When I heard the siren, all the people who touched the porcelain were stupid.

They have no chance to run.

They were surrounded by the masses.

At this time, the woman also paralyzed on the ground, sad sobbing.

At this time, all the onlookers shook their heads in secret.

"This young man is too cruel, one million, and the family is expected to be in prison for some time."

"I think this young man is doing the right thing. It's all these people who have brought bad social atmosphere, so they should be severely punished."

Listening to the voice of the surrounding discussion, Yang Xiaozi is also a long breath.

Thanks to Ye Chen, otherwise, I'm afraid it would not be so easy today.

It's the man in the face.

"It's all you. It's you. If you don't help my mother, will our family go to jail?"

Yang Xiaozi is speechless. This guy is so shameless.

It's clearly his fault, and now it's up to others.

But at this time, the man suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed at Yang Xiaozi.

Yang Xiaozi didn't expect that the bald man would suddenly do it by himself. It was too late to hide.

The sharp dagger is about to stab itself.

Yang Xiaozi closed her eyes.

"That's it. I'm dead today."

At such a close distance, the dagger stabbed me, I can't live.

But just then, a big hand came out from behind and caught the sharp dagger.

Later, ye Chen kicked out and kicked the bald head over.

Yang Xiaozi was stunned. He didn't expect Ye Chen to suddenly rescue himself.

When she saw Ye Chen's hand bleeding, her face changed slightly.

"Ye Chen, your hand."

"I'm fine! "Ye Chen shook his head.

"It's OK. Your hands are bleeding." Yang Xiaozi shed tears.

If it's not yourself, ye Chen won't get hurt.

At this moment, the police came.

The police soon arrested the swindlers.

A policeman came to Ye Chen and said, "Sir, please make a record with me."

At this time, Yang Xiaozi panicked.

To know that she is a sneak out, if the police do a record, it is bound to expose their identity.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "you can't really do anything bad, how so afraid of the police."

Yang Xiaozi pretty face a red: "no, this time I was sneaking out, I don't want to let the outside world know."

Ye Chen nodded and made a phone call.

Inside the police station, Zhou Su Su looks at Ye Chen and Yang Xiaozi.

"OK, I haven't seen you for a few days. I've become friends with big stars." Zhou Susu joked.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "isn't this accidental? By the way, you must keep this secret for us. "

Zhou Su Su Su said: "don't worry, no one else will know except me. Those people have been arrested several times. They are old men, but this time they are miserable. They will have a good meal in prison."

Ye Chen coldly hums: "this kind of person takes the social ethos to take bad, deserved."

Left the police station, Yang Xiaozi embarrassed way: "blame me bad, hurt your hand hurt."

Ye Chen faint smile: "it doesn't matter, I can't look at people stabbing you with a dagger."

Yang Xiaozi pretty face a red: "Ye Chen, I think you are more handsome than those male stars."

Ye Chen Leng for a moment: "I always feel so."


Come out of the Public Security Bureau.

Yang Xiaozi's stomach suddenly growled.

Ye Chen can't help laughing. The girl seems to be hungry.

"By the way, I'll take you to some delicious food." Ye Chen suddenly said.

"What's delicious?"

Ye Chen mysterious smile: "to you will know."

They came to a deep alley.

Two people walking in the sunset, Yang Xiaozi's hand gently touched Ye Chen's bandaged hand.

In her heart slightly some heartache, actually grasped the leaf Chen's hand.

Ye Chen Leng for a moment, the corner of the mouth slightly raised.

"You see, I used to go to primary school there." Ye Chen pointed to not far away and said.

Yang Xiaozi took a look: "you used to live here?"

"Well, our family used to be here, but later we moved out when the conditions were better."

After walking for about five minutes, they came to a resident downstairs.

Ye Chen pointed to a shed and said with a smile, "this is it."

"Wow, it's familiar again."

Yang Xiaozi was stunned for a moment and saw a humble rice noodle shop not far away.

As a big star, Yang Xiaozi usually goes to star hotels. Where has she eaten this kind of roadside shop.The shop is so shabby that even the tables and paint have been worn away.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "this shop, I have had it in primary school, rice noodles can be delicious."

Yang Xiaozi said, "well, I've only heard about it before. This is my first time to eat rice noodles."

Ye Chen smiles and says with a smile: "you taste it, certainly won't regret."

Two people into the shop, ye Chen said: "Wang Bo, there are seats in the small compartment."

"Have you been here for a long time

When she heard that she was mistaken for her girlfriend, she turned red.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "no, just ordinary friends."

Boss ha ha a smile: "you don't be shy, sit inside."

Ye Chen nodded and took Yang Xiaozi into the box.

"In fact, eating out is more atmosphere, but you are too much trouble, so you have to eat in the box."

Yang Xiaozi said with a smile: "I envy you so much that you can sit here and eat rice noodles. It's good to live an ordinary life."

Ye Chen said, "isn't it good to be a star? You can make money, you can have so many fans. "

Yang Xiaozi sighed: "ah, the pain of stars is not what you can think of."

After a while, there was a fragrant smell of rice flour outside.

Yang Xiaozi picked up her nose and smelled: "it's delicious."

Ye Chen smiles. "Yes, this small shop has been open for decades, and it has always been this taste. You will not regret it if you taste it."

At this time, the boss brought two bowls of steaming rice noodles.

Yang Xiaozi took a small spoon and took a sip of the soup.

"Wow, it's delicious."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "how, not lose to those five-star gourmet bar."

Yang Xiaozi nodded.

After eating a mouthful of rice noodles, Yang Xiaozi sighed: "Wow, it tastes good. It's better than what I eat in star hotels."

Ye Chen smile: "how, I did not cheat you."

Yang Xiaozi ate a large bowl of rice noodles and even drank up the soup.

After eating, Yang Xiaozi patted her tummy.

"Ye Chen, I hate you. I'm going to be fat again."

Yang Xiaozi smile: "by the way, after eating rice noodles, I will take you to a place!"

"Where?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Yang Xiaozi pretended to be mysterious: "you will know in a moment."

Looking at Yang Xiaozi's mysterious appearance, ye Chen faintly smiles: "OK."

After eating rice noodles, ye Chen drove the car and asked, "now you can say where you are going."

Yang Xiaozi smiles: "a place I like to go most."

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