Robin, surrounded by several assistants, came out of the VIP aisle.

VIP channel, can walk are star business elite, representing identity and status.

Robin was in the VIP aisle and was very angry.

It's like super force God.

At this time, a luxury extension Lincoln stopped at the airport door.

You know, this car is a special vehicle for leaders in many countries.

Looking at Lincoln, Robin looked at Su Wanyi behind him with a proud face.

"This car is a small luxury office, meeting table, entertainment equipment, and even I can open a meeting in it, which is worth 20 million. The company has provided it to me."

He wanted to see the shock, envy and even worship expression on Su Wanyi's face.

But Su Wanyi did not look at his car at all, but looked at the crowd.

Soon she found Ye Chen and ran over excitedly.

See Su Wanyi one head to tie into Ye Chen's bosom.

"My husband wants to die of me."

Robin: "I am not sure what I am doing."

But he saw Ye Chen driving the car, and a little bit of irony flashed in his eyes.

This car, it seems to be a domestic car, and the grade seems very low.

"What is this car?" Robin asked a Chinese employee.

"That is Gilead, a very resistant car in China, worth 100000."


Robin listened to a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Robin's Lincoln car has surrounded a lot of people.

"I wipe it. It's a good car."

"I've seen it on TV, as if it was a leader of a country in this car."

"It must be a big man."

Robin is proud, Chinese, you tremble in front of the king.

Su Wanyi entered Ye Chen's bosom and said, "husband, I miss you very much."

"I miss you too. Let's go."

Two people just left, and Robin was in front of them.

Robin said proudly: "are you su Wanyi's boyfriend?"

Unfortunately, Robin wants to speak Chinese, but he speaks Chinese well.

Ye Chen sees each other to force the full, then knows is another forced king.

And this force king is still the airborne foreign forced king.

Especially looking at each other to see Su Wanyi's eyes, ye Chen understood a general.

Ah, beautiful women are the disaster.

Su Wanyi's temperament is really wonderful, wherever he goes, it is the focus of men's attention.

So it's normal to attract men.

If it is other men, I'm afraid there will be pressure, but ye Chen will not have pressure naturally.

Someone dare to hit his woman's mind, directly face.

In fact, many men worry about their women being watched by others.

That's enough of his strength.

When you have enough strength, you won't have such concerns.

After all, there are few beautiful women in the world, so since you have it, you should have the strength to guard her.

You don't have that strength, and don't blame women for splitting their legs. This world is just so realistic.

So you have to be strong to get the chance to have beautiful women.

For example, ye Chen, the woman beside him is a beautiful woman, but he has no pressure.

Who dares to move his woman's mind with the system.

And Laozi pretend to force, you can only force the king at best, ye Chen's strength has been forced God is good.

Although you are a foreign force king, you will be crushed here as well.

Robin said coldly: "you drive 100000 cars, want to pursue Su Wanyi, do you feel you deserve it? So leave her with insight. "

In Robin's eyes, ye Chen is a slag, so he can roll it directly.

Su Wanyi was not happy to say, "Robin, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Ye Chen is my boyfriend, and can't get your words three or four."

Ye Chen smiled and patted Su Wanyi on the shoulder and gave him a sign to handle it.

"What is the reason why you let me leave Wanyi?" Ye Chen's expression is plain and water, not like ordinary people are offended and angry.

Robin smiled softly: "does the reason need reason? Because your strength is too junk. "

He said, pointing his hand at the car, cold and cold: "see my car? 20 million, and it's dollars. "

Ye Chen saw Robin pointing to the car almost did not laugh.

Originally thought that foreign forced king to pretend to be able to pretend level, and the Chinese forced Wang, there was no level.

Robin was still proud.

"I am the president of China branch of barley group. You know the gap between you and me now, right? What are you doing?"

Ye Chen pointed to his car and said, "I am, I am runningRobinson was stunned for a moment. In his Chinese vocabulary, it seems that there is no Didi.

On one side, a Chinese employee explained to him in a hurry.

Robin realized.

At this time, his eyes were full of shock.

God, Su Wanyi is such an Oriental Goddess. How can a boyfriend be a talker.

At this time, those assistants are also arrogant laugh.

In their country, the taxi drivers are the lower class.

Robin was even more forced to resist the impulse to laugh out: "Wanyi, seeing that you love your boyfriend so much, I thought he was so excellent, but I didn't expect that it was such rubbish. How can a man like Wanyi be worthy of you?"

Su Wanyi was going mad.

The foreign man is sick.

What kind of man you are looking for has nothing to do with you.

The most important thing is that he even laughed at Ye Chen, which she could not bear.

But ye Chen stopped her.

"Well, we don't have to be angry about this kind of brain damage."

Robin banger opened the door: "my goddess, this should be your car, that Jili is not worthy of you."

In his eyes, ye Chen has no qualification to compete with himself.

As long as it is a woman, they will choose to be with themselves.

At this time, the people around me can see what's going on.

"I wipe, that foreigner wants to rob that little brother Didi's girlfriend."

"It's too bullying. How can foreigners take away our beautiful women in China?"

"Little brother, I guess my girlfriend will run away with a foreign man."

"Ah, no way to decide."

Some green tea women also said, "now it's all international. Look at that man, but the president of a large group. How can I compare that little brother didi?"

"If it was me, I would choose a foreign handsome guy."

"That's right. You can see that foreign handsome guy is more gentlemanly than that didi boy. I don't know how much better."

The men of China are very heartbreaking when they hear these scum women's words.

Ah, it seems that we must work hard. You see how miserable the little brother didi was. He finally found a beautiful woman, but he was pried away by others.

Su Wanyi sneered. In the eyes of Robin and others, she turns around and gets on Ye Chen's car directly.

The door closed, leaving a confused face of Robin.

He still kept a very gentlemanly bow, but it was the tail gas after eating his face.

Robin's face stiffened as he looked at the passing car.

Su Wanyi turned him down and chose a garbage didi brother. How could this be possible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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