Ye Chen follows Yang Xiaozi's guidance and comes to a bar.

The light here is very dim, Yang Xiaozi with sunglasses, it is difficult to be recognized.

Yang Xiaozi said with a smile: "I like to listen to songs here when I'm in a bad mood."

"Listen to the song?" Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

At this time, on the stage, several young people are playing the guitar.

They are singing a very popular song now.

In fact, this bar is a place for young people to relax.

The songs in the bar are very soft, giving people a very relaxed feeling.

Ye Chen and Yang Xiaozi come to a corner.

It's very quiet here, and it's hard to see what's going on inside.

Yang Xiaozi complacent way: "the environment here is good."

Ye Chen nodded: "well, the environment is really good."

Then ye Chen ordered juice and some small desserts, two people drink drinks, while eating snacks, feel really good.

On the stage, a woman in her thirties was playing the guitar.

"My love for you is as soft as moonlight."

"I miss you as soft as the wind."


Women sing very affectionate, obviously has been integrated into the feelings of music.

"Once missed, how can I retrieve it?"

"How can I erase the missing you brought to me?"


Yang Xiaozi said with a smile: "the singers here are all singing their own songs. How do you feel very good?"

Ye Chen nodded. "Well, the atmosphere is really good."

"The singer's name is sister Yuanyuan. She is the old lady of this bar. She is very nice. She has reserved this position for me."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

"So it is."

Ye Chen said: "sister Yuanyuan sings very well. I think if she becomes a singer, she can sing better than those popular singers."

Yang Xiaozi nodded her head and said, "sister Yuanyuan used to be a singer, and it was the kind of fire, but later she chose to retire when she was the most popular."

After Yuanyuan finished singing, she went to the stage, and then some guests sang on the stage.

Some of the songs sung by the guests are very pleasant to hear, and some of them are like crying and howling.

The audience booed wildly at the scene, and the man's face turned red.

Yang Xiaozi said with a smile: "Ye Chen, you also go up to sing a song."

Ye Chen said, "can't you bring me here just to listen to me sing?"

Yang Xiaozi said with a smile: "no, I just like here. Listening to other people's singing, I feel my heart will be very relaxed, not so tired."

With that, Yang Xiaozi looked at the young humanity singing on the stage.

"In fact, sometimes I really envy them and can be free. As a star, although many people envy them, they are really tired. Sometimes, I even feel that I can't breathe." Yang Xiaozi sighed.

"Every day I have endless announcements, endless movies and interviews. I'm really tired."

"I want to give up, but when I signed the contract, I signed the contract. Ah, now it belongs to selling oneself and has no freedom."

"So I'm here today. I really want to relax."

Ye Chen listened to Yang Xiaozi's words, very understanding.

He also heard Tong Xiaoya say, when the star sad.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "just a joke, have you ever sung here?"

"Me? No, I don't want to be on the news the next day. "

Ye Chen faint smile: "you wait for me for a while."

Later, ye Chen went out for a trip, and then came back.

He had a mask in his hand.

Ye Chen laughed and said, "you wait for me."

He found sister Yuanyuan and spoke to her.

Yuanyuan sister then stepped onto the stage: "everyone, we play a new game today, masked King singer."

Hearing Yuanyuan's words, everyone was stunned.

"Our singers all wear masks to sing on the stage. How about making everyone feel more mysterious?"

"Yes, it's a good idea."

"Ha ha, so that I can sing bad, I'm not afraid to be booed, anyway, no one knows me."

At once there was a cheer from the scene.

At first, several boys came on stage.

Sure enough, with the mask, many boys who dare not go to the stage also let go and sing on the stage.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "OK, it's time for you to perform on stage."

Yang Xiaozi nodded: "took a snow white mask and walked onto the stage."

"I'd like to bring you a song called" meet ". I hope you like it."

"To meet you is the luck of my life.""Meeting you is my most beautiful memory."

"Every drop of time, I want to exist in my heart."

"Every tender, I seem to hold it in the palm of my hand."


Yang Xiaozi's voice is very good. This song has a trace of sadness of separation.

Ye Chen finally understands that Yang Xiaozi will go back tomorrow.

And then it was the life of a big star.

Ye Chen hears from the song that Yang Xiaozi is reluctant to give up.

After a song was sung, there was thunderous applause.

"The beauty sings so well."

"It's a great song."

"Beauty, sing one more song."

Yang Xiaozi's eyes look at Ye Chen's sly smile: "below, please my friend's guest on the 28th to sing a song for you."

Everyone's eyes are looking at the direction of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen helplessly shakes his head, he knows, this wench certainly won't let him go.

He stood up and came to the stage. He took the microphone from Yang Xiaozi's hand and said, "thank you for meeting this beautiful woman. I'm very happy to meet you. The next song is the wind.".

Walking and stopping along the way

following the traces of juvenile drifting

the moment before stepping out of the station

there was some hesitation

Once I knew this world for the first time

wandering in all kinds of ways

looking at the horizon seems to be in front of me

I am willing to go through fire and water to walk through it again

now I walk through the world

I look at different sides of the world

I can't prevent breaking into your smile

Ye Chen has the divine level song skill, this song of previous life was sung by him incomparably beautiful.

Yang Xiaozi was completely shocked to hear ye Chen's song.

Isn't that exactly the words carved on the table?

Originally he thought it was Ye Chen's poem, but it was Ye Chen's song.

At this time, listening to Ye Chen's song, Yang Xiaozi felt a little obsessed.

I'm so handsome and rich. The most important thing is that I'm so talented.

Do you think this man was given to me by God's pity?


Ye Chen drives Yang Xiaozi back to the hotel.

Yang Xiaozi some do not give up: "tomorrow I will go back."

"Well, don't I still see you on TV in the future?"

"But I can't see you." Yang Xiaozi complained.

"Think I can call me."

Yang Xiaozi nodded: "by the way, don't you open didi? I'll give you a five-star compliment

"Ding, congratulations on the host's five-star high praise, activate the fourth praise star, and obtain the system reward and emotional favorability scoring system."

Ye Chen Leng for a moment, scoring system?

As the name suggests, you can know how well girls like themselves.

Take a look at Yang Xiaozi's emotional score for herself.

At this time, Yang Xiaozi's favor for ye Chen has soared to 85.

Ye Chen looks at this good feeling degree, some surprised.

It seems that this sister is really in love with himself. He knows that if the degree of affection reaches 90, it is the relationship between man and woman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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