The next day, ye Chen got up in the morning and received a call from Xiaomei.

"Dad ye, you haven't taken Xiaomei out for a long time."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "well, father ye is a little busy recently."

"Xiaomei miss her father."

At this time, Meng wanting's voice came over the phone.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, Xiaomei, the girl, took my phone and said to play games at first. I didn't expect to disturb you."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "it's OK. I haven't taken Xiaomei out for a long time."

Xiaomei in a side way: "Ye father, I want to go to antique street."

"To antique street?" Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Most children choose to play in the zoo or something?

Ye Chen said, "how do you think of going to antique street?"

Xiaomei said with a smile: "I watched a TV play, which is antique. I heard that you can buy a treasure worth tens of millions of yuan if you spend a few yuan there."

Ye Chen speechless: "that's all a lie on TV."

"But they want to go."

Ye Chen helpless way: "good, you want to go, ye father will take you."

Meng wanting in a side way: "Mr. Ye is really sorry, and give you trouble."

Ye Chen smile: "nothing, just today I have nothing to do."

Driving, ye Chen came to Xiaomei's door.

Seeing ye Chen, Xiaomei jumps directly into Ye Chen's arms.

"Father ye, it's very kind of you. My mother and I said for a long time that she refused to take me."

Ye Chen pet touched Xiaomei's cerebellar bag melon: "that's because your mother is busy."

Meng wanting embarrassed way: "you see how sorry Mr. Ye, and disturb you."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "no, it's just that I'm free."

Come to the antique street, Xiaomei is looking for treasure everywhere with a magnifying glass in her hand.

Looking at Xiaomei's lovely appearance, ye Chen is speechless.

In fact, most of them are fake goods. There are too few genuine ones.

Ye Chen is chatting with Meng wanting.

Xiaomei stood in place and didn't move at all. The woman played with her mobile phone and didn't see anyone in front of her.

As a result, the woman's fat body hit Xiaomei.

Xiaomei was hit by a bump.

A vase in the woman's hand fell to the ground with a bang and was smashed.

The woman saw the vase fall on the ground and caught Xiaomei directly.

"You stinky girl, give me the vase."

Meng wanting ran over in a hurry: "you are too unreasonable. It's clear that you hit the person. Why should our children compensate?"

"She hit me. I don't want to leave today without losing money."

Xiaomei also argued: "I stood there waiting for my parents to move. You hit me."

"Stinky girl, you dare to quibble."

No one thought that the fat woman directly slapped her hands and drew to Xiaomei.

Meng wanting didn't expect the woman to hit people directly. It was too late to stop her.

Xiaomei closed her eyes in surprise.

Seeing that the woman's hand is about to draw Xiaomei's face, she is stopped by a hand.

Ye Chen grabs the woman's hand and pushes hard.

The woman's fat body turned back seven or eight steps.

Ye Chen said coldly: "what thing says thing directly, beat a child also too shameless."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the woman looks cold.

"Who are you?"

Ye Chen said coldly, "I am the parent of the child."

"Good, your child broke my Ming Dynasty vase, how to compensate."

All the people in the Ming Dynasty took a breath of the vase.

You know, the Ming Dynasty vase, even if the quality is not good, but also more than a million ah.

Meng wanting snorted coldly: "do you explain that the Ming Dynasty is on behalf of you? Is there any evidence?"

The woman snorted coldly: "of course, there is evidence, but I have an identification certificate."

Ye Chen took a look at the vase fragments on the ground, squatted down and picked it up and looked at the corner of his mouth with a sneer.

Ye Chen can see at a glance that the vase is a modern forgery.

Ye Chen looked at the fat woman and said, "if this vase is from the Ming Dynasty, we can make compensation according to the price, but I'm worried that your antique shop is fake."

"What are you talking about?" The fat woman's face changed.

Ye Chen is right. Most of what they buy in this antique shop are fakes.

Xiaomei also poked out her head and said: "bad woman, what you sell in the shop is certainly fake. You are not a good man at a glance."

The fat woman snorted coldly: "today no matter how to say, do not lose money, you don't want to go."

Meng wanting said angrily: "by what, is the person you hit when you walk without looking at the road and playing with your mobile phone.""Hit me? Do you have any evidence? Tell me, did this little girl hit me? " The fat woman said to some doormen.

The guys are all employees of the store, of course, talking to the fat woman: "we all saw that it was this little child who hit our boss's wife."

"You are all bad guys. You lied. I didn't bump into it."

The fat woman complacently said, "I have so many witnesses. What else do you have to say? I will not mistake you. You can pay one million for this vase."

A million?

Hearing this number, Meng wanting's face changed.

People around him shook their heads.

"Well, the bear kids are really looking for trouble for their parents."

"The average family can't afford to pay for one million."

"Now it's all right. I'm sorry I broke the vase."

"You bully people, I stood clearly did not move, she hit me."

Ye Chen patted Xiaomei's little brain and said, "silly girl, there is a father in it. If you lose money, your father will pay you."

Meng wanting was moved.

After all, a million is not a decimal, and how can she let Ye Chen lose money.

"Ye Chen, I will try my best not to use you."

Ye Chen waved his hand: "this matter does not need you to manage, my daughter's matter I managed."

The fat woman said with pride: "no matter who you lose money, this money must be paid."

Ye Chen sneered: "we can pay for the money, but the price of the porcelain is a bit off the mark."

"How ridiculous, we can sell fake goods in such a big shop?"

The fat woman sneered, "can't you afford it? It doesn't matter. You can mortgage your house! "

Ye Chen said: "it doesn't matter. Although the porcelain has been broken into pieces, it can still be appraised by experts. It happens that I know the experts in this field. We will know the true and false by identifying them."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the fat woman's face suddenly changed.

This porcelain is fake. Once it is confirmed, the reputation of their shop will be bad.

People around saw the hesitation of the fat woman and said, "boss Hu, this porcelain can't really be fake."

"Didn't you say that you don't sell fake goods?"

After hearing the public's comments, the fat woman said: "the appraisal is the appraisal. What am I afraid of you to do?"

The fat woman said, "the broken china just came. I can't identify whether it's true or not. We have to change it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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