Zhang Ming has been full of strength to put on the pressure in front of Ye Chen.

But it turns out that people don't care much about his strength.

There is even a kind of comfort for the elders to see their younger generation grow up.

This makes Zhang Ming feel like he is about to spit blood.

I want you to envy me, envy me, lick me, this is the script I want.

So, you used to force me to bear it. Now I am the chairman of the group. You still pretend to force me?

Do you have any money for me?

Do you take advantage of the listed group?

In fact, ye Chen is not really in mind about Zhang Ming's achievements.

Ye Chen can kill each other in any industry.

Although Zhang Ming can stand up in front of others, but in Ye Chen's eyes, still a younger brother.

I can crush you with any reward. I will be forced to wear cattle. Do you deserve it?

So the plot of envy and jealousy and hate can not happen in Ye Chen at all.

Zhang Ming hum coldly: "listen to you, ye Chen now you seem to be very cow forced!"

"Well, so you have to keep working." Ye Chen patted Zhang Ming on the shoulder.

Zhang Ming: "......"

At this time, Xie Yingying said: "elder martial brother ye, the headmaster is waiting for you to enter, let you visit the playground you donated."

Ye Chen ordered a little bit of the headmanship: "OK, Zhang Ming can talk again when he is free."

Said, ye Chen in the beautiful woman Xie Yingying led to leave.

Only left a face of depressed Zhang Ming in the wind disordered.

So ye Chen never said how hard he was to be until the beginning to the end.

But the feeling that gives people, ye Chen is the real big man.

I always like a little brother.

Ye Chen's strength has given him a temperament.

He is standing there, just a real cow.

At this time, the students on the side also talked about it.

"This calambogini looks like a lot, but he is still a younger brother in front of God ye."

"Of course, is God ye comparable to that of ordinary people?" "

" yes, I heard that the playground was covered by the ground. The headmaster asked the other party not to agree for half a day, and ye Shen would have a phone call

"Ah, it's ridiculous to pretend to force Ye Shen."

Listen to the students' comments, Zhang Ming is going to be mad.

Is it just a donation to a playground?

I can do it too.

I have two billion companies. What is the playground of tens of millions?

Zhang Ming took a deep breath.

He has made up his mind that he must teach Ye Chen to be a man today.

Ye Chen is very low-key, but he will be unambiguous when it is high-key.

Today, ye Chen, has all the characteristics of the overlord president, high rich handsome.

After all, in his alma mater, ye Chen certainly will not be too low-key.

Just came to the playground door, saw a knock on the gong and drum.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ming is more depressed, but he wants to step on the leaves of the mood more intense.


Zhu took Ye Chen to visit the playground, and then a group of talents came to the auditorium.

At this moment, the auditorium is full of students, all of whom are graduates.

On the big screen behind, it says, the celebrity forum of Madu University of technology.

The stage was flashing with lights, and the atmosphere was very tall.

Celebrity forum.

Zhang Ming is proud.

He should be a celebrity at Madu University of technology now.

Thinking about a moment I have the opportunity to teach my teacher, in front of younger students and younger girls, the cow forced, Zhang Ming is very excited.

Ye Chen, Zhang Ming and the school leaders all sat on the podium.

Zhang Ming has not less than wear force these years, but I am very excited to think that I will be forced to wear in my mother school.

Ye Chen looked at Zhang Ming's breathing, a laugh.

He understood when he saw the graduates.

Zhu is to dig a hole for these successful students of the magic Capital University of Technology who have been on the social level.

It seems tall, but when you sit here, you have to pay.

This time, it's very nice to say that the celebrity forum of Madu University of technology, in fact, is not to find a job for these students!

But ye Chen looked at the hot eyes under the chairman's platform, recalled his new appearance of graduation, and decided to help his mother school.

After all, I came from that time.

Just after graduation, ye Chen and these students have been wandering, helpless, and now they have the ability to help these younger students and girls do some good.

Zhu went up to the podium and looked at the school director who was invited to smile.

"Welcome to the celebrity forum of Madu University of technology. We are also a famous university for 100 years. Many entrepreneurs and scholars have emerged in these years. They have made contributions to the prosperity and prosperity of China in their respective jobs, and let us welcome them with warm palm."Thousands of students applauded, and they were more eager to look at these successful people.

At this time, everyone dreams that one day they can also sit on the rostrum and be worshipped by future students.

Zhu said, "let's invite the outstanding talents of these schools to pretend to be forced for you, not to tell you their entrepreneurial stories."


The first person who came to power was the owner of a large chain store.

"Dear students, I'm very glad that I can stand here and give a speech for you. After graduation, I have done a lot of work, worked as a white-collar worker, and worked as a salesman. After my disdain efforts, I finally inherited a million yuan and became a successful person."

Zhang Ming: Isn't this my speech? "

The headmaster's face was also very embarrassed.

After all, some of them have mines at home.

"This time, I decided to recruit 100 talents in our school."

Hearing the successful man's words, the students were excited.

Our posts are salesmen, cleaners, and security guards. If you need me, you can sign up with me.

The headmaster's face broke down in an instant.

"Laozi is a university, not a vocational college. What kind of thing do you want to recruit? I've set up such a good stage for you."

That forced Wang also wanted to continue to pretend to be forced. The principal did not give him a chance to say, "Chen Guang, pretend to be forced. It's not your speech time. Please come to the next one."

At this time, another student stepped onto the stage.

"Excuse me, what do you do?" the principal asked

"I work in catering." Said the student.

The headmaster took a long breath and nodded.

The student went to the stage and said, "fellow students, I used to be as ordinary as you. After graduation, I couldn't even find a job. I even borrowed usury and almost jumped into the river."

After listening to the words of the school's successful person, the students' hearts were cool.

That's too bad.

"But..." The student changed his mind.

Everyone knows that this is the turning point.

I found business opportunities at the gate of our school. Later, I sold mutton kebabs. Later, I did barbecue. Now there are three chain stores. Wangcai barbecue in front of our school is our family's. If you go to give 20% discount, of course, some students who want to roast mutton kebabs after graduation can also come to me. "

At the moment, president Zhu's face is as black as the bottom of a pot. Is this the outstanding talent of our school?

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