Later, some of the successful people who came to power included those who opened repair garages, those who did cleaning, and those who opened the maternity club.

The headmaster is like a knife in his stomach.

Isn't there a bigger and better student in our school?

President Zhu took a deep breath.

No, I can't go on.

Go on, do they want the face of Mordor University of technology?

He can't let his students work as repairmen, cleaners and moonwives.

At this time, Zhu looked at a student.

The student was dressed in an Armani suit, high-end atmosphere on the grade.

The most important thing is that the other party wears glasses and is gentle and polite. At first sight, he is a successful person.

The principal couldn't help but ask, "what do you do, classmate?"

The classmate pushed the gold wire glasses and said, "I do finance."

Financial people?

Hearing that classmate's words, the headmaster's eyes brightened.

Finally met a reliable, financial, a look is tall still.

"Then you can introduce the successful experience to the younger students." The headmaster said with a smile.

The student nodded and came to the rostrum.

"Students, do you feel confused about life? If there is no future in the future, you can follow me. The goal of our company is to make every employee become a multimillionaire, live in a luxury house and drive a Rolls Royce. "


Distinguished guests:

And the students were all confused.

What kind of company, so tall, so powerful.

Just at this time, there was the beep of an ambulance outside. Several medical staff rushed to the podium and dragged the successful man out.

At this time, a middle-aged woman said with an apology: "I'm sorry, my son didn't take medicine today. I don't know how to run to your school."

Zhu almost didn't vomit a mouthful of old blood.

It's not a celebrity sharing meeting. It's a shame meeting.

The headmaster collapsed completely.

The excited eyes of the students under the stage were also dim.

It turns out that their school is so bad.

Otherwise, what sell mutton kebabs, open supermarkets, do cleaning can become school celebrities.

They are all mixed up so miserably, now the social competition is so fierce, what future do they have.

The headmaster took a deep breath, and he understood that he had to bring them to the end.

The so-called finale is Zhang Ming and ye Chen.

These two people are real big man level figures.

President Zhu took a deep breath: "let's invite chairman of Fangkai group and Zhang Ming to give a speech for you."

"Fangkai group is not a very powerful real estate developer?"

"I wipe, finally there is a big man who can take it."

At this time, Zhang Ming stood up.

Those so-called celebrities just now, Zhang Ming almost laughed and had a stomachache.

What celebrities are these and how to compare with themselves.

"Students, my name is Zhang Ming. I am a student of Mordo University of technology. I can tell you that I have a group company with a market value of 10 billion yuan, and I have 10000 employees."

In fact, Zhang Ming's words are full of water. What's more, there are only 10 billion yuan, but only 2 billion yuan, and there are only more than 3000 employees.

But this kind of occasion does not brag about when to wait.

President Zhu burst into tears when he heard Zhang Ming's introduction.

Finally, there is a student who can take it.

At this time, the students below are also talking, with worship in their eyes.

Zhang Ming looks proud and looks around the audience.

Finally fell on Ye Chen's body.

How about it? Do you match with Laozi?

"Our company has more than ten projects in real estate, catering and medical treatment. We have business cooperation with more than half of China's top 500 enterprises."


Zhang Ming entered the state more and more.

The students at the scene were all absorbed.

This is a real big guy.

It's amazing.

President Zhu couldn't help standing up: "did you see that? This is our excellent alumni. Let's cheer for him. "

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

The students are excited.

They finally saw hope.

Zhang Ming graduated from their school, which means that we also have the opportunity to achieve such achievements.

Looking down at his students with adoration, Zhang Ming looks proud.

This feeling of being noticed by the public is so good.

Ye Chen sits under the stage and quietly looks at Zhang Mingzhuang.Zhu said excitedly: "Zhang Ming, I don't know how many jobs you can provide for our younger brothers and sisters?"

Zhang Ming's face proud: "our business covers all walks of life, all the younger students and younger sisters I can provide jobs, Baoyuan."

I'll wipe it, cow.

President Zhu was even more excited.

"Mr. Zhang Ming, what kind of positions can you provide for these students?" Zhu couldn't help asking.

"Our construction company is short of carpenters and bricklayers, and has good treatment. It costs 6000 yuan a month."


Zhu's excited expression suddenly cooled down.

How about our students as migrant workers?

A teacher said: "Zhang Ming, many of our students are studying financial management."

"Yes, our construction site is less bookkeeping. By the way, there are supermarkets in our home that can be cashiers."

At this time, the headmaster's face broke down completely.

We graduate students of Mordo University of technology, go to your supermarket as a cashier, and work as a carpenter and bricklayer for you?

At this time, the scene was in an uproar.

Obviously, many students below are also very excited.

"Do you think that we students of Mordor Polytechnic University have no way to live after graduation?"

"I would not have been admitted to Mordor Polytechnic University."

"Yes, I regret it."

Zhang Ming also saw the dissatisfied expression of the students and continued: "students, don't despise the work I offer you, do you know? How difficult it is to find a job now. Are we students of Mordor Polytechnic University recognized? Therefore, we should not be ambitious. Although our work is hard, we have a bright future. We can be a foreman with a monthly salary of more than 10000 yuan. "

The students collapsed completely.

It turns out that after four years of college, we are all a group of migrant workers.

Zhu's face was full of disappointment.

Originally, he hoped that these students would have a promising future to save the school, but now it seems that he really thinks too much.

It seems that Mordor Polytechnic University is really rubbish. There is not even a student who can take it.

At this time, his eyes suddenly fell on Ye Chen.

Yeah, there's a last hope.

Zhang Ming also wanted to continue to pretend to force, Zhu said angrily: "what are you still pretending to be? This is not a migrant workers' recruitment fair. Please go down for me."

At this time, president Zhu was about to invite Ye Chen, but he saw Ye Chen get up and go out.

Zhu's heart sank. Did ye Chen feel guilty and wanted to leave?

Zhang Ming also found that ye Chen got up and left and laughed: "see? This is the senior that you adore. It's even worse than me. At least I can provide jobs. He was scared away. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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