hua leaves Tiange and will naturally run to their light and shadow.

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