A lot of people have seen that these people are touching porcelain.

And that touch is a million.

"Young man, how can you pay so much?"

"That's right. The old lady didn't do anything just now. Now she's obviously pretending."

"Young man, you can't call the police. Even if the court decides, you may not be able to pay for the money."

Ye Chen light way: "well, quick transfer, I still have something."

The bald man quickly took out his mobile phone and prepared to report the account number.

The woman on one side did frown.

She always feels something is wrong.

This young man is not a fool. How can he lose so much money at one go?

She grabbed the bald man and whispered, "husband, I feel that the boy has a problem. We can't take the money."

The man also frowned, a little suspicious.

It's true that it's been a great thing.

However, it was a million dollars, how could he not be moved!

At this time, one side of Yang Xiaozi quit.

"Why give them money? It's clear that these people are cheaters."

Ye Chen said: "these people are cheaters. We can't help it. People have video evidence. If you don't have a person's certificate, you'll have bad luck."

Yang Xiaozi sees Ye Chen and herself blinking, knowing that ye Chen is going to pack up several people and quickly cooperate with Ye Chen in acting.

Originally, Yang Xiaozi is an actor, so acting is naturally her specialty.

She took Ye Chen's hand and said shyly, "my husband, you are so nice. I'll meet an old woman who falls on the ground. I won't mind my own business any more."

Although it is acting, but her husband called out, Yang Xiaozi's pretty face is already red.

Fortunately, with a mask and sunglasses, ye Chen can't see it.

Ye Chen is also very cooperative. A spoiled one touches his head and laughs: "well, good, isn't it a million? It's like feeding the dog. "

The bald man saw this scene and felt that there was no flaw, so he still reported his account number.

Ye Chen directly hit the money to the man's account number, a million to the account man's face showed joy.

Although women still want to say something, but after all, a million, for them is indeed a huge sum of money.

The man looked happy when he saw the money.

People around him shook their heads in secret.

"This young man is too stupid."

"That's right. The more they look, the more they look like they're touching porcelain."

"I've just heard them talking. It's like a family?"

When the masses saw the four people beaming with joy, they knew that they were in a group.

Ye Chen sneered and said, "how about it? The money's in. "

The bald head nodded excitedly: "well, I have received the account."

Ye Chen said: "but if it is my girlfriend who bumped into the old lady, we can use it as medical expenses. However, if it is you who extort money, it is estimated that one million yuan will be sentenced to prison indefinitely."

The bald head listened to Ye Chen's words, stupefied for a moment, then sneered: "of course, it's your girlfriend who bumped into my mother. Do you have evidence to touch porcelain?"

Now that the bald man got the money, he wanted to get out early and go back to celebrate.

You should pay attention to the situation that ye Chen doesn't have a camera. In fact, you may not be able to watch the situation when you meet with the police

A few people turned pale.

When they touched the porcelain, they all looked at it. There was no camera around.

At this time, they noticed that the camera in the opposite supermarket was facing them.

Just a few people who were just proud of their faces suddenly changed.

The woman couldn't help but say, "it's all you are greedy for. I said you can't take the money. You have to. This time. If we go to prison, what should we do if we are to be sentenced to a life-long child? I'm trapped by you."

Hearing a woman call a man's husband, the scene was in an uproar.

"I wipe, so these people are really a family."

"It's porcelain bumpers. No way, they can't be let go."

"It's disgusting. I've already called the police. I must let the police arrest them."

"The young man, to give the other party a million, too hasty."

Listening to the people around, the bald man's face completely changed.

When a woman called her husband, everything was revealed.

At the moment, the woman has nothing to ignore, flop kneeling in front of Ye Chen.

"This little brother, we are wrong, we are touching porcelain, you spare us, one million, we will return to you immediately."

"Back up, you're crazy. It's a million dollars." At this time, the old man could not hold his anger.

The old woman on the ground at this time, her legs did not hurt, and she jumped up directly: "you stinky woman, let others frighten you and believe it. Why don't we give a million dollars for nothing?"At this time, it was completely exposed.

The woman was shaking with fear.

She has children in her family. What if they are in prison.

"We'll give you back the money, sir, and you'll spare us." Said the woman.

At this time, the bald man couldn't bear it and gave the woman a slap in the face.

"You stinky woman, our family has made a lot of money. You can't see me making money, do you?"

The woman couldn't help crying.

"I said," you can't do this kind of heartless thing. You have to come out and meet porcelain. A million dollars is a felony. What should we do if we go in? "

I have to say that this family, only this woman, knows something.

At this time, the crowd around also took a breath of cold air.

If it's 12000 yuan, it will come out after a few days' detention at most. It's a million yuan.

At this point, people understand why this little brother to give each other a million.

However, people feel that they are very angry, and the social practice of helping others is destroyed by them. Even if they are sentenced to life imprisonment, they suffer on their own.

"That's right. I don't know how many people have been trapped in this family. I feel that life sentence is light and should be shot directly."

"That's right. After we got old and fell down, there was no one to help us. It's all these people who hurt us. We deserve it."

"We can't let them go. We must call the police to arrest them."

At this time, all the people woke up.

At this time, the old man was also afraid and said, "young man, we will give you the money back. Let us go."

Ye Chen sneered and said, "do you want to stay on the line when you hurt people?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone nodded in succession.

Some time ago, an old woman fell down and died because no one dared to help her.

The reason for this is that there are too many people touching porcelain.

So, these people should be punished, and they deserve it.

At this time, not far away the sound of the siren, the police came.

The man's face turned ugly when he heard the siren.

The old lady's legs softened, and this time she fell to the ground.

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