Yang Xiaozi saw Ye Chen, as if she saw her relatives. She even fell into Ye Chen's arms and cried.

"Ye Chen, they bully people, they are a group, they touch porcelain."

Ye Chen patted Yang Xiaozi's small head: "don't worry, there is me."

Yang Xiaozi felt at this time that she was really warm in Ye Chen's arms.

Although she is a big star, although she has millions of fans, but in fact, Yang Xiaozi is very lonely.

Many things, she can only rely on their own to carry, this feeling is very tired.

In the past, she had a brother who was acting and could talk to him about something.

Now my brother also has a girlfriend, so she is sorry to disturb others.

Ye Chen saw Yang Xiaozi's pathetic look: "well, is it necessary to cry about this matter?"

The old lady was pushed aside for a moment, then burst into tears.

"In this world, you can still be so reasonable when you bump into people. Do you think there are so unreasonable people?"

The man's face exposed fierce light, pointing to Ye Chen: "what do you mean, looking for death?"

With that, the man hit Ye Chen with his fist.

But ye Chen body a flash, and then a kick in the bald man's stomach.

The bald man fell to the ground.

The old lady was upset when she saw that the bald man had been kicked down.

"Let's see. They hit people instead of talking about them."

The faces of the old men and middle-aged women who were watching also changed.

"You young man, you beat people in the street."

"There is no royal law."

Ye Chen cold hum a: "you look good, is he hit me first, I call self-defense, and you several people sing a song and bump porcelain bully little girl do not want face?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, several people's faces changed.

The woman pointed to Ye Chen and said, "what are you talking nonsense about? Who touched the porcelain, you tell me clearly? I have video evidence here. "

Ye Chen coldly hums: "video evidence is good, the video that girl bumps into a person gives me to have a look, if have, we recognize."

"Well, I didn't have time to shoot it." The woman said in a flustered voice.

Yang Xiaozi also said in one side: "I am obviously helping her find medicine, not stealing at all."

"Well, medicine, who can prove that you are taking it?" The woman snorted coldly.

Yang Xiaozi was speechless.

Ye Chen blocked Yang Xiaozi behind him and said, "do you have any evidence to prove that it was a girl bumping into someone?"

The old man stood up and said, "I saw it with my own eyes."

Ye Chen nodded: "Oh, curious ah, there are so many people in the street, only you two saw the girl bumping into the old lady?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, some onlookers also whispered.

Some people even murmured: "in fact, I saw it just now. It was the old lady who fell down."

I heard a few people around.

Bareheaded vicious way: "boy, this matter has nothing to do with you, advise you not to wade in this muddy water."

Ye Chen cold hum a: "who said it doesn't matter, I am her friend, her thing is my thing, this matter I manage."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Yang Xiaozi is warm in her heart.

For the first time in so many years, she felt dependent.

And it's nice to have someone to rely on.

Ye Chen does not know, Yang Xiaozi at this time has a good feeling for him.

Several people on the opposite side listened to Ye Chen's words and frowned.

They all saw that this young man was much more difficult to deal with than that little girl.

The family who had just been ferocious began to feel a little flustered.

The woman whispered to the middle-aged man: "my husband, this boy doesn't seem to be easy to provoke."

"Shall we forget it?" The old lady got up from the ground and whispered.

"It took us such a long time to catch a big fish, so we can't bear it." The bald man whispered.

Although the voice of several people is very small, but ye Chen can hear clearly.

After a long time of fighting, this is a group coming out to meet porcelain.

The bareheaded man bit his teeth and said, "forget it, this little girl is lucky."

Several people had a discussion and were ready to leave.

Ye Chen cold hum a, just you several bully girl, want to go like this, how possible!

See a few people turn to want to slip, ye Chen suddenly opens mouth way: "you toss about for a long time not just for money? Make an offer. "

Originally a few people have been ready to go, Hear ye Chen's words in front of a bright, stopped the pace.

"I wipe, this boy should take the initiative to lose money?"

The bald man said: "calculate your boy's insight, you see this girl bumped my mother, there is not a thousand thousand can't go."

The old lady wailed at once."Oh, my waist. My leg seems to be broken."

People are speechless. When you just got up, you were very quick.

For these people, even the onlookers feel more and more suspicious.

The bald man snorted coldly: "originally your friend bumped into my mother and stole my mother's money. You should have sent it to the Public Security Bureau. If you have sincerity, you will not call the police and lose money."

Ye Chen impatient way: "how much money do you want, happy point, I am very busy."

The bald man saw Ye Chen's clothes, and his heart was happy. It seemed that this fish was a fat fish, and he had to kill him severely.

I'd like to make an error of 1000 yuan.

The bald man snorted coldly: "want to put this matter, how also have a number."

Ye Chen listened to nod: "I when how much money, is not a million?"

The scene was silent.

A million?

The man is more muddled, he expressed the meaning is only a thousand, how to become a million?

As soon as the words came out, even the onlookers were all stupid.

The bald man felt a little cramped when he heard a million.

My God, I'm so lucky today that I met a super rich fool.

The bald man quickly came back to his senses and nodded: "yes, a million, not a little less."

At this time, one side of Yang Xiaozi worried up: "Ye Chen, they are obviously touching porcelain, with what to give them money?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "don't worry, I have discretion."

Said, ye Chen to the bald man way: "brother to tell the truth, a million you want really a little more, your mother in the end hurt how?"

At this time, the old lady began a wonderful performance, humming up.

"My back hurts, my legs hurt, my butt hurts too."

At this time, people around can see that the old lady is just pretending.

Now people understand that the old lady is a porcelain touch.

Otherwise, he was still alive, and in the blink of an eye, he was ill again.

The old man came to the old lady and touched the old lady's leg in an affected manner.

"The leg is broken indeed. It is estimated that it will take a year and a half to lie down. A million yuan is already a very conscience price."

Ye Chen sneers at the poor performance of several people.

"Well, a million is a million, but one-time settlement, do not trouble us in the future." Ye Chen light way.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the scene exploded again.

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