"Not only this drawing, but also a building team," Wei said with a smile

"What? "The construction team?" Lu Dong was stunned.

Wei Lao nodded: "they all come from the Department of architecture of StarStar University."

"Department of architecture, StarStar university?" Lu Dong was stunned.

"They are still a group of college students?" Asked Lu Dong in doubt.

Wei Lao nodded: "don't look down on these college students. This is what they did at Star University."

Hearing Wei Lao's words, Lu Dong's face also showed a startling expression.

"Star University, and star University, what kind of school is this?"

The next day, ye Chen came to the film field in the morning.

The shooting of Crouching Tiger and hidden dragon continues.

The play has been close to the end after half a month of shooting.

is mainly a director of Ye Chen's divine class, plus awesome actors. The progress of shooting is very fast.

Finally, it is the special effect production.

Ye Chen still handed the job to the students of StarStar University.

Xu Chen is a student of film and television design major of star University.

He liked film and television since childhood, and he liked special effects more.

But when he went to school, he watched movies, made special effects software, and parents and teachers said he was not working.

Even if he failed in an exam, his father was angry and smashed all his computers.

Later, his score did not take even a college entrance examination.

My father had already contacted him and asked him to be a waiter in uncle Er's hotel.

If the trajectory of life continues to develop like this, Xu Chen is already serving dishes in the hotel.

Fortunately, he was admitted to stardom University in the end.

He entered the star University, and he was in the world of film and television design.

It is also continuously studying the film and television effects, animation effects, and become the monitor of the film and television design.

Under his leadership, their animation work "playing a big winter melon" even won the first prize of the viny Film Festival.

When ye Chen handed over the design of Crouching Tiger and hidden dragon to Xu Chen's team, Xu Chen was very excited.

Because he saw the film, he felt that the film will usher in a new era of Chinese martial arts film.

Ye Chen gave Xu Chen the design of Crouching Tiger and hidden dragon to Xu Chen and left the school.

Su Wanyi attended an International Business Festival and went back to Madu by plane today.

On the plane, Su Wanyi's mind is full of Ye Chen.

Unconsciously, she found herself a little inseparable from the leaves Chen.

At this time, on the same flight, there is also a blond man.

He sat next to Su Wanyi, but the golden eyes were staring at Su Wanyi.

From the first sight of Su Wanyi, he saw the Oriental beauty.

The man is Robin, from country M. he is sent to China by the head office this time. He has resume barley Fund China branch.

Barley fund is the top 10 fund company in M country, covering all over the world.

But China is a blank.

This time, Robin took the initiative to take the initiative, in addition to the desire to make contributions, there is an important reason, is Su Wanyi.

At the M Business Festival, Robin was attracted by her face when he saw Su Wanyi at the first glance.

This Oriental beauty, smile and smile like a goddess.

From that moment on Robin has made up his mind to pursue the beauty of China.

As president of barley group, he has an annual salary of tens of millions, and he is in charge of more than one billion funds.

Now he is proud of his life, so it is easy for him to pursue this Oriental beauty.

In country m, Robin pursued Su Wanyi, but he refused to.

Su Wanyi told Robin that he had a boyfriend.

Even Su Wanyi told Robin that he loved his boyfriend so that he would not entangle himself any more.

But Robin didn't care at all. In his eyes, the world was not worth it.

Moreover, Su Wanyi's boyfriend is just a Chinese.

How can Chinese qualify for women with him.

As president of barley group, he has always felt good about himself and thinks he is superior to others.

He felt that the woman he liked couldn't catch up with at all.

As for the Oriental boyfriend, give some money and send it.

In his eyes, Su Wanyi is an Oriental Goddess, and he must get it.

Their boss, married an oriental woman, if they return home, also bring an oriental beauty back, must have a face.

Robin looked at Su Wanyi beside him: "Miss Wanyi, when I go to China, you should take good care of me."

Su Wanyi's attitude is very cold: "if you are a little help, I can help."Robin laughs and starts his forced mode.

"This time, the company attaches great importance to me, and our first step plan is to rent a floor in the financial building of Mordor."

After that, Robin looks at Su Wanyi intentionally.

Originally, he hoped to see a shocked expression on Su Wanyi's face.

However, to his disappointment, Su Wanyi's expression was very plain, and there was not a trace of waves on her face.

"This time, we are going to build up our business empire in China, Miss Su. If your company cooperates with us, I believe you can double your annual profit."

Su Wanyi is disgusted by the other party's pretending to be forced. She just smiles politely.

But Robin didn't care.

When I get to China and make a big show in the business world, even if you are a goddess, you should bow to me.

As for the Chinese boy friend, how could he have a chance to compare with me.

Thinking of Su Wanyi throwing her boyfriend away and throwing herself into his arms, Robin's face showed a proud smile.

When the plane lands, Robin walks up to Su Wanyi.

"Wanyi, you told me that you have a boyfriend, but I can tell you that your boyfriend is rubbish compared with me."

Robin said with a confident face: "no matter who he is? No matter what he does, I will prove to you that I am better than him, and that you choose me is the right choice. " Looking at Robin's narcissistic appearance, Su Wanyi is speechless.

But she was also worried.

After all, Robin is also very energetic. He is worried that Robin will bring trouble to Ye Chen by using his own strength to suppress Ye Chen in China.

Ye Chen is driving a Jili car, waiting for Su Wanyi at the door.

Thinking of seeing Su Wanyi immediately, ye Chen's mouth also shows a smile.

At this time, ye Chen's mobile phone rings.

"Husband, I'm going to get off the plane soon, mamda."

"I'm here to wait for you."

At this time, one side of Robin ate a mouthful of dog food.

He can't wait to see Su Wanyi's boyfriend.

Robin wants to let Su Wanyi's Huaxia boyfriend know the gap between the two sides, even if he wants to crush each other at the first meeting and give him a bully.

Thinking of this scene, Robin's mouth raised a smile of evil charm.

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